TesT e cutting/bulking


New member
Going to do a 12 week test cycle with tbol weeks 6-12
Was wondering if i could cut the first four weeks and not lose much muscle because of the test, then lean bulk weeks 5-12?

Would i able to keep the muscle during weeks 1-4 or would i have to wait longer for its anti-catabolizing effects?
Diet is figured out already
well since you have your diet figured out, that should tell you if you will cut or not. lean mass will come from your diet, not gear. you want to cut for your first few weeks, high protein, moderate carbs, super low fat and lots of cardio.
I'd bulk first then cut during the last couple weeks using some clen. Coming into your test cycle you should have your bf% down around 15 or so anyway, or less. Test is generally for bulking bro.
You should always take test in every cycle. Hope you were meaning something else. Let me repeat that for some who my get confused by your comment. You should take test in every cycle!