Test deconate


New member
Ok, I have searched through 11 pages here and have found some minimal info on test dec.
I know that a couple of you have brewed this from my search.
If you guys that have worked with test dec are still around would any of you mind pm ing me?
I have questions on this in regards to brewing and TRT.
Tons of good stuff here, glad I registered, so much to learn but want to be doing this the right way from beginning.
Or if any of you are willing to post a brew specific to this ester ???
BTW I am on NeedToBuildMuscle and Elite with the same handle if that makes a diff.
Hey stick around and get to know some guys and MODS Im sure they will help you out with any questions on brewing.
So my concern is the weight. In my search I read by Jediclampet that the undeconate ester is 63%. But in that same post I also read that Test Cyp should be 67% and Test Enth should be 69%. I know that most peeps use diff %s for the Cyp and Enth, so I just cross checking here.
I was guessing that the Undeconate is the closest thing to decanoate so my thinking was to use that?
Those are the for the mole weight that is TEST, for these esters.

RJH thanks that is pretty much what I was guessing but I wanted some experienced cooks to post their thoughts in order to see where I stand again cross checking.
Oh yeah, THANKS!
So my concern is the weight. In my search I read by Jediclampet that the undeconate ester is 63%. But in that same post I also read that Test Cyp should be 67% and Test Enth should be 69%. I know that most peeps use diff %s for the Cyp and Enth, so I just cross checking here.
I was guessing that the Undeconate is the closest thing to decanoate so my thinking was to use that?
Those are the for the mole weight that is TEST, for these esters.

RJH thanks that is pretty much what I was guessing but I wanted some experienced cooks to post their thoughts in order to see where I stand again cross checking.
Oh yeah, THANKS!

brother, you are WAYYYYYYYY overthinking home brew. lol

I understand what your saying, but its not a necessary question. Choosing an ester is usually a question between short and long.

In regards to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), just because the decanoate ester has a longer half-life, i still think you'd be better off using Enan. Even in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) I don't suggest injections more than a week apart, even though most docs swear by it. IMO even if your on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) of 200mg every 2 weeks. I suggest doing 100mg week, just to keep blood serum levels a bit more stable.
Thanks bro. My script is 200ml/week and I 100% agree on the weekly injections. From what I have read even with deconate the recommendation is weekly intervals. Yes it does have the longer half life but for the serum stability, should be weekly. NOT ARGUING with you, this is just what I have read in my research so far. Also it is what I was able to get from my euro supplier. Am thinking that my brew will be 200mg/ml?
Thoughts please and much thanks!
Thanks bro. My script is 200ml/week and I 100% agree on the weekly injections. From what I have read even with deconate the recommendation is weekly intervals. Yes it does have the longer half life but for the serum stability, should be weekly. NOT ARGUING with you, this is just what I have read in my research so far. Also it is what I was able to get from my euro supplier. Am thinking that my brew will be 200mg/ml?
Thoughts please and much thanks!

No worries man, didn't think you were arguing with me.

I would say that's a fine concentration if you're just looking to try the ester. That's how you get better at this game anyway. Trial and error. Good luck.
:hahano:HAH! and now am brewing like its the normal thing to do.
Am loving this stuff. Goes in so smooth, both the test and nandro. Gr8 stuff, gr8 advice here and much appreciation bros!