Test E and Dbol Cycle


New member
Starting my cycle today going to use 500 mg test e a week and dbol to kik the cycle off ...iI love that shit! Anyways I'm waitn on my boy to get into town to do first inject i'll let yall know how it goes i'm using schering test E heard good things, def. will b better than the fucking stealth i had last time shit sucked. Aight i'm off to the gym peace!
First injection was real smooth the test is a lot better i love this hg shit. Ass feels fine today only bad thing was i crushed an amp trying to open it since it was my first time trying to open these things. The glass is a lot thicker than I expected making it kind of hard to pop open, I guess i need to file the neck a little more. Any other suggestions are welcome.
21 years old , 165lbs, 5" 11
500mg test e ew 1-12
30mg dbol week 1-2
40mg dbol week 4-4
Nolvadex 40 mg first two 20 mg second 2
use a box cutter to cut around the neck, where the dot is should be the easiest to cut and then roll the amp into a wash cloth or the empty pack from the alc. prep pads and open it..

your cycle is just like mine, except i used 40mg dbol from 1-4..
preciate the advice bro yeah i have been following your log i was pissed when i crushed that first amp but i'll b sure to try the box cutter method...trial and error i guess. I'll post up when I start seeing some progression or weight increase which should not be long the way the dbol hits
Hey man, l see ur doing the same cycle as l am . Best of luck to you and keep updating, will be interesting to compare those results ! :nerd:
sounds good bro i'll check out your log . Quick update I am gettin more of an appetite just after 3 days on dbol. Last cycle that was not the case but I'm lovin it I am cheating though by hittin up some cookout (fast food) but I only did that because I was moving this weekend and not bak home able to cook like usual. I am going to try and eat a lot more this cycle I think I ate too clean last cycle but I will not go overboard with it. Hitn the gym tomm. Ill see how the pumps are since moving today they were crazy just movin furniture.
Heh.. the appetite .. congratz dbol is working ! My appetite was crazy after first two days of dbol. l ate like crazy everything l saw in my sight. l now limit my self a bit couse that overeating will come into some nice bodyfat gain eventually you know.. so be carefull with that. :angel2:
wow hit the gym today with a lot of intensity my veins are starting to pop and feeling like i'm sweating more maybe just due to the intensity but either way the pumps were already rediculous in my biceps...felt like i had footballs inside my arms...anyways libido is up appetite is way up and so is weight shits going right! 167.7 weigh in today scale is moving....Be back on later to update
just did first thigh injection! ABSOLUTELY FUCKING PAINLESS:hahano: can't believe i was worried bout that. Anyways that was second pin of the cycle and went great out to hit the gym!
fucking youngsters aint ever gonna learn , but hey no hate , it is all good... your car you drive that bitch off a cliff, at least you got a clue not some knuckle head just acting a fool, now that I said that dont start actin a fool and make me look stupid.. I ll be stalking your cycle I mean watching.. lol good luck... I got 25 pds off my 1 st cycle test e and d bol.. kept bout 20 ... Nuff said get on it ..
lol glad i got your approval...and yeah i wont let you down "dad" . For real though as for some updates I am feeling real good eating like a champ and my weight is increasing steadily, weighed in at 170 yesterday bout to hit the gym and check the numbers. The GP dbols are a recommendation to anyone who is going to use them. And like i said in my last post the thigh injections are a recommendation as well it is much easier then twistin and turnin to try and stab your ass w. a needle and be steady just prop your leg up and it's all righ there in front of you .
just got back from the gym and strength is starting to increase I have a lot of intensity and very motivated I am pushing myself to the limit killer workout weighed at 170 again but no worries
Day 8
Up 5 lbs and strength is increasing. Veins are popping and filling out. Just did 3rd injection in left thigh went great. I have noticed my nipples getting a little puffy but I have started armidex .25 mg eod what you guys think about that dosage up it ? keep the same? Also I am getting real hot some times and irritability is going up. Other than that everything is going good going to go hit the gym :Pump:
weighed in today at 171.1 so weight still going up so far 6.1 lbs on 8th day hope to get at least 10 on first 2 weeks on dbol
Hey just saw you had a log going bro...I'll be keeping an eye to see how the Dbol works for ya...always wanted to try that stuff.
Dbol is working great is GP and so far 6.1 lbs in 8 days. And yeah pics will be up so you guys can critique and watch the process. I get em up asap.
nah schering test e good shit from what I hear but I will find out for myself here in another 3 weeks or so