Test 250, Masteron, Winni 12 week cycle critique plz


New member
I'm running a cycle of test 250 1cc every four days stacked with 1cc of Masteron every four days and 50mg of Winni every day for 12 weeks. I am trying to build muscle and strength while staying lean and dry as possible 220lbs 24years old.
1st cycle? So you are getting roughly less than 500mg/wk of the test..and which ester of Test are you using (enanthate or sust). For the mast...are you running Prop and Enanthate because that will make a big difference. The winstrol I would not advise you to take, especially if it is your 1st cycle...stick simply with Test. You can build muscle and remain lean with a good diet, what is your daily like? But god...please dont use winstrol...youre going to feel it and regret it if you arent accustom to AAS.
250 is sust and the Masteron is prop and this is my third cycle I have used Winstrol before but do you think my test dosage is to low or what should I Change?
Sust should be pinned every other day due to the short esters in it. Mast prop is a short ester too. That also needs pinned every other day. Either you didn't do your research and bought the cheapest stuff or you didn't plan your cycle out too well. Or both...