Test e acne should i lower my dose?


New member
Hi guys, im 6 weeks into my first cycle of test e.
week 1/3 was 500mg pw.
Week 3/6 750mg pw. I had a little cluster of acne start under my left arm, taking letro 1mg per day as i had lactating issues early on with my dbol kicker, thats clearing up now. I got some cream and the acne has dried up and started to fade, Im wondering if i lower the test back to 500pw will the acne still break out now that its already started? Or has the reason it came just because of the high dose i maybe wasnt ready for?
You were lactating and only using test? First I have heard of that as lactation is from a high level of prolactin which is usual caused by 19nor compounds such as deca and tren, letro would have little effect on prolactin but would lower your estrogen significantly which leads me to believe your estro was all out of whack hence the breakout of acne. What were you using as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during the cycle and at what dosage. Letro is not your best option as you can very easily crash your E2 levels which is also not a good thing.
This is one of the reasons why arimidex or aromasin is always better run for the whole length of the cycle and not wait to deal with issues as they arrive. Preventative measures go a long way IMO
Not sure why you are ramping your test dosage, all your doing is playing with your blood levels which is also a contributing factor to your issues, it would have been best to stick to the 500mg / week or go in between and run 600mgs the whole way through.
How long are you planning on running the cycle
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Hi guys, im 6 weeks into my first cycle of test e.
week 1/3 was 500mg pw.
Week 3/6 750mg pw. I had a little cluster of acne start under my left arm, taking letro 1mg per day as i had lactating issues early on with my dbol kicker, thats clearing up now. I got some cream and the acne has dried up and started to fade, Im wondering if i lower the test back to 500pw will the acne still break out now that its already started? Or has the reason it came just because of the high dose i maybe wasnt ready for?

Acne tends to act up later in the cycle, so it is likely more in relation to timing than your dosage increase. That being said, you should have been running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from the start, especially if you were using a heavily aromatizing oral as a kickstart (namely dbol).

Be careful with that letro, it is extremely effective at significantly dropping oestrogen levels. Oestrogen is very important, and not the boogie man it is made out to be. The goal is to reduce levels to avoid unwanted sides, but maintain proper endocrine functionality. If you start feeling lethargic, in example, then you should reduce your dose of letro.

One thing to keep in mind for the future is that acne prevention is actually very easy. Simply get your doctor to prescribe you doxycycline (usually at 100mg ED). Run this for one month prior to your cycle, continue throughout, and I can almost assure you that your acne issue will be addressed. You will still have the occasional bit of acne here and there, but nothing that would even hit at gear use. The reason being is that (most) acne is builds over time, a breakout that you see today actually started months ago. Thus you should address the issue before hand, namely with a systemic oral anti-biotic. There are other medications that are more effective if you suffer from serious acne issues, however they tend to be very black label; such products as Isotretinoin.

On a side note, why are you upping your dose? How many previous cycles have you done? Coming off the Dbol kick you will lose weight, namely water, but this should be expected.

At that dose you should definetly be running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) . the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) control high blood pressure and all estrogen related sides even if u don't notice them . If this is a first cycle , that dose is very high . Also 1mg of letro is going to smash you . Id suggest adex or aromasin . Lowering the dose at this point isn't going to help much . What u can try is a acne product like Accutane or something for your skin . At a dose of even 500mg is relevant enough to allow breakouts in acne
Hi guys, thanks for all your replies definitely learning a lot from what ive read, was running 0.5 anastrazole from day one sorry forgot to mention that, letro has smashed me and fear ive done more damage using it as I've completely no sex drive and as of tomorrow i will go back to using the anastrazole. Got some benzoyl peroxide cream for the acne and its clearing it so thats not a problem anymore, still lactating from one nipple and am really lost with what to do now. Started the 1.25 letro on the 6th september for a week and lowered to 0.75 from the 13th til the 23rd (today) and its done nothing for the nipples. What do i do
Hi guys, thanks for all your replies definitely learning a lot from what ive read, was running 0.5 anastrazole from day one sorry forgot to mention that, letro has smashed me and fear ive done more damage using it as I've completely no sex drive and as of tomorrow i will go back to using the anastrazole. Got some benzoyl peroxide cream for the acne and its clearing it so thats not a problem anymore, still lactating from one nipple and am really lost with what to do now. Started the 1.25 letro on the 6th september for a week and lowered to 0.75 from the 13th til the 23rd (today) and its done nothing for the nipples. What do i do

Stop the cycle.

Run blood work.
Iv excpeted acne for the most part. I always had it so I'm use to it but for me as long as I clean my face 2-3 times a day take zinc and keep hydrated it stays under control except for patches of acne every now and again.