Hey everyone, I've been looking to up my physique and whatnot, anyway here's some info
11-13% bf
110/50 blood pressure
24 years old
Cycle goals : 20lb+ lbm, 2%+ bodyfat worst scenario
Long term goal : 240 6%
Wk 1-12 test e 500mg
Wk 1-12 deca 300mg
wk 1-12 ephedrine 75mg
wk 8-12 t3 75mcg
Adex .25 e2d may switch
Caber if needed
Wk1-8 4500-5000 cals 300g p min
Wk8-12 2000 cals 200g p min
LOW SODIUM - this cycle will probably raise my BP as it is, 3g or less sodium ED. Got lisinopril on hand if it gets bad
Thoughts? I'm staying away from orals and tren right now
11-13% bf
110/50 blood pressure
24 years old
Cycle goals : 20lb+ lbm, 2%+ bodyfat worst scenario
Long term goal : 240 6%
Wk 1-12 test e 500mg
Wk 1-12 deca 300mg
wk 1-12 ephedrine 75mg
wk 8-12 t3 75mcg
Adex .25 e2d may switch
Caber if needed
Wk1-8 4500-5000 cals 300g p min
Wk8-12 2000 cals 200g p min
LOW SODIUM - this cycle will probably raise my BP as it is, 3g or less sodium ED. Got lisinopril on hand if it gets bad
Thoughts? I'm staying away from orals and tren right now
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