taking too many dumps in a day

sorry if this is gross but, i'm having issues gaining so trying to figure out what's going on. i pretty much have to take a dump immediately after every meal is it possible that my body doesn't have enough time to absorb the nutrients or whatever if i'm going to the bathroom that fast? or does it not matter? i probably go 3 or 4 times a day. stopped here

you realise you have 27+ feet of intestines in you right? And wound up? and regardless if you are absorbiing your food or not it would take ATLEAST half a day to go through you (solids) youi ARE NOT poopign out the food from the meal before IS NOT happening, unless you are shooting like a garden hose out the ass.
also I go 2-4 times a day and gained 40lb over last 5yrs***8230; so its not that.
its one of 2 (maybe 3) things:

1) thyroid (yours might be messed up, did you ever get it checked?) go to doc get blood work and get it checked!
2) if its not that then sorry buddy its your training and diet. you can bulk fine with 4-6 meals a day, just add the right foods (calorie dense, google it) then snack a couple times ( have a protein drink)

3) YOUR TRAINING! do you work out every day? 5 days a week? do you work out the same muscle group more then 1-2 times a week? do you do more reps then 6-8 reps per set? do you go more then 2 days in a row working out? if you said yes to ANY of the above, thats some of your issues.

good luck man
I did have my thyroid levels checked recently and my TSH was slightly high a 4.58 and actually if you have a high TSH that means you have trouble losing weight and if you have a low TSH you have trouble gaining weight and I'm not having issues losing weight. I got put on vit. d shots a few weeks ago since my vit. d was really out of range low.

For my diet I was working with 3J so unless you say he doesn't know what he's doing then I doubt it's the diet. I weigh all my foods and eat on schedule from morning to night and get all my food from whole foods.

I go to the gym 5 days a week before this I was doing p90x then people told me on here to forget p90x and go to the gym so i just started that early in August. I do resistance training on mon wed fri and light cardio (walking on a treadmill, no running) on tues/thurs. The guy that works at the gym is kind of my physical trainer now (i say kind of because he's just helping me out and not charging me he gives me a plan and i do it on my own then i come back to him when it's time to regroup and change it up). Right now I'm doing the same exercises in high reps low weight mon/wed/fri i asked him about this and about doing max of 6 reps for strength gaining (because I'm aware of that) and also asked him how come we're not isolating muscle groups once a week like mon- chest / back, wed - shoulder/arms, friday - legs etc. he said we're going to get to that next week, he said we were doing it like that to start because we're working on strengthening my tendons.

I've been getting impatient and ready to hit it hard so that's the reason i asked him because I know the right way it's supposed to be done etc. and was getting concerned and so when he told me that I felt like he could be right so just stuck with it but, soon we're going to switch it up so we're going to be working on strength soon. If for some reason I'm not satisfied with his advise then I will find another trainer to work with, just giving him a chance because he's not charging me, he's just happy that I'm determined and that I keep coming there, I don't miss any days and he says as long as I keep coming he'll keep helping me. He also wants to work on my diet once we get to that level but, since I'm already working with 3J, I'll see what he recommends if I don't feel confident in his advise then I won't take it.

also from doing p90x for months, i have seen some results like my muscles are becoming more defined and i'm seeing muscles in my back and arms that i have not seen before it's just that once i got to a certain point it seems like i haven't been able to get past it, and gaining weight has been a huge issue. I guess I'll see what happens in another month or so after I've started the strength training and have the proper program setup, I guess I was expecting too much from the diet because there's all these facts thrown around here like 85% is diet so when I'm eating as much as I am I guess I raised my expectations and figured I should be putting on weight from the food. That's what I've mostly gathered from here, all that is mostly ever talked about here is diet. So, I'll see what happens after my training is on point.

you realise you have 27+ feet of intestines in you right? And wound up? and regardless if you are absorbiing your food or not it would take ATLEAST half a day to go through you (solids) youi ARE NOT poopign out the food from the meal before IS NOT happening, unless you are shooting like a garden hose out the ass.
also I go 2-4 times a day and gained 40lb over last 5yrs***8230; so its not that.
its one of 2 (maybe 3) things:

1) thyroid (yours might be messed up, did you ever get it checked?) go to doc get blood work and get it checked!
2) if its not that then sorry buddy its your training and diet. you can bulk fine with 4-6 meals a day, just add the right foods (calorie dense, google it) then snack a couple times ( have a protein drink)

3) YOUR TRAINING! do you work out every day? 5 days a week? do you work out the same muscle group more then 1-2 times a week? do you do more reps then 6-8 reps per set? do you go more then 2 days in a row working out? if you said yes to ANY of the above, thats some of your issues.

good luck man
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i just got that orange colon cleanse thing, how much are you supposed to take? it says for fiber you're supposed to do 1 tablespoon per 8 oz water but, doesn't say anything about how much to do for a colon cleanse, is it the same thing 1 tablespoon? and do you just do it once a day but, for 3 days in a row like you said?

yes the 1st one bro. awesome & cheap. dont ask the dr for prescription stuff because that stuff is meant for old folks who cant move shit thru them on their own . trust me this stuff is good. but dont do as the bottle says to take everyday til u finish it. do it for 3 days in a row. eat lots of veggies while u r doing it. drink fresh squeezed lemon juice while u are at it as well. it helps cleanse the liver.
I'm taking a shit right now reading this thread on my iPhone, the shitter is the best place were I get my research..lol
maybe you developed IBS or have a reaction to something you eat that triggers it.

that's what the dr. at the clinic said that it could be IBS but, i have to go see a gastro specialist going to call next week and see how much this is going to cost. i don't think it's the type of foods since i've changed my diet a few times and no matter what i eat it happens. it does seem to be less of an issue after meal 3 or so but, by meal 2 i've might have taken 3 dumps already. i don't notice it much in the evenings but, it definately seems like something is not right
once you start taking that colon cleanse stuff how do you know it's working? i had one glass last night and i had thought that i would have to end up having to diarhea or something and have all that stuff come out i even saw an amazon review say they recommend not going to work the next day so i cancelled all my plans on monday but, besides the usual dumps nothing out of the ordinary has happened, so i took another glass after meal 1 and haven't had to use the bathroom since and right now after meal 2 i'm drinking another glass of it. i'm putting 1 tablespoon in a glass of water, is it going to take a day or two for it to go through my intestines or something? am i drinking too much?

if u have never done a colon cleanse then it could be that you have too much shit stuck on the walls of your intestines which will keep u from absorbing nutrients. so if i were u i would buy a cheap one. the only ingredient should be psyllium husks. it should look like saw dust. i did this when i was at my biggest (i was also shitting like 3-5x a day) and what came out looked nothing like shit. more like something you'd find in a swamp! haha. after that, i was growing like a weed, i was shitting 2-3x a day or less. i know it was because i was absorbing more nutrients. oh and if youre main protein source is beef i would change it to chicken or fish. meat is just so damn hard to digest. keep it to a few x a weeek