Tennis elbow-tight 4arms:(:(


New member
I have tennis elbow and my right 4arm hurts like hell!!!
Doing Jiu-Jitsu so I stretch & that does not help anyone offer suggestions???
As the back of my right 4arm hurts when I go heavy on back & Bi's!
Tennis Elbow

You May Have What Is Called Medial Or Lateral Epicondolitis, Which Is A Nasty Inflamation Of The Tendon Either Inside Or Outside The Elbow. Treat With Ibuprofen 200-400mg A Day And Ice 20 Minutes After Exercise. Lay Off The Bicep Curls For A Week Or Two. I Know It Sucks.... However, I Have Had Great Success With Patients Using Theraband Tubing For Bicep Curls To Pump Blood In The Area. The Tubing Allows Constant Tension Without The Heavy Unloading Of Bicep Curls With Dunmbells Or Barbells. Sissy Exercise, But Great For Rehabing Your Arm.
Here is a picture of my forarm where I point to my area of pain!
Could this have been caused by too much stretching??
I always did forarms from playing A ball for 20 years!
Can't do wrist Curls there junior!! Feels like I have 80 fucking people pulling on that wrist muscle,hurts to make a fist to slap even the most adleminded chap:)
Maybe doing abs will help?? Cheers
Well hate to say. I have golfers elbow that is just on the inside of the elbow, i worked thru the pain got my shots of cortizone 3 to be exact and then the pain just got worse and worse. I did not listen to the Dr. who said rest rest rest and let it heal. Now I have a category 3 tear in the ligament and surgery is the only option. One that I will not take. I live with the pain and I have to limit my work out to certain exercises.

I would tell you to rehab your elbow and stretch and rest. I wish I would have done the same.
If you have tennis elbow the only thing you can do is take time off - I worked through mine and it was a bitch. My suggestions if you plan on trying to work through it - Make sure to apply some icy hot before working out and they have a band to go around the top of the forearm, it will help get more circulation going through there.

Best of luck as i know how you feel
hey parrish, go visit a acuapuncturist...he/she may help... and get it massaged 3 times a day..glucosamine gel will help..

is it your right elbow or whole arm?? i had this problem last year (elbow) and it used to get aggravated when ever i did heavy Lying down triceps curl...

DO NOT STOP GOING TO THE GYM mate... atleast i didnt...

one of the best way to feel better when havin tennis elbow is by doing full stretched front grip back pulley... dunno what it does to thE nerveS but it just gives a relaxin feel to the whole pain..
Did back & chest today & could not do chin-ups,and when I did dumbell incline getting the weights to the starting position hurt like hell as well:(
Glucosamine gel???sounds good,did you use ice??I guess thats what I will try now
glucosamine gel will be good for your pain.. i used it and it gives a temporary respite..

use it as many times as u can..but its a bit on the costlier side so be careful with the amount u take out from t he tube each time :))

and give updates abt your elbow..

mate dont leave gym... the funda is bearing the pain and hittin the weights :)
Wait, wait, wait, wait:

You have 4 arms?
BWAHAHAHA best post ever... Parrish, i take low doses of ibuprofen a few hours before i work out, and it helps keep my elbows from getting inflamed. maybe try icing it at night? i slept on an ice pack when mine was at it's worst!
Insane man, i think your username really suits u to the T...

THIS bloody bloke CALLED PARRISH is in pain and you r postin such fucked upp nonsensical posts :)