Test Cypionate conversion....


Muscles can't stop this..
I work out with 5 guys in my gabble. We all have been doin' the Synovex and Finaplix bullshit for a while and went to doing the variety of powders and their conversions. We all pitch in together and get quantity on all things to reduce cost and all run the same cycles. This time around I was overruled on the purchase of our Test. I wanted to go with the Enanthate and they all picked Cypionate. Now I'm worried I am gonna have trouble converting it and getting the 250mg/ml that we want. I never did Cypionate cause I really didn't see a point. But they want to go with it so we did. Now I'm reading all this stuff about Cypionate being so temperamental to convert and I wanted to know if anyone has a tried true method of getting 250mg/ml without any crashing???
I have done both and to be honest, haven't noticed a damn bit of difference. Either in gains or the brewing process. 250 should be no problem with any of the standard recipes.
I have done both and to be honest, haven't noticed a damn bit of difference. Either in gains or the brewing process. 250 should be no problem with any of the standard recipes.

Yeah, that is what I figured! I get it tomorrow! I psyched! I wouldn't think you would tell a difference in the gains or strength cause the esters are about the same.
Thanks for answering that for me bro! Nobody would reply to the goddamn post! Ppl don't like us cause we rape posts, can't say I don't blame them. I'll tell ya how it works out.
LOL, good shit man. You crack me up.

Good luck my man, hopefully you got some quality ingredients this time around. As long as your powder is legit, you should be in for some good times.
gud luck bro!

Thanks for the luck tranq and just to fill everyone in.... The brew went beautiful!! Thanks to a fucking kickass source!!! This stuff came in, in 8 days from way far off and I have never (in any part of this forum) saw pictures of prettier looking powder!!! Snow white thru and thru and just beautiful smell. Did a more precise melt test with equipment that is specifically made for melt testing and let me tell you!!!! Perfect! Cyp is suppose to melt from 98 to 101 degrees C. This shit stayed solid powder 98,99,100, and then immediately when it hit 101, I mean immediately at 101 it dissolved and melted. Now from what I've always known, the closer a sub gets to it's top level melting point the more pure it is.
I just finished converting 5 grams to test it out and this stuff is the m f'ing Hawaii!!!! It's great! No probs whatsoever and it is holding in solution 3 hours after brew with the clarity of polished glass!
Here's how I did it!

80% GSO
20% Ethyl Oleate
8% BB
3.5% BA
5 grams powder

Great stuff!
UPDATE!!! UPDATE!!! Ha ha haaaa! First pic is of the Winstrol (winny), second is Small batch of the Cyp i made to test it's cookability and it was beautiful! Last pic is the Cyp powder.

I'm gettin biiiiig, I'm gettin biiiig!!!!

One question though! How many of you guys have melted Winstrol (winny) down to test it??? This Winstrol (winny) melted at exactly the temp it was suppose to, 245 C. But unlike the Cyp it melted Golden brown, the Cyp melted crystal clear???
Does that sound weird to anyone???
My test has never melted clear, it's always been yellow/amber. Are you sure you don't have them mixed up?
Maybe it's different from different sources (like maybe yours is more pure than mine?). I can only say that mine was definitely legit since it worked.
My test has never melted clear, it's always been yellow/amber. Are you sure you don't have them mixed up?
Maybe it's different from different sources (like maybe yours is more pure than mine?). I can only say that mine was definitely legit since it worked.

I don't know man! I would think the more clear it melts the more pure it would be seing as when it is made in pharmacy it is crystal clear in solution!!! If it melts yellow then that means even if u use Clear castor oil to make it it still will have a yellow tint! But the shit the doctor prescribes is clear and if the powder melted yellow it seems like the liquid would keep a yellow tint!
Think about it Iron! Look at alcohol! The purest alcohols (like Everclear) are clear, and as you go down in purity they get color, usually golden brown!
Just a thought!!!
Hello friends
I have done both and to be honest, haven't noticed a damn bit of difference. Either in gains or the brewing process.

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Hello friends
I have done both and to be honest, haven't noticed a damn bit of difference. Either in gains or the brewing process.

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Hello friends
I have done both and to be honest, haven't noticed a damn bit of difference. Either in gains or the brewing process.

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UPDATE!!! UPDATE!!! Ha ha haaaa! First pic is of the Winstrol (winny), second is Small batch of the Cyp i made to test it's cookability and it was beautiful! Last pic is the Cyp powder.

I'm gettin biiiiig, I'm gettin biiiig!!!!

One question though! How many of you guys have melted Winstrol (winny) down to test it??? This Winstrol (winny) melted at exactly the temp it was suppose to, 245 C. But unlike the Cyp it melted Golden brown, the Cyp melted crystal clear???
Does that sound weird to anyone???

how many grams is that in the first and last pic?
Hello friends
I have done both and to be honest, haven't noticed a damn bit of difference. Either in gains or the brewing process.

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You are absolutely right. In it something is and it is excellent idea. I support you.

