Test E only cycle help

zig zag

New member
Hey guys need some advice here. Im in my 5th week of test e at 500mg a week. I pin 250 mg on monday and thursday. It kicked in at week 4 and my strength went throught the roof! I was benching 340 for rebs and thats pretty good for me when my max had been around 300. During week 5 my body fat has seemed to increase and im on a strict high protein diet. I'm just looking flabby all over except in my arms and shoulders. I'm also in a depression cause of this. I'm seriously thinking of stoping test e right now and starting my PCT of clomid at 50/50/50/50. I have alway done sus 250 in the past with only good result the entire cycle but figured id try the test e only cycle since I dont do AAS that much. Is my body just not taking the test very well? with my diet I should be getting cut up. I dont understand why my arms and shoulder are so big and cut but the rest of me isnt. Is it ok to take clomid while running test and if so at what dose? any help would be appreciated.
well I was told clomid could be used for my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and PCT

Nolva can but clomid you want to save for PCT (if i'm mistaken, someone correct me of course). At any rate if your diet is as good as you say it is likely water retention not fat that you are experiencing around your body. The emotions going crazy could be due to too much Estrogen. You should get bloods done to be sure. Running an A.I. such as Adex or Aromasin, would likely help with what you're going through.

And no it's not that your body doesn't like the test (assuming you're using the same source), as since you've run Sustanon (sust), you've already experienced test.
well I was told clomid could be used for my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and PCT

You were told wrong. Pick up some arimidex/aromasin/letrozole and do your homework man. How the hell you guys can stick needles into your bodies without knowing what comes next or what to do is TOTALLY beyond my comprehension! :p
yeah I know man kick me in the nuts when im down.lol. I just looking for help not lectured. Can you get AI's from RUI?
yeah I know man kick me in the nuts when im down.lol. I just looking for help not lectured. Can you get AI's from RUI?

And that ladies and gentlemen is the game. When guys start using the word "lectured" in these post I auto chalk them up to being a troll. You got the initial advice, take it or leave it.
yeah I know man kick me in the nuts when im down.lol. I just looking for help not lectured. Can you get AI's from RUI?

Given the fact that I'm feeling a bit aggressive right now (ROID RAGE LOLOL) I'm going to show some self-restraint and answer your question. Yes, you can purchase liquidex/liquid stane/liquid letro from Rui. No, you do not need a clomid chaser with them either. :p
Im Listening Kaname that why im asking for help on here. I know you guys know your stuff. I did alot of research on here about the test e only cycle and theres just so many mixed opinions that everyone has different views but most agree its about the safest cycle. If you guys think this is just a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) issue then I'll get some. Or do you think test e is just not for me?
Im Listening Kaname that why im asking for help on here. I know you guys know your stuff. I did alot of research on here about the test e only cycle and theres just so many mixed opinions that everyone has different views but most agree its about the safest cycle. If you guys think this is just a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) issue then I'll get some. Or do you think test e is just not for me?

Unless your balls make grape jelly and not testosterone, I think you know the answer to this. It's perfectly normal to feel some anxiety during a cycle, but yes - an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) will reduce that bloating and make you feel better since I'm sure your blood pressure is up there if you can see the water retention.
Im Listening Kaname that why im asking for help on here. I know you guys know your stuff. I did alot of research on here about the test e only cycle and theres just so many mixed opinions that everyone has different views but most agree its about the safest cycle. If you guys think this is just a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) issue then I'll get some. Or do you think test e is just not for me?

Have bloods done to see where your estrogen is at. I'm guessing it will likely be high. And what halfwit said, it will contribute to all of the other sides such as high bp, water retention, emotions out of whack, etc etc. Get the bloods done ASAP, and obtain an A.I., to add to your cycle.

And no it's never exact, as there is always the off chance that it can be something else. These are just the most likely reasons / causes. But until you have the bloods done it is guessing, unless you of course run the A.I. prior to getting bloods done and you notice everything fixes itself. But don't wait that long for the A.I. to come in, try to get the bloods out of the way.
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I do appricate the advice guys and I'll take the kick in the nuts from you guys cause I guess I deserve it. I do get this red face side effect from test e and thought my blood pressure was high but it runs around 115 over 60 witch is normal for me so dont know why my face is getting so red. I'll order some Aromatase inhibitor (AI) right now from RUI tonight. you think I should pin again tonight since im ordering a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or do you think test aint for me? am I having commom sides for test e?
Listen to what these guys are telling you bro!!! If u had truly done your "homework" then u would know that the majority of the symptoms u are describing are likely from high estrogen levels due to the fact test converts to estrogen via aromatization thus the need for AI(aromatase inhibitor).....and no clomid and nolvadex are not used as AI's they are SERMs!!!! There is a plethora of priceless info on this site, do yourself a favor, get some blood work done and do some reading..... U will be amazed at what u can learn here!!!!good luck!!!!

Btw......halfwit!! U r quickly becoming my favorite contributor to this site....keeping it real and comical at the same time!!! Lol
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Well everyone around here may be quick to jump on the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as a likely culprit, I am not convinced. You are repping 340 which tells me you're not a small guy. You are on only 500 mg of test e a week, which is not a ton of hormone, because of the enanthate ester. It's not actually 500 mg of hormone your getting, more like 350 I think. This is still roughly 6 times what can be produced normally.
But for a big guy, this isn't that much.
You say you are gaining fat, not that you are bloated. Are you eating too much above maintenance? I would knock the calories back a bit.
Also are you positive your gear is dosed well? If not you could be getting even less than you think.
I just ordered arimidex and aromasin. I got 2 to 5 day shipping. Should I pin again tonight since its on its way? What does should I run when I get my AI's? I dont consider my sides life threatning but I want to get it right. Dapperdog, Im not sure if its bloat or not but Im on a very healthy diet that should bring only lean gains. i'm 6' 205lbs and was at 10% bf but not sure now
I am listening guys but im working on getting educated. Thats what this sight is for right? Help a guy out cause everyone crossed over at some point and time and needed advice. Kick me all you want but all I'm wanting is words of wisdom not your such a fucking retard!lol