Test-E only 15 Weeks, MrRicco's time to shine GTFIH!

7/12/13 Day 75 of cycle Weigh In

Weight- Weighed in this morning at 156.6lbs which is -1.2lbs since last Tuesday. But a .8lb increase from a week and half ago. I posted pictures up on another form asking what people thought of my Body Fat % was, they estimated around 14-15%. Which would mean im holding around 23.5lbs of fat on me. Which would mean if I wanted to competition it up I'd have to cut 15lbs of fat for 5%, estimating around 141lbs just a tad under Bantam Max weight. Now of course that isn't 141lbs of muscle haha. Just food for though, I think im higher bodyfat though.

Diet- Next two days of diet might turn to crap. Not that it's going to be unclean, but calorie wise not sure.

Anavar- I believe just a tad bit more vascular today then before.

GYM- Shoulder/Forearm/Lats

Dumbbell Overhead Press 1x6-8 1x3 2x5 2x65lb Db's 2x60lb Db's (First time doing 65's, just that alone wore me out making the rest of my sets crappy)
Face Pulls 4x20-30
Rear Delt Dumbbell Raise 3x10-15 2x50lb Db's 1x45lb Db's (First time hitting 50's, but felt akward so went down on last set to 45's)
Front Delt Dumbbell Raise 2x20 2x50lb Db's (50's feelin good)
Side Delt Dumbbell Raise 3x10 2x30lb Db's 1x25lb Db's (Up 5lbs, doing 30's now)

*Did a few extra sets on machines for delts*

Barbell Shrugs 3x3-4 3x285lbs (Hitting 285, but damn only 3-4 reps. Probably need to stay at 285 next week)
Dumbbell Shrugs 2x10 2x100lb Db's
EZ Bar Close Grip Upright Row 3x10 1x95lbs 2x105lbs (105 feelin good)

Did a few sets for my lats, and did a few sets for my forearm.
7/15/13 Day 78 of Cycle Injection Day

Cycle- Injected 250mg of Test-E

Var- I'm 2 1/2 weeks into my 50mg ED cycle of Var

Diet- Staying at 3500 calories still, weigh in tomorrow won't change it, but if Friday I weigh in and its low i'll raise it up a tad.


Incline DB Press 4x10 4x70lb DB's (Feeling great, not too hard)
Flat DB Press 4x8-10 4x80lb DB's (Feeling Great, not too hard)
Decline DB Flys 3x10 3x60lb DB's (Up 5lbs, feeling good, little awkward form though)
Machine Flys 4x10-15

*Did max on Decline Bench Press 1x2 for 225lbs, did 2x5 Flat Bench Press of 185lbs, 2x8-10 of Incline Bench Press for 135lbs*

Close Grip Bench Press 1x10 1x4 1x165lbs 1x175lbs (First time doing 175lbs, 165 felt too easy, but once I started only got 4 reps)
Reverse Grip Bench Press 2x4-8 2x155lbs (Up 10lbs)

Barbell Calf Raise 3x10 3x385lbs (Up 10lbs, first time doing 385 and did 3 sets)
7/16/13 Day 79 of Cycle Weigh In

Weight- Weighed in at 159lbs


Deadlift 5x4-5 5x285lbs (3 more sets compared to last week, also few more reps compared to last week.)
Wide Grip Front Pull Down 3x10 3x185lbs (185 getting easy)
Wide Grip Row 2x10 2x140lbs (Up 10lbs)
Close Grip Row 2x10 2x140lbs (Up 10lbs)

*did 1 extra set of the pull down, and rows with lighter weight, did 2 sets of light weight T Bar Rows, 2 sets of Back Extensions*

Close Grip Underhand Barbell Row 3x185lbs 2x175lbs (Up 10lbs, 185 wasn't the best form, so went down to 175 for last 2 sets)
Weighted Chin Ups 3x10
Weighted Pull Ups 3x10
Preacher Curl 3x10 3x85lbs (85lbs feeling good, with good form)

Did some weighted Forearm exercises, and did some weighted Core.
7/17/13 Day 80 of Cycle

I usually have Wednesday as a rest day/cardio day but I will be getting wisdom teeth done on Friday morning so I switched shoulders too today.

Body- A little sore feeling today, probably because I had to wake up early the past few days. Got 8 hours of sleep, but still woke up early which always makes me feel tired still.


DB Overhead Press 4x5-8 2x65lb DB's 2x60lb DB's (Got a full 8 on first set for 65, next set hit only 5.)
Rear Delt DB Raise 2x10-15 2x50lb DB's
Front Delt DB Raise 2x20 2x50lb DB's (Swinging them upwards, but it really does bring out my delts)
Side Delt DB Raise 3x10 2x30lb DB's 1x25lb DB's
Machine Rope Face Pulls 4x20-30

*Did some lighter weights, simple quick set of each exercises*

Barbell Shrug 3x4 3x6-8 3x285 3x275 (285 is a bad bitch)
DB Shrug 2x10 2x100lb Db's
EZ Bar Upright Row 3x10 3x105lbs (Feelin good)

*Did a few more lighter weight exercises to bring out traps*
7/18/13 Day 81 of Cycle Injection Day

Body-Tomorrow im going to be worn out, getting wisdom teeth all four taken out.

Cycle- Injected 250mg of Test-E today. Probably my easiest Pin to date, the needle went into my leg like it was made of pudding.

Diet- May be a little off today, going on a date later and can't eat properly cause of it.

GYM- Legs/Core

Barbell Squat 4x5 1x4 4x195lbs 1x205lbs (First time hitting 205lbs!)
Leg Press 2x6-8 2x760lbs (Getting more reps in this week)
Leg Extensions 2x10-15 2x210lbs (Getting more reps this week)
Leg Press Machine 2x20 2x390lbs (Getting more reps this week)

Stiff Leg Deads 3x10 3x185lbs (Felt good on this)
Single Leg Plated Curl 3x10 3x80lbs totaling 160lbs (Feelin better this week)
Smith Machine Lunges 2x20 2x190lbs (Up 5 lbs)

Barbell Calf Raise 4x10 4x395lbs (up 10lbs, almost wanted to do 400 but said next week)

*Did some core weighted exercises and did some hip machine*
Weighed in this morning at 160.2lbs, no matter the weight gain 3500 calories always gains me a random amount of weight each week.

Getting wisdom teeth pulled today woot.
7/22/13 Day 85 of Cycle Injection Day WEEK 13!

Cycle- Started my 13th week of Test-E, injecting 250mg of Test-E.

Anavar- I noticed this morning I started getting some wild pumping action on my right side of my back, lasted only a few minutes.

Body- I got all four wisdom teeth pulled on Friday, and still recovering from it. Im not in pain, just a tad sleepy and lots of bleeding.

Diet- Since Wisdom Teeth were out my diets a bit crappy on calorie wise, protein wise im still in the range of 200-250 each day. Mostly my carbs have been down macro wise. But even with the lower calorie intake my stomach feels bloated as if I ate a ton of food. Also starting this week im dropping down to 3000 calories and keeping it around there for awhile. I figured since the T levels are going down a bit, the anabolic muscle growth is a tad bit lowered. So hitting a super high surplus will only lead to more fat gain.

GYM- Chest/Tris/Calf

DB Incline Press 4x8-10 4x70lb DB's (Still feelin good)
DB Flat Bench Press 4x8-10 4x80lb DB's (Might try 85's next week)
DB Decline Bench Flys 3x10 3x60lb DB's

*Did 4 reps of 225lbs on Decline Bench, did 2 sets of 135lbs on Incline Bench, did 1 set of 185lbs on Flat Bench, and did 2 sets of Machine Based Flys*

Close Grip Bench Press 2x5 2x175lbs (Felt a bit better this week)
Reverse Grip Bench Press 2x6-8 2x155lbs (Felt a bit better this week)
Dips 3x15-20

Barbell Calf Raise 3x10 3x405lbs (up 10lbs, and hitting 4 plates!)
7/23/13 Day 86 of Cycle Weigh In

Weight- This morning weighed in at 161.6lbs which oddly enough means I gained more then a lb. Even though the past few days my calorie intake should have been in a deficit.

Diet- Hitting around 3000 calories, still having to pure food since Wisdom Teeth.


Deadlifts 2x5 3x4 5x295lbs (First time hitting 295lbs, felt like a ton!)
Back Extensions Weighted 2x10 2x45lbs
Wide Grip Pull Downs 3x10 1x200lbs 2x185lbs (First time 200lbs, bad form so went back to 185)
Wide Grip Row Cable 2x10 2x140lbs
Close Grip Row Cable 2x10 2x140lbs

Weighted Chin Ups 3x10
Weighted Pull Ups 3x10
Preacher Curls 3xFailure 3x95lbs (First time hitting 95lbs)
Underhand Close Grip Barbell Row 2x5 2x10 2x185lbs 2x135lbs (First time doing 185, bad form though. Went down to 135 to get that very perfect form)

Did some forearm training, and core training.
7/25/13 Day 88 of Cycle Injection Day

Cycle- Injecting 250mg of Test-E and starting to taper off just to be safe with T3

Diet- Calorie intake is around 3000


Squat 4x5 4x215lbs (Up 10lbs)
Leg Press 2x6-8 1x760lbs 1x800lbs (up 40lbs)
Leg Press Machine 2x15-20 1x390 1x410 (up 20lbs)
Leg Extension Machine 2x15 2x210lbs

Stiff Leg Deads 2x10 2x185lbs
Smith Machine Lunges 2x20 2x205lbs (up 15lbs)
Single Leg Plated Leg Curl 3x10 3x80lbs (Getting a tad easier)

Barbell Calf Raise 3x10 3x405lbs (I think I will stay here, I think 4 plates is more then enough, anymore and I feel it may be dangerous)
Seated Calf Raise 2x10-15 2x180lbs

Hit some hip machines, did some weighted core exercises, and hit some core stretching. Also here is two pics I thought I'd take, im not lean enough but the Anavar (var) is helping with vascular.

7/26/13 Day 89 of Cycle Weigh In

Cycle- Monday will be the final day of T3, just for safe measure even though its probably not needed. Tapering down, which next few days will be 12.5mcg.

Weight- Weighed in this morning at 158.8 and then a few minutes later 159 so ill take the average of 158.9. Which I can only imagine since going down to 3000 calories and since Wisdom Teeth held me back on calories for two days i dropped a bit of water weight.

Side Effects- This whole week I felt a bit groggy, possibly because of the Wisdom Teeth removal.


DB OHP 4x6-8 4x65lb Db's (hitting all 4 sets with 65's this week)
Barbell OHP 2x5 2x105lbs (These past two weeks I've tested this out, never rlly done it.)
Front DB Raise 2x20 2x50lb DB's (Feelin good)
Side DB Raise 2x10 2x30lb DB's (Feelin good)
Rear Delt DB Raise 2x15 2x50lb DB's (Feelin good)
Face Pulls 1x20

Barbell Shrugs 2x10 1x5 2x275lbs 1x295lbs (Figured I needed to lower the weight and go more reps for this, also first time trying 295.)
DB Shrugs 2x10 2x100lb DB's (100 getting alot easier)
EZ Bar Upright Row Close Grip 3x10 3x105lbs (105 getting alot easier)

*hit my biceps twice with DBs, hit my Triceps 3 times, and hit my chest twice, and did a few forearm/wrist exercises*
7/29/13 Day 92 of Cycle Injection Day Week 14!

Cycle- Injected 250mg of Test-E. Finally stopped taking my T3.

Body- Looking a tad big leaner, its probably because my diet dropped down 500 calories which is around 100 extra carbs lost.

Sides- The past week and a half I shit everyday, which is normal but the shits are very huge, but my dietary intake isn't much higher then what it was before.

Diet- Dropped down to 3000 calories cause I felt like I was gaining some fat, but now it feels like im not eating as much to gain the full potential of muscle growth.

GYM- Chest/Tris/Calf

DB Incline Press 4x6-8 4x70lb DB's ( I tried twice on the 75's, almost got both times but ended up failing. So when I went to do 70's, was a bit worn)
DB Flat Press 4x6-8 4x85lb DB's (Up 5lbs! and actually hit all 4 sets. I tried it and failed, and said "I can fucking do this", so I went back and did it!)
Cable Flys 4x15 2x Upper 2xbottom
Decline Bench Press 1x5 1x225lbs (Feel safe enough without a spotter)
Flat Bench Press 1x3 1x225lbs (Haven't maxed in like 6 months, so tried it with a spotter. It felt a bit too easy, so hopefully he wasnt helping)
Incline Bench Press 1x5 1x185lbs (Usually just do 135 with multiple reps, but decided to go heavy)

Close Grip Bench Press 2x5 2x175lbs (175 felt easier)
Reverse Grip Bench Press 2x6-8 2x155lbs (Felt easier)
Non weighted Dips 3x20

Barbell Calf Raise 3x10 3x405lbs (405 felt great, and easier then last week. Almost feel like I should go up.)
Seated Calf Raise 2x10 2x180lbs
Thanks for the comment Krugger :)

So this morning I weighed myself and I weighed 156.6lbs which 1 week ago today I was 161.6lbs, and a few days prior that weigh in I was 160.2. Thats a lot of weight to drop, by looking in the mirror it looks like my water retention is off. I'm 4 1/2 weeks into my Anavar which could explain the water drop page. Also over the week n half I've dropped 500 calories and taking in plenty of potassium. I just pray its all water im dropping, and im still eating at a surplus. I really don't wish to be losing my gains. I say I'd go back too 3500 but I should just wait and see by my next weigh in.
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7/30/13 Day 93 of Cycle Weigh In

Weight- Like I posted above this morning I weighed in at 156.6lbs, which is 5 lbs less then I weighed last Tuesday. But I am 4 1/2 weeks into my Var, this whole week been taking tons of potassium, also the -100-150 carbs from diet could all be reasons for weight drop.

Diet- Going to wait till Fridays weigh in to go up on calorie wise, im just worried im losing gains I've made.


Deadlift 3x5 2x4 5x305lbs (Up 10lbs, finally switching over to Olympic Plates because I can't use the other style plates anymore.)
Good Mornings 2x15 2x95lbs
Back Extension Weighted 3x10 1x45 1x25 1xnone
Pull Down 3x10 2x200lbs 1x185lbs (200 lbs felt much more stable and easier)
Wide Grip Cable Row 2x10 2x140lbs (Going up next week)
Close Grip Cable Row 2x10 2x140lbs (Going up next week)

Underhand Close grip Barbell Row 3x6 1x8 3x185lbs 1x175lbs (185lbs felt more stable on form)
Preacher Curls 3xFailure 3x95lbs (95lbs felt more stable)
Weighed Pull Ups 3x10 3x25lbs
Weighted Chin Ups 3x10 3x25lbs

*Did some weighted forearm exercises, did some oblique exercises, and did a few ab stretching and weighted ab exercises*
8/1/13 Day 95 of Cycle Injection and Weigh In

Cycle- Injecting 250mg of Test-E

Weight- I weighed in this morning at 156.8lbs which is .2lbs increase since Tuesday. Weighed in today cause working tonight, and after working I usually feel bloated. So just in case if my weight is odd tomorrow.

Body- I started getting a cold on Tuesday night, this would be the 3rd time since being on cycle that I've been sick. I rarely get sick though.

GYM- Legs/Core

Squat 4x5 4x225lbs (up 10lbs, and finally hitting 2plates)
Leg Press 2x10 2x800lbs (going up next week)
Leg Extensions Machine 2x10 2x210lbs
Leg Press Machine 2x15-20 2x410lbs (Feelin good)

*did 2 Smith Machine sets of squats*

Stiff Leg Dead Lifts 2x10 2x225lbs (Decided to just go up to 2 plates, which felt fine)
Smith Machine Lunges 2x20 2x210lbs
Single Leg Plated Leg Curl 3x10 3x80lbs (80lbs feelin great!)

Barbell Calf Raise 3x10 2x405lbs 1x415lbs (Decided to just keep going up!)
Seated Calf Raise 2x10-15 2x180lbs

*did 4 sets of hip exercises, some weighted Ab exercises, and ab stretches*
8/2/13 Day 96 of Cycle Weigh In

Weight- Weighed in this morning at 157.5lbs, so my calories must be still in a surplus. And I must of just dropped a ton of water weight. From my pictures it kindda goes with that idea.

Diet- I'll still stay at 3000 until next weigh in.

Body- Feeling a bit groggy this past week. Possible be because im sick.

GYM- Shoulders/Forearm/Bicep/Tri's

DB OHP 2x8 2x4-5 4x65lbs DB's (Last week was hitting at 4 sets just fine, this week my last two sets went to shit.)
Barbell OHP 2x5 2x115lbs
Front DB Raise 2x20 2x55lb DB's (Up 5lbs)
Side DB Raise 3x10 2x30lb DB's 1x25lb DB's (30 getting easier)
Face Pulls 3x20-30
Rear Delt Bent DB Raise 2x10-15 2x55lb DB's (Up 5lbs)

Barbell Shrugs 2x10 2x5 2x275lbs 2x285lbs
DB Shrugs 2x10 2x100lb DB's
EZ Bar Close Grip Upright Row 3x6-8 3x115lbs (Up 10lbs)

*Hit my Obliques for 4 sets, hit Forearms for 4 sets, Hit Bicep/Tricep for 2 sets*
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8/5/13 Day 99 of Cycle Injection

Cycle- On 15th week of Test-E, 250mg shot today. Thursday is my last 250mg shot. Then I start up the prop soon bridging into PCT.

Body- A bit groggy and sore today, been sick since last Tuesday. Most likely is the culprit.


DB Incline Press 3x6-8 3x75lb DB's (Up 5lbs, but felt 3 sets was good enough when on 3rd set started getting less reps)
DB Flat Press 4x6-8 4x85lb DB's (Feeling Great!)
DB Decline Press 3x8-10 3x65lb DB's (Havn't done this in 2 weeks, felt stronger then last time I did it)
Cable Flys 4x10 2xUpper 2xLower

*Did few reps of 225lbs on Decline Bench, Did 2 sets of Incline Bench 185lb, and retried 225 Flat Bench Max (since last week spotted me, and seems he helped) which I got 1 perfect rep in)

Close Grip Bench Press 2x5 1x175lbs 1x165lbs (Maybe I need to go lighter weight more reps, because I'm not going really anywhere with this)
Reverse Grip Bench Press 2x5 2x165lbs (Up 10lbs, 5 reps though)
Dips 2x20 1x20 2xnon weighted 1xweighted

*Did 3 extra small sets of random tricep exercise*

Barbell Calf Raise 2x10 2x415lbs (Was with friend, so only did a quick 2 sets)
Seated Calf Raise 2x10 2x180lbs
8/6/13 Day 100 of Cycle Weigh In

Weight- I woke up at 9, pooped and pee'd and weighed at 157lbs. Went back to sleep for an hour, woke up pissed again and weighed and was 156.6. So i'm going to average it too 156.8lbs which if im going off of a week ago it isn't any change really. So I'm going too up my intake by 200.

Cycle- I have 1 more shot this Thursday night of 250mg then switching to Prop to bridge into PCT.

Body- Feeling a bit sore, still sick sadly.


Deadlift 1x4 4x3 5x315lbs (Went up 10lbs, holy shit I havn't felt this weak in weeks. But by god my whole body was vainy as fuck while doing this)
Good Morning Barbell 2x10 2x95lbs
Back Extension 2x10 2x45lb plate
Wide Grip Pull Down 3x6-8 3x200lbs
Wide Grip Cable Row 2x8-10 2x150lbs (up 10lbs)
Cable Row 2x8-10 2x150lbs (up 10lbs)

Underhand Close Grip Barbell Row 4x6-8 4x185lbs (Felt much better then last week)
Weighted Pull Ups 2x10
Weighted Chin Ups 2x10
Preacher Curls 3xFailure 3x95lbs (Felt much better then last week)

*hit my forearms with weighted exercises, hit obliques twice, did weighted abs, and some ab stretching*