Test, deca, dbol injectable


Tan Gun Tiger
I am planning on making this together in one oil based suspension. 2 options

1. test e @150mg/mL, deca @ 100mg/mL and dbol @ 50mg/mL

2. test prop @ 75mg/mL, Eq @ 75mg/mL and Winstrol (winny) @ 50mg/mL

Has this been done before? ratios? results?

Either way it would be one convenient ED injection. Comments?
the long ester stuff will be no prob. but the no ester stuff is gonna give probs.

T enan/deca/eq will go 500mg/ml no prob.

dbol is just as effective orally as IM. Winstrol (winny) is close.

why you wanna mix no ester and long ester gear together anyway?

if you want to mix um together at least keep the troublesome ones together.

another prob with mixing hormones is you locked in on dosing then. in other words if you decide to up yout est does then you gots up the other 2 as well.

i prefer making them all seperate and just drawing them in the same syringe when i inject.