Test 400 log (sponsored) Take 2!

how's the product going brortha?

I think it's really starting to kick in. Each workout seems to be getting better and I'm definitely feeling it in the bedroom!!! Feeling 100% alpha!!

Pain from yesterday's pin has completely gone away.

Went in this morning and hit chest. Worked my way up to the 90's on flat bench for 2x6 strict form reps. I'll be pushing the 100's soon, if not next week!!

Total upper body pump feeling great!!
Won't be able to get bloods till next week.

When I started, I was 193. I'll weigh in tomorrow after waking up.
Well, I think we survived the flooding. We evacuated the house last night. My neighbor that stayed sent me a pic of my backyard. Under all that water, about 60' out is a fence. Another 15' past that is a small pond.. lol. When we evacuated, I was sure to remember my test, but forgot other important things. Lol. Priorities.
Pinned left vg with ease at a friend's house.

Well, I think we survived the flooding. We evacuated the house last night. My neighbor that stayed sent me a pic of my backyard. Under all that water, about 60' out is a fence. Another 15' past that is a small pond.. lol. When we evacuated, I was sure to remember my test, but forgot other important things. Lol. Priorities.
Pinned left vg with ease at a friend's house.


You're a lucky one brother. I'm seeing a bunch of gofundme pages popping up on facebook from friends who were affected by this. Some lost everything. Really sad. Glad you could avoid the worst of it.

Also....looking HUGE!
Believe me, I realized that I am blessed beyond words.. Thousands of people that weren't required to have flood insurance lost EVERYTHING!!! Taking my family tomorrow to donate clothing, food, blankets & time to show my kids how lucky we were.. It's really been an unfathomable experience.
Believe me, I realized that I am blessed beyond words.. Thousands of people that weren't required to have flood insurance lost EVERYTHING!!! Taking my family tomorrow to donate clothing, food, blankets & time to show my kids how lucky we were.. It's really been an unfathomable experience.

sorry to see this, is that salt water of fresh water?
Believe me, I realized that I am blessed beyond words.. Thousands of people that weren't required to have flood insurance lost EVERYTHING!!! Taking my family tomorrow to donate clothing, food, blankets & time to show my kids how lucky we were.. It's really been an unfathomable experience.

That's very noble of you brother.
I've definitely taken a liking to it down here. Quite a bit different than Michigan, where I grew up. Almost 100% back to normal. Still a lot of houses/schools/businesses under water.
