Test E/C Cycle 10 Weeks


New member
Hello, New to the forum, not new to SO. This is my first cycle post and I think it will be a good read. ANY ADVICE IS GREAT!

This is my second cycle but I messed up my first one by not doing my research and ended up losing all the whopping 5lbs I gained. So after about a year of searching I decided to give it another shot. So here I am.

Stats: 22yo
160lbs (at start)
>10Bf (best guess)
Training for 6 years.

I am currently on my 4th week of 600mg test E/C Blend per week. 300mg Tuesday, 300mg Friday. Nolva on the side just in case and Clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). Couldn't get my hands on any adex.. As of today I am 170lbs (up 10lbs from start).


2-3 fish oil a day (1200-1800 omegas)

Morning protein shake (1 scoop protein powder, spinach, blueberries, strawberries, 1 banana, 1/2 cup oats, 1/2cup ice cream, 1 cup milk, 1/3 cup egg whites, 1 shot extra virgin olive oil.)

Meal 2:
4 eggs
6 slices turkey bacon
1 bagel w/cream cheese

Meal 3:
Tuna sandwich

Meal 4:
5oz chicken
1 cup brown rice

Meal 5:
steak sandwich (4oz sirloin, bread)

Meal 6:
Whole wheat spaghetti (whole platefull w/ pasta sauce and beef)

Meal 7:
8oz Tillapia or salmon depending on the day
1 cup brown rice

STRONG sweet tooth so this one is hard (pretzels, dark chocolate, gum, FEW sun chips, etc..)

All bread is whole wheat, all meat/eggs/fish are from surf and turf so no hormones additives, etc.. VERY clean as far as I know. And WATER, WATER, WATER! around 6-8 bottles a day. And before someone says it yes they are small meals but I can eat many times throughout the day but cant eat big meals due to school/work. I just grab whatever I can out of my lunchbox in between classes.

Day 1:Chest
Day 2:Tri/Shoulders
Day 3:Back/bi
Day 4:Legs
Day 5:Rest
Cardio everyday (elliptical) 5-15min depending on how I feel.

My previous cycle injections would hurt like hell, I couldn't walk let alone do leg day.. This time it's as easy as butter, no pain, not even days after. At first I thought it was fake but my weight has been going up and I'm starting to notice strength mainly on leg and chest day. I have 2 friends doing the same cycle with me but I can't speak for their diet, 1 friend is 6'6" and the other is 6'2" so we are noticeably different in size (i dont know weights but bigger than me in relation). One is up 9lbs, on is up 7lbs and started 4 days after we did. Please feel free to critique and recommend changes. I will be updating since I know I am obviously doing something right. Thank you.
Yes I know I wrote alot but it is posted above, Im taking 600mg/week and I have nolva on the side in case of gyno and I have clomid as pct.
Sounds pretty good..Somewhat like my diet except I have alot more protein in my meals. 16oz chicken..10egg whites..ect. Are you getting aleast 260g or more of protein/day. That would be optimal at 160lbs. It would really help with putting on more lean muscle throught your cycle seeing that your carbs are relativly complex and low. Your diet is good, thats a huge +.......your kinda young but you can tell you've done your research.
From what I'm counting I'm getting around 200g protein a day. And I know I could use more food especially protein but I can barely stomach down all that I can, as you can see by my stats I am a pretty small guy. and My stomach is even smaller. I will try to add more protein if i can add more food later, Thanks justin h! And yes countless hours of research and more still more to go!
If anything, have 1 or 2 more whey/casin protein shakes.It cost/time efficiant and better than not getting them at all.

Today at the gym I went up on my chest remarkably.. Up 20lbs on the flat bench and about the same on incline.
Benching flat 245lbs 5-6times.
Incline bench 205lbs 8times
Flat Dumbbell 100lbs 6times
Incline dumbbell 90lbs 4times (with help stabilizing)

My weight today is down 3lbs at about 168lbs now, however I went first thing in the morning after a banana (bad idea) so that probably explains that. No changes in mood nor energy yet other than the excitement of gaining weight and strength. :biggthump
Keep this cycle logged if you can. Upload some pics of progress too mate.

Goodluck and watchout for those itchy nipples (gyno)
I will update my before pics on my next post. Just wanted to sign in and say nothing really new, Haven't weighed myself since last time HOPE I GO UP AGAIN! I did legs today and was definitely stronger, went up a little. No signs of bad sides (acne, gyno) nor energy though either.. Will post up probably tomorrow!

Sorry for not updating, I got laid off from work and am VERY stressed... I'm just trying to keep up with my diet and fitness. On the good side I went up a few more pounds, I am now 173lbs. Still NO negative signs. My deadlift strength has gone up incredibly. I haven't been eating 100% perfect either so I am happy still. Oh and I did one of those grip handle bodyfat things at the gym and it says I was 4.3%?? i know that's obviously not correct but proving I am on the low side haha. I will update the before pictures soon.

One of my friends is now up 15lbs and the other hasn't had any more weight gain but is going up in strength. (probably not eating as he should.)
Why the turkey vs pig bacon? And tuna sandwiches have mayo in them, which almost inevitably has corn syrup, which means you're getting fructose. And why are you having ice cream in an otherwise good shake for breakfast? I'm not understanding that part. 4oz sirloin? Certainly you can do 8oz? or 12? Remember, AAS is only as good as your diet provides food. Might be the reason you only gained 5 the first time around -- you weren't eating enough.

Re: training, 5-15 minutes of elliptical won't do much of anything for you. Are you squatting (front/back)?
Turkey bacon because it IS better even the little than it is and is cheaper so why not? I make my own tuna sandwiches and put no mayo in it. I add the ice cream because its not a lot and it adds the flavor. Don't see the big deal in a little ice cream once a day? lol Yes its only 4oz of sirloin but that's not EXACTLY what I Eat, Some days I have more chicken, some days more steak, ex, today i had 4 pieces of sirloin (16oz) just because i was craving it. and YES I do know AAS is only as good as your diet that's why my new diet is good, That's why I waited to post up this cycle until I knew I was doing something right.

The 5-15 minutes of elliptical give me an overall pump to begin my workout, Legs is my favorite day so yes I do squats.

I am down to 171 and am frustrated, I am eating like an animal! As of today I am upping my calories by 500cals minimum! I took today off and should be back in the gym tomorrow.

Up to 175! Im thinking about starting some Anavar to get ripped, but that's only a thought. Todays leg day and I'll know today but I'm up in EVERYTHING strength wise !

I was 176lbs 2 days ago, and will hopefully be up again today. I am amazed at how I have gained so much weight and strength but nearly NO Negative Sides? On the other hand I still do not feel the "Pump" or "energy" like I should.. And I am on week 7?? I think I will run for another 3 weeks, 10 in total. I had to switch over to a different brand cause I ran out and was unable to get the same brand. Same esters though. All in all I am still VERY pleased with the results! :blue:

I just recounted my calories and I've been slacking ALOT! I'm only getting around 2500, plenty protein but not nearly enough carbs and protein so I'm ditching the tuna and most chicken and adding oatmeal, pasta etc. tryin to get back up around 4k.

My last pin was Monday, that will have ended my 8weeks. I would have originally liked to kept going however I liked te gains I got and now am wanting to get ripped abs by Halloween. Overall I gained 15 lbs. hoping to keep 10. For my first REAL cycle I am happy, especially since I only did test. Very little sides effects but I did start to see some acne on my chest as expected by week 7. Hopefully someone will read tho and get some good information on what to do an what not to do. I am planning my next cycle of 500mg test and 300mg deca for 10 weeks. I'll start that log from scratch. Enjoy te board guys. ***55357;***56835;***55357;***56835;***55357;***56835;***55357;***56835;***55357;***56835;***55357;***56835;
why start anavar?, u should be bulking not cutting lol, u already cut bro, u need to put some pounds on!
fuck the abs, BULK BRO, then cut the shit!
8 week cycle? is way to short bro! could of gained alot more man
why the hell u doing deca on your second cycle, bro u can run test your next cycle but longer like a 12-16 week cycle and forget the deca lol, many other options to run and have some serious gains bro!
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