Test e and Deca Cycle help for New Guy


New member
24 yrs old

I'm going to start a cycle of test e and deca in the summer when i can really get my diet and workout going. What else do i need to take with this cycle? Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Also, i'm not sure on what dosage of test e and deca i should take per week. Thanks for any help.
Leave deca alone. I really think you should get your diet squared away with your diet! No offense your 6' 165 your no way ready for gear. Go get some nutritional help. You clearly aren't eating right
Also don't ask for us to give you your whole cycle. Go read and do some research. See what you actually need and post it. Well help you with that not plan your cycle for you.
I totally agree with Herm. I asked these same questions a LONG time ago on boards, and of course I didn't like the answers, but I listened to them, and glad I did. I was about your same weight, and once I started to actually EAT I realized they were right.

I went from about 170 to 200 in about 6 months. Of course it wasn't pure muscle, but I thought there was no way to do it without gear, I was wrong. The worst part, is that if I hadn't learned how to eat to gain, the gear wouldnt' have done anything for me anyway. Yeah I would've gained a few lbs on cycle, but you would drop it all once you got off.

Eat bro, log your calories for a week. Try to hit at least 4-5k per day.
Sounds good guys. I've really been researching for the last couple of weeks on gear/PCT and all but still not sure on what to take if i decide to take the cycle. I also saw that some guys take around 400 test to 200 deca. I have spent quite a bit of time researching dosage but would like a little more advice. On the natural weight gaining side, i have been researching diets and workout plans and I'm having a somewhat difficult time figuring out how to set up my diet. Thanks for the advice so far. Any other advise is greatly appreciated.
Is this you first cycle? If so run test only like I said above .if your not gonna run deca at 400/wk at least 12 weeks its not worth it. I don't know where you heard guys running it at 200 cuz realistically it won't do shit for you.
Is this you first cycle? If so run test only like I said above .if your not gonna run deca at 400/wk at least 12 weeks its not worth it. I don't know where you heard guys running it at 200 cuz realistically it won't do shit for you.

So your saying I can't run deca for like 100mg a week for like 3 weeks and make huge gains?? Damn it that was my next cycle LMAO

Listen to these guys at 6' you should be able to hit at least 215-220 naturally before even thinking about gear bro! I am 5' 10 1/2" and weighed in at 222 before gear was introduced. Be smart get a good diet talk to 3J or someone that knows their shit and get a good diet work the shit out of it and enjoy the great natural gains!
Is this you first cycle? If so run test only like I said above .if your not gonna run deca at 400/wk at least 12 weeks its not worth it. I don't know where you heard guys running it at 200 cuz realistically it won't do shit for you.

This will be my first cycle. I actually just posted for some help to 3J's nutritional thread. So do you recommend just doing the test with an adequate diet for increased gains of good muscle instead of test and deca? It's hard not to want to resort to gear with an improved diet when I've been roughly the same size since freshman year of high school and in the summer I usually eat like crazy but i'm extremely active so i never gain much size. I can get up to about 170 from time to time but end up burning it off. It's frustrating as hell.
Can someone leave me their email on my visitor message board. I have a couple questions that i can't post.
Where would the pros be if they listen to all the bullshit on this forum? Exactly. More than half these people on here that are giving you advice don't know shit themselves, just look at their threads. They just regurgitate the same bullshit that they have been told. Your going to die one day, if your goal is to get big, then do it. Dont put your quality of life at risk because of fear and some fat ass on a steroid board that has no background in science, only bro science.
Where would the pros be if they listen to all the bullshit on this forum? Exactly. More than half these people on here that are giving you advice don't know shit themselves, just look at their threads. They just regurgitate the same bullshit that they have been told. Your going to die one day, if your goal is to get big, then do it. Dont put your quality of life at risk because of fear and some fat ass on a steroid board that has no background in science, only bro science.

Im just trying to figure out who you are talking about on this thread. And who the fuck are you? The only post's i seen by you are nothing but ignarnt shit. I seen every post that you have ever made there buddy and you never have any intelgent shit to say besides being an ass to people. And anybody dont believe go to his page and look at this guys post he has made. your a fucking idiot bro! You act so knowledgeable and your a kid yourself at 22? So once again who the fuck are you?
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Im just trying to figure out who you are talking about on this thread. And who the fuck are you? The only post's i seen by you are nothing but ignarnt shit. I seen every post that you have ever made there buddy and you never have any intelgent shit to say besides being an ass to people. And anybody dont believe go to his page and look at this guys post he has made. your a fucking idiot bro! You act so knowledgeable and your a kid yourself at 22? So once again who the fuck are you?
chill out the both of you.. im dead serious i dont want drama here.. u guys wanna go at it take it to the convo room where we can all be entertained by it