Test E and taking no AI


New member
Hey guys.... I'm coming up onto my 10th week on test E @ 600 and I have not been taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but also have experienced very little sides. During week 6 I had planned to start taking my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as I figured my estro would be high enough at that point. I took a weeks worth of exemstane 12.5 every other day and I felt absolutely horrible. I decided not to take it the following week and have kept on feeling great and getting stronger every week. At this point I am concerned tho that I should be or need to be taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I have experienced no sides other than a lil acne and bloating, but nothing to lose sleep over.
This is about as great as I've ever felt in my life but it also does concern me that I'm having little to no side effects. I was very concerned about gyno but have had zero symptoms in terms of that. Have you heard of people just running test with no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and being ok? I think its just cause everything I read I expected bad sides.
Everyone reacts different. For me ranging from 500 a week to even trying 1000mg a week I have never had to take any in about a dozen cycles. I just don't get effected thankfully.
Well that makes me feel a little better to know I'm not the only one. I know a blood test would really tell me whats going on but I feel great, don't see why I would need it at this point.
I've never gone without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I can tell a difference in my mood and libido on it too. I just rather deal with the low e sides than the high e sides.
You should always , ALWAYS manage estrogen. The goal is to keep estrogen at normal off cycle levels even when on cycle. Then you get the benefit of estrogen without the bad effects. Bad effects are much more than gyno btw , increased BP , enlarged prostate , increased risk of prostate and other cancers. I encourage you to reconsider you position on estrogen management. Just my opinion.
You should always , ALWAYS manage estrogen. The goal is to keep estrogen at normal off cycle levels even when on cycle. Then you get the benefit of estrogen without the bad effects. Bad effects are much more than gyno btw , increased BP , enlarged prostate , increased risk of prostate and other cancers. I encourage you to reconsider you position on estrogen management. Just my opinion.
Absolutely just because you do not have visible effects does not mean it is not causing harm to your body, and when you do start to see or feel the effects from years of not managing E2 you will probably regret not doing so, and will probably require invasive and painful surgery that will keep you out of the game for a while.
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I understand and I know for a fact estro rises while on test but I figured hey I feel great, not showing any sides why ruin a good thing? This is my first cycle so I didn't know what to expect as I am learning as I go along, but I will definitely take your advice.
I was running aromasin for a few weeks with my test tren cycle and stopped because I felt terrible. I think my estrogen levels were to low because my joints felt dry and the aromasin made me depressed as fuck. As soon as I stopped my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I felt absolutely great. It has been three weeks since I stopped my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and my results are great and I have no visible sides. I have always felt really good on a cycle, sometimes a little on edge but never depressed. This is why I knew there was something up with my e levels. I was running aromasin at 25mg every two days. I may start it back up and run it every 3 days and see if that helps.
See this is what confuses me, some people say absolutely take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while others don't necessarily need them due to no sides. My strength, endurance, cardio is through the roof while feeling just great day to day. When I was on the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I felt miserable an depressed as NONSTOP said. I got off and went back to feeling great. I just cant justify going from feeling great to feeling like shit to control elevated estrogen for 10 weeks, they must not be that high in the first place.
See this is what confuses me, some people say absolutely take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) while others don't necessarily need them due to no sides. My strength, endurance, cardio is through the roof while feeling just great day to day. When I was on the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I felt miserable an depressed as NONSTOP said. I got off and went back to feeling great. I just cant justify going from feeling great to feeling like shit to control elevated estrogen for 10 weeks, they must not be that high in the first place.
Running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at a proper dosage to keep levels in NORMAL range not below is the way to go, you will not know without blood work.

But hey its just advice fella's at the end of the day DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANNA DO!!!!

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An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) yes will control some bloat and lower your estrogen level. Your not gonna be able to find an exact answer since we are not you. You'll just have to do what you thinks best for you. My personal experience is I never use it with just a low dose of test because I enjoy the extra water weight and not looking to hinder any gains. Now when I start adding compounds along with my test I may want to use a low dose for piece of mind. Good luck with whatever you choice.
Higher estrogen = greater gains = myth.
The point is with estrogen is that you dont necessarily feel or see the most dangerous sides. Thats why even low dose Aromatase inhibitor (AI) use is always prudent. Everyone say i dont get gyno or blaot ...well while gyno IS a sure fire sign but there are way more serious sides than water retention when it comes to estrogen. With bloodwork avail as cheap as it is i say invest in some on one cycle..see where you stand..use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) accordingly. But if thats not an option there is no reason low dose Aromatase inhibitor (AI) use would not be prudent unless simple running around 100mng/week testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of test.
You should always , ALWAYS manage estrogen. The goal is to keep estrogen at normal off cycle levels even when on cycle. Then you get the benefit of estrogen without the bad effects. Bad effects are much more than gyno btw , increased BP , enlarged prostate , increased risk of prostate and other cancers. I encourage you to reconsider you position on estrogen management. Just my opinion.

I agree 100%!

there is more to high estrogen than just gyno!
unless on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) (and even then sometimes it is still needed) ALWAYS use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle, with or without "feeling" high estrogen.
even bloat puts strain on the heart along with MANY other reasons.
to me its just dumb not to and i DO NOT condone running a cycle without an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (even if just a low dose till an adjustment may be needed.)

it WONT hurt your gains, only cut out a bit of the bad water. sure SUPER low estrogen will hurt your health and gains, but so will high estrogen and I feel more so while on cycle.
Higher estrogen = greater gains = myth.
The point is with estrogen is that you dont necessarily feel or see the most dangerous sides. Thats why even low dose Aromatase inhibitor (AI) use is always prudent. Everyone say i dont get gyno or blaot ...well while gyno IS a sure fire sign but there are way more serious sides than water retention when it comes to estrogen. With bloodwork avail as cheap as it is i say invest in some on one cycle..see where you stand..use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) accordingly. But if thats not an option there is no reason low dose Aromatase inhibitor (AI) use would not be prudent unless simple running around 100mng/week testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of test.

also very well put I agree