Test Boosters


New member
Are products such as Arimatest bogus? It's hard to find decent info online and supplements are more expensive where I live so it's not really feasible to buy them just to try out.
what is your age? most test boosters dont work on young males. my dad is 54 and test boosters work for him but its becouse he is 54. his test is probley low, so if ur young like 20 to 30 i dont see a test booster doing much good.
Gotcha - I'm in the high end of that age range and my test was normal level last time I had work done. From some other threads I've read it seems like they can also help when doing PCT?
Gotcha - I'm in the high end of that age range and my test was normal level last time I had work done. From some other threads I've read it seems like they can also help when doing post cycle therapy (pct)?

Ive run test boosters during post cycle therapy (pct) and thats fine, it wont hurt ya. alot of people use test boosters at the end of a prohormone cycle.
Yes they will work for young males too. Just not as evident because natty T is still good. Once your 35+ and things fall off a bit u will benefit much more from one.

I like to stack a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with a test booster. This really changes things up for the better. Forma stanzol + DAA and maybe even bridge (ntbm)
phytoserms 347 is the best one around as its very strong.
Hcgenerate is my fav for most purposes and also have a pot of Daa at arms length for my pct's
def second the DAA recommendation. hcgen is insane for libido, but daa gives me better gains in the gym.
I noticed vascularity went up, little acne, oily skin but also after I stopped taking it I felt a decrease in sex drive and muscles looked smaller?
placebo or fucked with my t levels?