Test E and EQ First Cycle


That Other Guy
Here is my beginning picture before I started my cycle. I am on my third week. My first cycle. I am 5'8" - 165lbs. I will update pictures.

500mg Test E
600mg EQ
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cccaaarrrdddiiiooo... make sure your doing atleast an hours worth a week.. will help you big time with your cycle.

happy cycling! =P
Hey man;

You look primed to make some significant gains! make sure your diet is real clean (hi protein and only complex carbs - no french fries or shit like that!) You already got some good advice from Alfa and Pstroke. I'd say look into AIFM as an aromatose inhibitor and have some adex on hand if you get itchy nipps or anything like that. plus the cardio will serve you well in keeping your gains lean. You should have no prob packing on 20-30lbs with a good diet and intense workouts. You'll be amazed at how quick your recovery time is! Also watch out for bacne and if you start to get it get something to dry it out fast - other wise it will just get worse over time. Good luck bro & enjoy it!

BTW - what's your age?