Test E + Anavar + Clen for the first time (Ideal diet for Bulking and Cutting?)


New member
Hi guys,

I've been training already for a year, I did a lot of progress and I have researched a lot prior taking this decision. I went from 30% BF to 19% right now. I know I'm still not gonna get the best of AAS as my BF is not ideal, but I would like to go ahead with this decision in order to meet my aim for the summer as I planned last year on March when I started. I'm currently in a 2 week keto diet with cardio during 2 weeks to try to drop my body fat to 17% prior starting my AAS. I have absolutely no problem to keep diet strict, but I would like to hear recommendations to improve this cycle and to meet my aims.

Right now my weight is 162lbs and my height 5'8"

So regarding AAS I almost made up my mind about what to use (I accept recommendations and changes), but especially I would like to know what would be the best diet, if either eating a lot of extra calories or having calorie restriction (maybe even keeping keto diet for a couple of weeks during AAS?)

Here is the final plan I did about my AAS cycle:

Weeks 1-2: Clen 80mg + Keto Diet
Weeks 3-4: Test E 400mg + Anavar 60mg + T3 50mg
Weeks 5-6: test E 400mg + Anavar 60mg + clen 80mg (I am thinking here in doing another 2 weeks of Keto in order to be able to lose more body fat, but I'm not completely sure about it in AAS)
Week 7-8: Test E 400mg + Anavar 60mg + T3 50mg + HGH 2UI ED
Weeks 9-10: Test (shorter esther) 400mg + Anavar 60mg + T3 50mg + clen 80mg + HGH 2UI ED (again thinking in cutting with a calorie restricted diet or going partially to keto, or maybe keeping bulking and going to diet and keto during the PCT phase).

During the cycle I will be running HCG and Aromasin EOD & also liv 52 or equivalent to protect the liver


nolvadex 40/40/20/20
clomid 100/50/50/50

during 4 weeks

So my overall objective is to reduce fat (from 19% I'd like to go to somewhere close to 10%) and to gain 10-15 pounds of muscle if it is possible. I would like special recommendations on what are the calories I should be eating for each week of the cycle (I know I have to eat clean, but what I mean is the ideal calorie consumption for not getting too much fat neither to not gain enough strength.

Thanks to everyone
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From what it sounds you have no prior experience with the compounds you have listed.....is that right?
Also can we have some stats?
Height,weight,age,cycle experience.
Are you planning on precycle blood work?
Until we get this info don't do anything yet!
From what it sounds you have no prior experience with the compounds you have listed.....is that right?
Also can we have some stats?
Height,weight,age,cycle experience.
Are you planning on precycle blood work?
Until we get this info don't do anything yet!

Hey, the height and weight is in the first post, my age is 23 yo and I haven't had any previous cycle experience.

Regarding the blood work, I definitely will do it ;)

Thanks for the advice!
I'm going to mostly leave the diet question for others.

If you want to gain 10-15 lbs. of muscle, forget about losing fat at the same time as you are setting yourself up for failure. It's better to bulk first since extra muscle helps burn fat when you later decide to focus on cutting. When you are trying to gain muscle, do not use clen or T3. When you decide to cut, a high protein, moderate fat, moderate carb diet is effective, and you can and probably should run T3 throughout your cycle. 50 mcg. is a relatively low dose, you can use at least twice that.
you want to lower body fat from 19% to 10 % ,, then you want to add 15 pounds of muscle (to your current weight?) . If you want to add that to your current weight, well that's a pretty big weight swing and will not be done in ONE cycle. Dropping to 10% BF from 19% means you probably need to loose about 20 pounds of fat, then gain that 20 pounds back in lean mass to get to your current weight, then add another 15 pounds of muscle. so that is 35 pounds of 'muscle gain' .. I'd shoot for about a 3 year plan to accomplish that.
You've only been training for a year , so you have a lot of newbie gains still to make. Concentrate on the weight training, you'll build a muscular base and BF will slowly go down. Don't try to cut a whole lot at this point unless you want to sacrifice muscular gains, and like trevdog said, the more muscle you carry on your frame the faster your metabolism will be and the easier it will be to cut later on