Test E and taking no AI

Yeah, the best thing to do is get some bloodwork, if your levels are ok, then don't take an AI.
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Yeah, the best thing to do is get some bloodwork, if your levels are ok, then don't take an AI.
Your levels will NEVER be okay with anything over 250 or maybe less. People who believe they are fine without keeping estro in check are ignorant and stupid. When you properly manage your estro you will not feel like shit, people feel like shit when taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is because they are not taking it properly and lack knowledge on how to use it. Plain and simple, any vet or person educated with steroid use will agree.
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I'm at week 6 on test e, no sides , feeling great, nipples just hard, having great gains.

Reading this makes me want to startup AI.
I'm at week 6 on test e, no sides , feeling great, nipples just hard, having great gains.

Reading this makes me want to startup AI.

Make sure you do it properly and run it EOD at a low dosage, unless you are running high mgs's you will not need the 1mg Adex
dosage that most people suggest. Doing so can put the estro below where you want it and then you will have the sides people here talk about. Aroma or Adex, the dosage for Aroma will be different than dosing Adex.
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Your levels will NEVER be okay with anything over 250 or maybe less. People who believe they are fine without keeping estro in check are ignorant and stupid. When you properly manage your estro you will not feel like shit, people feel like shit when taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is because they are not taking it properly and lack knowledge on who to use it. Plain and simple, any vet or person educated with steroid use will agree.


Not saying I completely disagree with you or I'm starting an argument. Just showing an author writing a 500 page book on anabolic and I don't feel he's ignorant or stupid.
Not saying I completely disagree with you or I'm starting an argument. Just showing an author writing a 500 page book on anabolic and I don't feel he's ignorant or stupid.

No hes just wrong and in the last 6 years much has come to light re: the dangers of elevated estrogen in males. Thee key is keeping it within normal range that you would be off cycle..high 20's is ideal. That way lethargy and sex drive lipids etc all remain good...but the dangerous adverse effects , the ones you cant "see"are removed from the equation. Im not trying to argue either..I just think this is a very important issue that people need to change their views on - the sooner the better.
No hes just wrong and in the last 6 years much has come to light re: the dangers of elevated estrogen in males. Thee key is keeping it within normal range that you would be off cycle..high 20's is ideal. That way lethargy and sex drive lipids etc all remain good...but the dangerous adverse effects , the ones you cant "see"are removed from the equation. Im not trying to argue either..I just think this is a very important issue that people need to change their views on - the sooner the better.
I've never been against taking it. I just wanted to show I wasn't just pulling random opinion outta thin air. Im a novice but no expert so if more than one person say something can help me I'm not gonna dismiss it outta spite. Appreciate the respectful response.


Not saying I completely disagree with you or I'm starting an argument. Just showing an author writing a 500 page book on anabolic and I don't feel he's ignorant or stupid.
Outdated information isn't of interest to me, there is also Nazi documentation of how to CORRECTLY run Dianabol do you follow that to. This is not a book with scientific backing or references its outdated bro science, does the statement "might indeed be aiding in the buildup of muscle mass" sound reassuring to you? keyword might.

Bottom line I keep my Test high and my E2 in check, I do not want high estro I want normal estro the kind that is not counter productive to building muscle.

JimiThing has been there and done that, I haven't, but I will listen to people who are older and more experienced than me.

And remember the definition of ignorant (Lack of knowledge), anyone can be ignorant, the author of this book seems ignorant to most people because we are reading what he wrote 6 years ago which is no longer relevant. I bet he would not have the same opinion today, and if he did well then he can be classified as stupid because he should know better.
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I've never been against taking it. I just wanted to show I wasn't just pulling random opinion outta thin air. Im a novice but no expert so if more than one person say something can help me I'm not gonna dismiss it outta spite. Appreciate the respectful response.

We all learn together brother !! Hell I came from the days when estrogen management on cycle was clomid. The nolva came along. Then it was proivron and nolva together ...then ai's. Its always changing - the knowledge and experience grows!
We all learn together brother !! Hell I came from the days when estrogen management on cycle was clomid. The nolva came along. Then it was proivron and nolva together ...then ai's. Its always changing - the knowledge and experience grows!
Well I'm sure glad I asked this question. I definitely like hearing everyones opinion and people bringing in outside facts. I think I'll take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at the bare minimum dose (.25) just on test as I feel very little estro effects anyways.
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Outdated information isn't of interest to me, there is also Nazi documentation of how to CORRECTLY run Dianabol do you follow that to. This is not a book with scientific backing or references its outdated bro science, does the statement "might indeed be aiding in the buildup of muscle mass" sound reassuring to you? keyword might.

Bottom line I keep my Test high and my E2 in check, I do not want high estro I want normal estro the kind that is not counter productive to building muscle.

JimiThing has been there and done that, I haven't, but I will listen to people who are older and more experienced than me.

And remember the definition of ignorant (Lack of knowledge), anyone can be ignorant, the author of this book seems ignorant to most people because we are reading what he wrote 6 years ago which is no longer relevant. I bet he would not have the same opinion today, and if he did well then he can be classified as stupid because he should know better.
Please don't take anything I've said as disrespectful. I'm not questioning your knowledge or trying to discredit you in anyway. If it came across that way I appologize. I simply remembered reading that in the book and shared it. If that's outdated and no longer applies to today so be it. Not here to be an asshole just here to catch up, learn some new things, and share whatever knowledge I might have to offer.
Please don't take anything I've said as disrespectful. I'm not questioning your knowledge or trying to discredit you in anyway. If it came across that way I appologize. I simply remembered reading that in the book and shared it. If that's outdated and no longer applies to today so be it. Not here to be an asshole just here to catch up, learn some new things, and share whatever knowledge I might have to offer.
I am not a steroid master mind either I just do not like it when people use outdated information to support there views. I only care about current information and if something comes out to change the views on what we do not then I will support that. I remember one person on here brought up an 11 or 13 year old document talking about and supporting oral only cycles!!!

Hell when we are 40 we will probably look back at what we did as retarded and stupid.
Any suggestions if a subject was consuming 500mg of test and 200mg of Tren E what would be a good dosage a when in the cycle would I start and what Aromatase inhibitor (AI) ?..
Any suggestions if a subject was consuming 500mg of test and 200mg of Tren E what would be a good dosage a when in the cycle would I start and what Aromatase inhibitor (AI) ?..
The safest dosage to start at is .25mg of Adex, I like Adex because it usually (or always) comes suspended in a vial and is easier to accurately dose. Prolactin sides are significantly less when E2 is under control, blood work is important when running a 19nor. As for a Caber dosage to mange Prolactin sides from the Tren I would do 0.5mg E4D for the duration of the cycle.

If you E2 is still out of normal range by a decent amount you can up your dosage to .5mg Adex EOD, confirm with blood work that this new dosage is not bringing you E2 below normal which is not good.
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yeah but how hardcore of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) do you need??? Can you get away with PES ERASE???