Test E and Dbol Cycle

I'm 'bout to start the same cycle soon. Only 30mg dbol constantly for 4weeks. Will follow your thread. Keep hitting 'em!
Day 10
weighed in at 172.9 today so about 8lbs so far. Took 2 days off and yesterday had some drinks for the celebration but other than that been doing good witht he diet and training. Hit tris today and almost ran me out of the gym bc the pumps were so big felt like my tris were bout to pop. bbl
No problemo son .... Good luck and get er done dump truck... you ll do fine stay on track and dont quit... you got to push even in post cycle therapy (pct) when you want to give up just drive and push and say I aint gonna quit.....
preciate it bro I'm going to make sure post cycle therapy (pct) is just as intense and stick to the program. I donu what it is but I was hitting db incline press and my shoulders started to hurt a lil bit , the joints did at least. I have been taking fish oil in hopes that would work but idk maybe it was because i had a 2 day break and jumped right back into it.Ill make sure i hit the diet real good maybe it was somethin lacking? also i feel like the adex is helping a lil bit w. the puffiness ill give it another week and if it doesnt subside to my likings i will up the dosage to .5 mg eod. I'm out[:toilet:
hit the gym today and feel like the test is kiking in i swear it .....sweatin like a dog and feelin like i want more every set :flamingma...agression up a lot today had to keep a cool head and to myself most the day for some reason seem to be very irritable and little things starting to bug me a lot more just seem fucking unnecessary all this bitching around me...anyways weight is steadily increasing and strength as well ...starting to smell like a fucking fish from all the godamn fish oil I am taking even though it is the recommended dosage i am going to take it down a notch. Did 4th pin today in right thigh and went beautifully as always ;)
5th pin down last night and starting to see the size difference every1 is always asking how i look so jacked all the time my shirts are fitting a lot tighter and jeans as well ... gona go hit the gym and weigh out today
sounds good bro! keep hitting the weight!

i almost finished week 5 of my cycle and people in my gym ask me how i got so big all of the sudden and the big increase in energy i have lately lol