Test Cyp cycle having ED issues?????


New member
Hi guys! New to the board. I'm currently running my first Test Cyp cylce. I've been using 250mg a week. I've seen really good gains so far. My issues are that around week 8 I've developed an ED issue. I'm hard but once sex starts I go limp? The previous 6 weeks were great? Blood test yesterday an my test levels were 1250? Any help would be very appreciated.
Sounds like high estradiol is rearing its ugly head. What aromatase inhibitor are you using and how much per week? Where did your estradiol come in at on your most recent blood work?

By the way, 250mg of test per week is essentially a TRT dose. Why would you shut down your HPTA just to get back to more or less where your natural testosterone levels put you?

What do you have planned for PCT and when will you start?
Thanks for the reply. Doctor was a total jerk about the whole thing. Said that they didn't test my estrogen. So I can't answer that! I've bumped up to 500mg over the last two weeks each week. I've not taken a AI because I haven't had any side effects till now. My mistake. I'm wanting to start HRT an stay on. My guy is getting me some arimedex today. Dose? Also I was interested in HRT an just staying on?
how old are you bro? staying on is not a decision to be taken lightly. That's for life....that means when going away on vacations you have to find a way to be able to inject without bringing illegal test with you.

It sounds like your first cycle and you're already planning on staying on???? Try getting a few under your belt with some good pct before you make this decision. Unless you still wanna be pinning when you're 90 years old.
See my signature for how to get your own blood work without going through a doc. It is cheap, fast and easy. Post the results when you get them and we can help you read them.
Yes I understand completely. I'm 35, still unsure of what it is I'd like to do. But right now I'd like my junk to work!!!! Lol. Hopefully I can get this fixed quick. With all the things I've read, at my age it may not be a bad idea to consider HRT.
yea do bloodwork first.. but if youre not going to do blood work start taking .25mg adex eod.. that should start fixing the problem if its high e2.. you might have to up the dosage.. what are your stats?? high bodyfat?
Yes that's true. I did a bunch of research on it. I guess just not enough. But from what I gathered it varies from individual to another. In the end your dead on. Next time be better prepared.
I just got my first legal shot at 200/ml cyp!!! I think he wants me back down at 160/ml next week though. Since I am new I can expect this is the norm.
Update... Got some liquid anastrozle from my guy on Wednesday. Took 1cc that night an within a few hours I could feel a difference. Yesterday took .5cc am an repeated that last night. Sex was back! Thanks for all the help. Still no new blood work yet. What dose would you recommend on the AI going forward? Taking 500mgs of Cypionate every week. Thanks
Ed problem looks solved already with the lowered estrogen. Don't want to run estrogen in ground though. Maybe .5mg a day?
Update... Got some liquid anastrozle from my guy on Wednesday. Took 1cc that night an within a few hours I could feel a difference. Yesterday took .5cc am an repeated that last night. Sex was back! Thanks for all the help. Still no new blood work yet. What dose would you recommend on the AI going forward? Taking 500mgs of Cypionate every week. Thanks

You will have to get blood work to see what works for you as everyone is different, but a good starting place is .25mg every other day. Don't take too much adex or you will come to regret it.