Test e deca first cycle 12 weeks finish with ephedrine t3


New member
Hey everyone, I've been looking to up my physique and whatnot, anyway here's some info

11-13% bf
110/50 blood pressure
24 years old

Cycle goals : 20lb+ lbm, 2%+ bodyfat worst scenario

Long term goal : 240 6%

Wk 1-12 test e 500mg
Wk 1-12 deca 300mg
wk 1-12 ephedrine 75mg
wk 8-12 t3 75mcg
Adex .25 e2d may switch

Caber if needed


Wk1-8 4500-5000 cals 300g p min
Wk8-12 2000 cals 200g p min

LOW SODIUM - this cycle will probably raise my BP as it is, 3g or less sodium ED. Got lisinopril on hand if it gets bad

Thoughts? I'm staying away from orals and tren right now
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Still shocking lol. I'll spoon feed you this time... but seriously, you need to learn about what your injecting into your body.

1) 12 weeks of deca is too short. Takes about 9 weeks to kick in (very long ester)

2) 300mg is quite a low dose, you probably wouldn't notice much at all with 12wks @ 300mg.

3) You'd most likely completely fuck up your recovery ending deca and test together. You need to drop deca 2 weeks before you drop the test e, as it hangs around a long time and will completely overpower your PCT.

4) Not sure why your running ephedrine on a bulk...

5) No mention of PCT......

Go read all the stickys, please. There's a good chance you will fuck your endocrine system by doing poorly planned cycles.
Still shocking lol. I'll spoon feed you this time... but seriously, you need to learn about what your injecting into your body.

1) 12 weeks of deca is too short. Takes about 9 weeks to kick in (very long ester)

2) 300mg is quite a low dose, you probably wouldn't notice much at all with 12wks @ 300mg.

3) You'd most likely completely fuck up your recovery ending deca and test together. You need to drop deca 2 weeks before you drop the test e, as it hangs around a long time and will completely overpower your PCT.

4) Not sure why your running ephedrine on a bulk...

5) No mention of PCT......

Go read all the stickys, please. There's a good chance you will fuck your endocrine system by doing poorly planned cycles.

Aw I didn't know that deca worked like that, good call, fuck that then. I will stick to test adex then. Also ment to put ehpedhinre with t3 at the end of the bulk
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Aw I didn't know that deca worked like that, good call, fuck that then. I will stick to test adex then. Also ment to put ehpedhinre with t3 at the end of the bulk

I think you should still do some research. Or at the very least post up your new proposed cycle for critique.

What are you planning on running for PCT? How long are you going to wait after cycle to start it? They are the most important part of any cycle... if you don't recover well your not gonna keep your gains anyway, meaning you'll feel like shit for no gains at all.
I think you should still do some research. Or at the very least post up your new proposed cycle for critique.

What are you planning on running for PCT? How long are you going to wait after cycle to start it? They are the most important part of any cycle... if you don't recover well your not gonna keep your gains anyway, meaning you'll feel like shit for no gains at all.

Ok delete this thread, I will redo with a test-only cycle after more research BOOM.
Ok delete this thread, I will redo with a test-only cycle after more research BOOM.

That's great you're doing your research... and yes - testosterone only for the first cycle is very important.

One of the main reasons for test only on the first cycle - is so you get an understanding of how your body reacts
to test alone... because it will be the base of all your cycles.

Then you can start adding different things like deca - then deca and dbol - or tren or whatever...

Plus that gives you the extra time to keep learning.

Welcome to Ology - take plenty of notes and stay active... "you're in good company!"
Ok delete this thread, I will redo with a test-only cycle after more research BOOM.

Good man, remain teachable bro. Your cycle wasent horrible lol but yeah read up some and make it as perfect as you can. We only have one body. Let's try not messing it up. Plus you don't want to waist money on Half ass cycles.
Good man, remain teachable bro. Your cycle wasent horrible lol but yeah read up some and make it as perfect as you can. We only have one body. Let's try not messing it up. Plus you don't want to waist money on Half ass cycles.

Yes it was, a cycle without PCT is absolutely horrible. He didn't make any mention of a pct, but even if he was planning one dropping deca that late would have made it pretty much completely ineffective.