Test and Aggression


Just wanted to know from some of the more experienced vets, how to keep your temper in check when on cycle. I'm running 500mg of test, and while I myself feel like I'm not acting out of the ordinary at all, my girlfriend has been telling me as of late that I've become somewhat of an asshole in the regards that I've been yelling at her a lot more often these days, unwarranted of course. She's called me out on it and caught me a couple of times now where after she told me I was yelling at her for no reason, I was like well damn, touche, you are correct. I've basically told her now that it won't be a problem and that I'm not going to yell at her for no reason any longer, but I just wanted to know what the bro's do to keep themselves in check around their girlfriends/wives. I don't want my use of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) to become a problem with my relationship, in my own case I'd much rather give up the test than lose my girlfriend. Don't flame me for that one! I love test, it's great, but on a NORMAL basis I come off as sort of a sarcastic jerk to some people that don't know me, so that plus 500mg of testosterone, I guess I can see where I might snap pretty easily. I don't know if I should just start taking some deep breaths or what, lol. :flamingma
It never affected me in the slightest, but it helps if you just keep telling yourself (when in anger) it's not you, it's the roids.
Maybe lower your dose a bit. I had no problems at 500mg Test E/w, but noticed an increase in getting irritated over small things when I hit 750mg Test E/w. Had a shitty mood for absolutely no reason and people noticed.
Bro just keep gaurded in your actions,when you get upset before you speak, or act just ask yourself if this is how you normally react, or am i having a bad day.test is different with everyone i wouldnt call it rage,but your going to act different and some people control it better than others.
Yeah, in my own personal experience, I would say that the test isn't CAUSING rage, however, I would say that in a situation where I have already become agitated, the likelihood of me blowing my top seems to be more elevated than it would in a normal situation. Once I start to lose my cool, I've been having trouble taking a step back and saying whoa, hold on a second. But yeah, I appreciate the responses, going to try and relax and keep in mind that I am on AAS, and I guess try and focus when I feel like a stressful situation is about to occur or something.
does your gf know your on...when i was with mine evertime i was on shed be saying you roid raging whenever any little thibg came up, i started to belive her at first but after awhile when nobody else ever said anything or noticed a differace in my moods i figured it was just her
yeah my girlfriend knows im on. i wouldn't say she thinks its super cool that i inject shit in my ass twice a week, but she does like to watch me do it and thinks its funny and gross, she's had no qualms with my use other than the unwarranted aggression...which im working on. she knows it wont last forever either, so i guess that helps. hopefully i'll either get it under control or she will get used to be being a dbag every 2-3 months. :D! jk.
Testosterone and all steroids that I take always seem to have a calming effect on me. All my friends and my wife agree. I seem to have much more tolerance for assholes and my fuse is not nearly as short as when I'm off cycle.
An interesting read for you:

Roid Rage Study
The effects of supraphysiological doses of testosterone on a***y behavior in healthy eugonadal men--a clinical research center study.

Tricker R, Casaburi R, Storer TW, Clevenger B, Berman N, Shirazi A, Bhasin S Division of Endocrinology, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, Los Angeles, California 90059, USA.

Anecdotal reports of "roid rage" and violent crimes by androgenic steroid users have brought attention to the relationship between anabolic steroid use and a***y outbursts. However, testosterone effects on human aggression remain controversial. Previous studies have been criticized because of the low androgen doses, lack of placebo control or blinding, and inclusion of competitive athletes and those with preexisting psychopathology. To overcome these pitfalls, we used a double-blind, placebo-controlled design, excluded competitive athletes and those with psychiatric disorders, and used 600 mg testosterone enanthate (TE)/week. Forty-three eugonadal men, 19-40 yr, were randomized to 1 of 4 groups: Group I, placebo, no exercise; Group II, TE, no exercise; Group III, placebo, exercise; Group IV, TE plus exercise. Exercise consisted of thrice weekly strength training sessions. The Multi-Dimensional Anger Inventory (MAI), which includes 5 different dimensions of anger (inward anger, outward anger, anger arousal, hostile outlook, and anger eliciting situations), and a Mood Inventory (MI), which includes items related to mood and behavior, were administered to subjects before, during, and after the 10 week intervention. The subject's significant other (spouse, live-in partner, or parent) also answered the same questions about the subject's mood and behavior (Observer Mood Inventory, OMI). No differences were observed between exercising and nonexercising and between placebo and TE treated subjects for any of the 5 subdomains of MAI. Overall there were no significant changes in MI or OMI during the treatment period in any group.

Conclusion: Supraphysiological doses of testosterone, when administered to normal men in a controlled setting, do not increase a***y behavior. These data do not exclude the possibility that still higher doses of multiple steroids might provoke a***y behavior in men with preexisting psychopathology.

Now imagine that. Another steroid myth busted.


I have another study as well if you want it.
I've read some similar studies where it was shown that in the end, steroids did not cause unwarranted rage, but in situations where one was provoked, the likelihood of it ending in violence was more pronounced.
I don't care what any tests results say. I KNOW that I experience mood problems when I'm on cycle. For the most part, I'm fine, but if provoked, I get much more aggravated than I typically would, and it takes a very long time for me to cool off and get my thoughts straight. I also have MUCH less tolerance to those who I personally view as being ignorant, incompetent, or annoying. Also, my sense of reason in stressful situations goes right out the window. That's why I try to never make important or long term decision while I'm on gear.

I currently work in sales and when I'm on, my numbers are horrible. NOT GOOD!! I love the way I look and feel when I'm on, and I like to do long, multiple steroid, high dose cycles, but it effects my job in a big way. If I get on, I have to keep it to very low dose short cycles now.

Maybe it's the fact that I usually stack 3 steroids at relatively high dosages? I don't know. But I DO KNOW that I experience mood problems while I'm on.
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Supercharged said:
Maybe it's the fact that I usually stack 3 steroids at relatively high dosages? I don't know. But I DO KNOW that I experience mood problems while I'm on.

Too much of anything can be bad.
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I agree guys. For me when im on, instead of just being irritated and pissed off about something and holding it in or just staying quite, i start yelling alot easier. Its with stuff that would normally piss me off so its not roid rage, im just showing im pissed instead.
Being that my first post in this thread was not fully thought out and poorly explained(and erased) I would like to clarify my comment of 'rough sex" as my answer to your problem. Bringing up the question of how your sex life is. You probably already know that sex is a great tension reliever, but have you officially thought of it as a stress-relieving practice? Perhaps you should. The physical benefits of vigorous sex are numerous, and most of them work very well toward relieving tension and stress. Which both cause you to be irritated easily and tend to "snap out" Sadly, many people have less sex when their stress levels are high. And due to the fact of increased libido on cycle can lead to this, especially when your around your girlfriend(i.e. the object of your sexual desire....hopefully) frequent vigorous sex can possibly help. I mean who the hell fights with people when your having sex 3 or 4 times a day? You would be the most calm relaxed person in the world......right?

this is all imo of course.
I don;t get a***y, just maybe less patience...could be just me though, not sure really how much is from AAS.
tee said:
Testosterone and all steroids that I take always seem to have a calming effect on me. All my friends and my wife agree. I seem to have much more tolerance for assholes and my fuse is not nearly as short as when I'm off cycle.
i agree . muscles are growing , your getting stonger and your a walking hard on . whats to rage at lol .