Test-E only 15 Weeks, MrRicco's time to shine GTFIH!

Not to rain on your parade man but you don't get 25lbs of MUSCLE on a cycle. 25lbs of muscle, fat, and water yes but not all muscle. You're doing great so far though so keep it up.
I've seen logs where mates have obtained a great a number of muscle on their first cycle, in the 25-30 lb range. But it was their first cycle, they ate well, plenty of rest, proper training, and they were a bit underweight. I believe im hitting all of those. But I started at 135lbs, and if I were to possibly get 15-20lbs of muscle in this cycle id be happy.
7/2/13 Day 65 of Bulking Weigh In

Weight- Weighed in at 155.8lbs, alot of water weight since I didn't care to much of sodium this week. I also hear the Anavar (var) can draw in some weight as a side effect.

GYM- Back/Bicep/Forearm/Core

Deadlift 5x4 5x275lbs (Up 10lbs, first time doing 275 but only got 4 reps each time)
Barbell Good Mornings 2x10 2x135lbs
Wide Grip Pull Downs 3x10 3x185lbs
Wide Grip Cable Rows 2x10 2x130lbs (Should go up next week)
Cable Rows 2x10 2x130lbs (Should go up next week)

Weighted Pull Ups 3x10
Weighted Chin Ups 3x10
Close Grip Underhand Barbell Rows 5x6-8 5x175lbs (Hitting 5 sets of this, compared to last weeks 1 set)
Preacher Curls 3xFailure 1x75lbs 2x85lbs

Some Core exercises, and some forearm exercises
I've seen logs where mates have obtained a great a number of muscle on their first cycle, in the 25-30 lb range.But it was their first cycle, they ate well, plenty of rest, proper training, and they were a bit underweight. I believe im hitting all of those. But I started at 135lbs, and if I were to possibly get 15-20lbs of muscle in this cycle id be happy.

No, that's NOT all muscle. It's a combination of water, fat, muscle, and glycogen. What you're suggesting is the body is synthesizing almost 3lbs of muscle per week. That is IMPOSSIBLE even on AAS.

Edit* you may also be confusing lean body mass with muscle mass. The two are not the same things.
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No, that's NOT all muscle. It's a combination of water, fat, muscle, and glycogen. What you're suggesting is the body is synthesizing almost 3lbs of muscle per week. That is IMPOSSIBLE even on AAS.

Edit* you may also be confusing lean body mass with muscle mass. The two are not the same things.

Well my cycle is longer though, its 15 weeks but more realistically 17 weeks. If I were to do 1.5lbs a week that'd give be around 25.5 lbs at the end before pct.
7/4/13 Day 67 of Cycle 4th July Injection Day

Cycle- Injecting my last ml of Test-E from my 2nd vial tonight. Monday starts the final vial!

Yesterday I saw my neighbor as I was walking to the pool to swim. We chatted a bit and he said "man what are you on, your getting big". So I must be looking bigger to people hah.

Side Effects- A bit of anger yesterday for my cities firework show. Sat in line for 45 minutes to leave to go home, damn traffic. The whole time I was angry as fuck, cussing up a storm at people trying to cut in line, and was punching my roof of car. Guess a tad bit of anger issues.

GYM- Legs/Core

Squat 5x4-5 5x185lbs (Last week only 2 sets, but damn was it a struggle)
Leg Press 2x10 1x670 1x720
Leg Press Machine 2x15 2x370lbs (Up 20lbs)
Leg Extension 2x15 2x190lbs

Plated Leg Curl 3x10 3x75lbs (up 10lbs totaling 150lbs)
Smith Machine Lunges 2x20 2x175lbs (Up 5lbs)
Stiff Leg Deads 2x10 2x185lbs

Barbell Calf Raise 4x10 4x365lbs (Monday only did 1 set)

Did some core exercises *weighted* and some core stretching.
6/5/13 Day 68 of Cycle

Weight- Was going to do my weekly photo's and weigh in but since its holiday weekday I went out and ate a bit and my belly is a bit bloated. So really no point in weighing and posting pics if im holding water weight.

Cycle- Last night finished off my 2nd vial of Test-E, but oddly enough instead of getting 1ml out of it I got 1 1/2 MLs so yesterday inject 375 instead of 250. Either my last few draws havnt hit 250 or there was a tad bit extra in vial.

GYM- Shoulders

Over Head Dumbell Press 4x6-8 4x60lb DB's (last week only got 1 set in, this week all 4!)
Bent Over Rear Delts Raise 2x15 2x45lb DB's (Going up to 50's next week)
Face Pulls 4x30
Front Dumbbell Raise 2x20 2x50lb DB's (Up 5lbs)
Side Dumbell Lateral Raise 2x10 2x25lbs (Going up to 30's next week)

Barbell Shrugs 4x4 4x275lbs (Up 10lbs)
Dumbbell Srhugs 2x10 2x100lbs
EZ Bar Upright Rows 3x10 1x95lbs 2x105lbs (105 getting easier)
Well my cycle is longer though, its 15 weeks but more realistically 17 weeks. If I were to do 1.5lbs a week that'd give be around 25.5 lbs at the end before pct.

Another mistake man, you don't build muscle at the rate of 1.5lbs a week. Even with Anabolics you don't synthesize muscle mass at that rate. Period. So now you're also assuming all 25.5lbs you gain on cycle are muscle mass?? What about water weight, increased glycogen stores, fat gain, and muscle gain? If you gain 25lbs of muscle you'd have to expect your total weight to go up 50lbs AT LEAST. You're confusing total gains with muscle mass gains. Plus the t3 you added is only going to reduce your muscle mass gains, so on top of 1.5lbs of PURE MUSCLE MASS being unrealistic and wrong, you now will be even less than that due to the proteolysis of T3.
7/8/13 Day 71 of Cycle Injection Day

Cycle- Injected 250mg of Test-E. Also on the 12th day of my Anavar 50mg.

Anavar- I think the Anavar kicked in for strength gains, because I kicked ass in the gym today.

Diet- Staying around 3500 calories, hitting over 300 grams of protein.

GYM- Chest/Tri/Calf

Incline Dumbbell Press 4x8-10 1x 65lb Db's 3x70lb DB's (Up 5'lbs,first time doing 70's and did 3 sets of them)
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press 4x8-10 4x80lb DB's (Last week only did 1 set, this week all 4)
Decline Bench Dumbbell Flys 3x10 3x55lb DB's (Next week going to do 60s)
Cable Flys 4x15 (Went up a tad bit in weight)

*did 2 sets of Barbell flat,incline,decline press*

Close Grip Bench Press 2x4-5 2x165lbs (Felt weak on this)
Reverse Grip Bench Press 2x6-10 2x145lbs (May go up next week)
Weighted Dips 3x10 3x25lbs (Back into doing Dips felt good)

Barbell Calf Raise 4x10 3x365lbs 1x375lbs (First time doing 375lbs! Up 10lbs)

Hit sauna after cardio, weigh in is tomorrow!
7/9/13 Day 72 of Cycle Weigh In

Weight- Today weighed in at 157.8lbs which is 2lbs increase since last Tuesday. May decrease calories intake down a bit on Friday depending on what weigh in is.

Anavar- Strength gains kicking in, because im feeling stronger then ever.

Comments- Some dude at the gym commented saying "you're looking bigger".

GYM- Back/Bicep/Forearm/Core

Deadlift 3x5-6 2x4 3x275lbs 2x285lbs (Up 10lbs, first time doing 285. My friend stated my form was good, I was always worried I was in snap city mode.

Well it usually goes a certain way but I trained with a buddy today so I did everything he does. He does a similar routine lots of rows/pull downs but different ways. He was surprised at how heavy I could lift. He is taller then me but weight is around the same, maybe 10 lbs less then him.
Great Thread....first post...This journal made me do it :P

Also thinking on starting my first cycle....MAYBE test only...or with Equipoise...still on it.
Did you share the results, or am a I overlooking them?

hmm I havnt gone back and checked the pages but I know I asked on here if they were legit. More or less I did a female hormone panel test. My estrogen was good to go, my test levels were above 1500 but it didnt specify where above.

I plan on getting one after PCT since I compete and don't want to switch into cutting phase to early losing my gains I've made
Usually Wenesdays are my cardio day but did some training with buddy.

We did some triceps, calfs, abs.

I Hit 385lbs on Barbell Calf Raises today woot!!

Comments- A girl I hadn't seen in 2-3 months said "you've gotten a lot bigger since the last time I saw you". She had a surprised look on her face, and motioned her arms over her body showing that my muscle gain was all over. She said it defiant;y is a compliment.
7/11/13 Day 74 of Cycle Injection Day

Cycle- Tonight will be injection 250mg of Test-E. Still taking my 50mg of Anavar ED, still taking my .5mg of Armidex EOD, and still taking 20mcg of t3 ED.

Body- While stretching today, with my legs in the air I felt my abdominal muscles. And holy shit I havnt felt them in awhile, but their getting much bigger. Of course you can't see cause some stomach fat but shit. May be the reason I look pudgier in the stomach.

Anavar- Must be working, because strength is defiantly feeling good. I can tell just a tad of more vascular, but with higher BF its hard to tell. Not so much of pumps in the gym, I know my legs are a tad bit more sore from the Var. Of course no leaning out, im too fat too notice hah.

GYM- Legs/Core

Squat 4x5 4x195lbs (Last week did 5 sets of 185, this week up 10lbs)
Leg Press 3x5 3x760lbs (up 40lbs, but only 5 reps a piece)
Leg Extension Machine 2x10-15 2x210lbs (Up 20lbs)
Leg Press Machine 2x15 2x390lbs (Up 20lbs)

*Did 2 sets of Smith Machine squat, and 1 extra set of squat and leg extensions but lower weight*

Stiff Leg Deads 2x10 2x185lbs
Lying Single Leg Plated Leg Curl 3x8-10 1x75lbs 2x80lbs (up 10lbs, totaling 160lbs)
Smith Machine Lunges 2x20 2x185lbs

Did some seated calf Raises 2x10 2x180lbs

Did some core exercises of stretching and weighted.
Today weighed in at 156.6lbs





