test cyp problem


New member
just got a bottle of test cyponate 300 from a new company and was going to start using soon but when i went to go and use it today it looked like clumpy and solid like it crystalized or something has this ever happened before and why and does anybody have pics of this happening?
I've never had test cyp crash at 300 but I hear it can happen. For me it hurts like hell at 300mg/ml.
Boil some water, actually drop it in right before it it starts to bubble. Leave it in there 'til the consistency is right.
cyp is a thickle compound and i have personally had it crash at 300 and that is the reason i prefer test e. put just put a frying pan on the stove with water and put the vial in the water wait to boil and the crystal will resuspend
Just had it happen to me. Used hot water bath and swirled it occasionally. Mixed it with some other cyp I had and no more problems.

Supplier told me to microwave vial for 15 seconds. I'll try that if it ever happends again. If you nuke it and your microwave arcs, don't blame me. :)