Test c, Tren e, EQ cycle questions.


New member
Hey guys!

Been reading the forums for a good while but never figured to post on anything yet.
Would appreciate some heads up on my 4th cycle. I am 23yrs old, 5'11, weigh around 225lbs with around a 15%-17% BF.
Been training for a good 3-4 years. Did Sciroxx tren a on my previous cycle on 400mg/wk over 6 weeks and did not find myself having any bad sides other than difficulties sleeping.
So what i had figured out for my next cycle that would take place in the beginning of 2014 is as follows:

week 1-16 Test Cyp 750mg
week 1-15 EQ 400mg
week 1-10 Tren E 400gm
week 1-2 Anadrol 50mg ED

week 17-20 Clomid 50mg ED
week 17-20 Nolva 40/40/20/20
AI on hand incase of need.

Any advice / changes you guys would make in this?
Also, havn't used HCG before, but i have been doing research on it, mainly here on the forums. Do you think it'd be necissary?
All gear listed will be by Sciroxx labs, except the Anadrol which will be by Zydex pharm.
Test C, EQ, Tren E, Anadrol

Hey guys!

Been reading the forums for a good while but never figured to post on anything yet.
Would appreciate some heads up on my 4th cycle. I am 23yrs old, 5'11, weigh around 225lbs with around a 15%-17% BF.
Been training for a good 3-4 years. Did Sciroxx tren a on my previous cycle on 400mg/wk over 6 weeks and did not find myself having any bad sides other than difficulties sleeping.
So what i had figured out for my next cycle that would take place in the beginning of 2014 is as follows:

week 1-16 Test Cyp 750mg
week 1-15 EQ 400mg
week 1-10 Tren E 400gm
week 1-2 Anadrol 50mg ED

week 17-20 Clomid 50mg ED
week 17-20 Nolva 40/40/20/20
AI on hand incase of need.

Any advice / changes you guys would make in this?
Also, havn't used HCG before, but i have been doing research on it, mainly here on the forums. Do you think it'd be necissary?
All gear listed will be by Sciroxx labs, except the Anadrol which will be by Zydex pharm.
I would go 4 weeks of anadrol, lower test dosage to same as tren or lower, add 500iu HCG twice weekly throughout cycle, and go .5mg caber e3d, .25mg adex eod since your test will aromatize.
Just my 2 cents