Test E cycle, take raloxifene while on?


New member
Hello everyone. The last two cycles I've done I've gotten slight gyno. Raloxifene has killed it each time. I'm wondering if I should take it in addition to my adex, or if it's actually better than the adex? I won't want to completely annihilate my estro and I know raloxifene is somewhat gentle when it comes to that. Thanks! Cycle is only 500 test e per week. Last cycle had tren and left me feeling quite off.
Raloxifene is a SERM. You want an AI to prevent gyno and keep e2 levels in check. If you took it and it reversed your gyno thats great but there is no need to run it on cycle. just run the adex .5eod see how you feel and adjust accordingly. get bloods half way through cycle and that will give you a better idea of you AI.
You could run the Ralox as an "insurance policy" so even if you fail to manage your e2 with Adex, you still won't get gyno. But it should in no way be used in place of adex... you still need an AI to keep e2 at healthy levels. Ralox won't lower circulating e2, only block it from binding to your breast tissue.