Taking steroids at 18 years old


New member
Hi everyone I have been viewing this website for a couple months now and have decided to make an account and post for your guys assistance. Anyways, as the title says I am 18 and want to take steroids.I want to one day be a competitive bodybuilder and win shows, I also like the look of enhanced bodybuilders way more than natural. I know you guys are going to tell me not to but am I going to go ahead and will take them and wanted to get your guys intake if at all possible. Currently I am 5'11 185lbs at 11%bf. After looking at others cycles I am thinking of starting at 400-500mgs of test (prop cyp or e) a week and see how I respond to it (incase I have an alergic reaction to the ester.) which do you think would be best for me? (i was thinking e due to less injections) .From what i have found 400mgs a week can give me significant results, also from what i have read 400mgs is high enough where i should take an AI, so should i just take arimidex or do you recommend other AI's? Also for the HCG I read about people using it during the entire cycle while others use it at the end and 10 days before a pct and everything in between(so what would you guys do?) . Since I am 18 and still wanting to and needing to learn, any response is appeciated. I am going to get a bloodtest in the next couple of weeks to see where all my levels are especially for free T and such, anyways, thanks alot guys. I am first year university and work in the summers so i have enough money to afford the AI, HCG, PCT and wont cheap out with cost. If you guys want more information about me I am happy to provide :) .
Read thru the beginner cycle stickys

Check out the ology faq's thread on info using gear at your age
At your age you are primed to make great gains from diet and training alone. I'd suggest you go as far as you can with those, and see if you have the right genetics before you decide to destroy your health chasing a dream. If you don't have the right genetics you'll be done before you even start.
I think you should research Endocrinology and low testosterone. How brain function and development is associated with testosterone and estrogen as well as the multitude of other things made from test.

Research bone development and health under hormonal conditions. Growth plates and when men are done growing.

You are doing steroids in puberty.

You have no idea about the long term. If you're not gaining at 18 it's your diet or training and roids don't fix that.

500mg test
HCG whole cycle till PCT

PCT is Nolva Clomid and timed based on the ester used.
Pre cycle labs a must

Research TRT. It's hard to get under insurance and cost a good amount to pay out of pocket.

Bad idea regardless of your goals.

Please don't. Train hard and keep posting here. Use your gear money to pay 3J for diet advice and at about 25 hit a cycle and post here.
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youre 18.. put in the work naturally, your test levels are high.. when you get to 25 then consider a cycle.. dont make the mistake of cycling this young
How long have you been training and eating hard? I'll bet if you eat......and workout every day.....you will make gains. If making gains without gear then why not keep making them? If you can't make gains right now without the gear then it's most likely not gonna help you. You should be able to gain right now. Hit up 3j on here about dieting and training naturally. Give it 5 or 6 years then decide if ya wanna take the plunge. Don't gamble your natural test right now for a dream that doesn't require it yet. Plenty of time for gear and pro stage later, if that's really what you want.
Good luck bro
Do you guys think that one 10-12 week cycle would shut down natural test and stop me from growing. I know estrogen can lock growth plates in place and stop them from growing, however if i control Estrogen with an AI will i not experience that. Also will one cycle not cause many problems down the road especially if my pct is 150 mgs of clomid for 2 weeks than 3 weeks of 100mgs? Thanks to all you guys.. really appreciate the response
Ive trained since about 15 but got serious about a year ago.. and a good amount of guys at the gym here are on it and suprisingly some even look worse than me(i never would have known they were on it if they didnt tell me). Its hard to eat since it cafeteria food for 3 meals a day but I try to eat around 3250-3500 calories a day with about 150g of protein.
I have a 10 inch drop for my suits IDK if that is good and everyone tells me that im big but i think its just because they are comparing me to guys that dont lift? My arms are 15.5in flexed unpumped. It seems like kind of shitty stats to me because I can only think of what i look like now vs what i want to look like and the difference is huge.. haha
Ive trained since about 15 but got serious about a year ago.. and a good amount of guys at the gym here are on it and suprisingly some even look worse than me(i never would have known they were on it if they didnt tell me). Its hard to eat since it cafeteria food for 3 meals a day but I try to eat around 3250-3500 calories a day with about 150g of protein.
3500 calories with 150g protein???

so how high is your carb and fat count?
^^^^listen to 3j on diet stuff......diet is what you need. Training hard for one year and 18 years old? Trust me bro, you will gain if you lift hard and eat. To answer your question ABSOLUTELY one cycle of 10 to 12 weeks will shut you down really hard. Can you bounce back is the question.......maybe? Probably? Either way is that worth all the risk? You said it yourself...you know guys that are juicing and aren't in as good shape as you are clean. What does that tell you? There is way more to this than needles and pills and blood tests. The diet is where the magic happens. Otherwise you swell up on cycle and shrink back down after. Do a search......90% of what you read on real world experiences suggest ALL your gains go away when you stop steroids
Go to" natty or not" and do some reading. Their view of steroids is based on common experiences. These common experiences are because very very few people know about diet and if they do, the have a really tough time executing.
Most likely, if you stay clean and lift hard with a perfect diet, you will gain natural muscle for nearly 5 years. It'll be slow after the first couple years bit it will still happen. When it stops, in 5 years, make a decision in if you think hormones are a worthwhile gamble for you.
There is no doubt at 18 years old, cycling is Russian roulette with your natural production.....AND gambling with your dick. What if you come off cycle and can't get it up for a few months or more. Look it up.....this happens all the time. IT IS NOT WORTH IT my young brother. Lift and eat. Pick 3js brain for tips.
Good luck on whatever you decide

And just to answer your question about cycling stopping you from growing. Stature isn't the only growing you're doing right now. Connections are being made for further brain development. This is the bigger concern. I would not worry that roids will make you stop growing taller.....id worry that it will keep you from becoming the person you will become. That it will provide a big challenge for your development. Sorry man. I know what you want to hear. I'll shut up now. But please don't go down this road now. Even if you want to be the next Mr Olympia there is plenty of time later
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100g of carbs and 100g of fat.. unfortunately its really hard to eat healthy since our cafeteria only offers deep fried food and shit although i get grilled chicken once a day. when i go home for the summer i want run a 20/30/20 do you think that is a good idea or what would you reccomend?
I think i am done with puberty like I havent grown since i was 16 and my shoe sizes have stayed the same

there is no way you can posibly know that you have stopped growing. your brain is part of that growth so your IQ will go down the drain along with your height, and all other body developments.
you just want us to say thats its ok to cycle at 18 years of age and noone here will agree to that.
Hi everyone I have been viewing this website for a couple months now and have decided to make an account and post for your guys assistance. Anyways, as the title says I am 18 and want to take steroids.I want to one day be a competitive bodybuilder and win shows, I also like the look of enhanced bodybuilders way more than natural. I know you guys are going to tell me not to but am I going to go ahead and will take them and wanted to get your guys intake if at all possible.

I remember being 18 and doing whatever the f**k i wanted, so i wont lecture you, other people have tried already and you should listen to them...
But since we all know you wont...do yourself a favor...and at least research what the hell you're getting into... Not only cycles and diet... Do ALL the research... You will be doing this for life with your attitude so please, research and educate yourself before starting your journey...
Take myceliums advice and also do some research into what it means to be a TRT patient for life...

At least have the brains to consider harm reduction and try to come up with a 10 year plan for bodybuilding that wont kill you in 5 years... :)

My personal advice ? use the money intended for gear and spend it on 3J and dieting school and blood works, maybe even hire a PT... Do your research and re-evaluate your decisions/cycle in 6 months.
You want to be a pro bodybuilder ? Then you have to realize its a marathon and not a sprint...
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Do you guys think that one 10-12 week cycle would shut down natural test and stop me from growing. I know estrogen can lock growth plates in place and stop them from growing, however if i control Estrogen with an AI will i not experience that. Also will one cycle not cause many problems down the road especially if my pct is 150 mgs of clomid for 2 weeks than 3 weeks of 100mgs? Thanks to all you guys.. really appreciate the response

This post is a perfect example of how you have no idea what your doing. Not even a little.
Im a firm believer that everyone has the right to choose their own path in life but at least be smart about it...
You have people with decades of knowledge telling you how wrong you are and you still think you know better...

Do whatever you want...but please dude...dont kill yourself in the process... Get a solid plan ffs...
what if i am willing to be on trt for the rest of my life? however long that will be.. since i am willing to pay the ultimate price to be an IFBB pro if i have to
Hi everyone I have been viewing this website for a couple months now and have decided to make an account and post for your guys assistance. Anyways, as the title says I am 18 and want to take steroids.I want to one day be a competitive bodybuilder and win shows, I also like the look of enhanced bodybuilders way more than natural. I know you guys are going to tell me not to but am I going to go ahead and will take them and wanted to get your guys intake if at all possible. Currently I am 5'11 185lbs at 11%bf. After looking at others cycles I am thinking of starting at 400-500mgs of test (prop cyp or e) a week and see how I respond to it (incase I have an alergic reaction to the ester.) which do you think would be best for me? (i was thinking e due to less injections) .From what i have found 400mgs a week can give me significant results, also from what i have read 400mgs is high enough where i should take an AI, so should i just take arimidex or do you recommend other AI's? Also for the HCG I read about people using it during the entire cycle while others use it at the end and 10 days before a pct and everything in between(so what would you guys do?) . Since I am 18 and still wanting to and needing to learn, any response is appeciated. I am going to get a bloodtest in the next couple of weeks to see where all my levels are especially for free T and such, anyways, thanks alot guys. I am first year university and work in the summers so i have enough money to afford the AI, HCG, PCT and wont cheap out with cost. If you guys want more information about me I am happy to provide :) .

5'11 and 185lbs at 11%bf o_O Do you have a photo? bro
what if i am willing to be on trt for the rest of my life? however long that will be.. since i am willing to pay the ultimate price to be an IFBB pro if i have to

At 18 years old you have no concept of the costs you might have to pay - from not being able to have kids to having a dick that doesn't work, to a whole host of heath problems like liver, kidney, heart, etc. None of those issues would even register on you because you haven't had that life experience, and your brain is not wired to think about long term consequences. Long term for you is 3 months, for us old guys it is decades.

And, don't dismiss the comment I made on genetics. You could become huge and look like shit if you don't have that particular god's gift. You could become like the masses of also rans, cannon fodder in the competitions.

If IFBB pro is really your goal you will get farther and do better if you build up a solid natural base into your late 20's, then go the PED route.