My 3rd cycle is coming to a close of Epistane and Furazadrol and as the last 2 I really am incredibly happy with the results. One thing, especially concerning Epistane supposed anti-e characteristics and in fact all Pro-hormones has always puzzled me so I figured I would ask.
Has anyone ever tapered off of them, perhaps adding 1 additional week at half dose versus cold stopping and jumping straight to post cycle therapy (pct)? Or perhaps tapering the cycle down AND tapering the PCT cycle up during that last week?
Especially if Epistane indeed does have some anti-e characteristics it seems that this would assist in keeping gains. Even without Epistane it just seems that I don't hear or see many people doing this kind of thing and so I assume it has been thought of and shot down. Anyone have any good information or personal information on why that is?
Thanks as always guys. Though this is my first post I have lurked for a damn long time and it's a pleasure to find others knowledgeable in this kind of thing and eager to pass the data on.
Has anyone ever tapered off of them, perhaps adding 1 additional week at half dose versus cold stopping and jumping straight to post cycle therapy (pct)? Or perhaps tapering the cycle down AND tapering the PCT cycle up during that last week?
Especially if Epistane indeed does have some anti-e characteristics it seems that this would assist in keeping gains. Even without Epistane it just seems that I don't hear or see many people doing this kind of thing and so I assume it has been thought of and shot down. Anyone have any good information or personal information on why that is?
Thanks as always guys. Though this is my first post I have lurked for a damn long time and it's a pleasure to find others knowledgeable in this kind of thing and eager to pass the data on.