Test E plus DBOL cycle (MY TURN NOW)

Congo Man

New member
Hello Vets :)

I am preparing to visit the dark side again after training for 5 yrs. The last visit was for Anavar (var) and T-PROP which was the very first experience of AAS, went smooth w/o gyno and and all.

I would be needing all the help and support as I am not that motivated and in good shape like I was when I did my first one.

OK. so the thing is I am down under and unlike other parts of the world arranging gear is not that easy. So far I have arranged danabol ds (10mg *500 tabs), Nolva and Clomid. I would be getting my Test E base pretty soon.

The plan is to get the bf down to 15% (19% atm) before start jabbing. I have get my diet straight from new yrs. and consuming around 2000 calories as I am cutting, obviously I would be consuming double of it when I'll start juice.

NOW....this is the part where I get NAKED and ask for SUGGESTIONS.

Age 33 yrs.
BF 19%
Height 168 cms.
Weight 80 Kgs.
Biceps 16.5"
Chest 44" (100 kgs for 1RP)
Waist 34" (Dead 160 kgs for 3reps)
Quads 23" (150 kgs for 1RM)

Planning a cycle of 8 weeks (can stretch to 12).
TEST-E 500mcgs (250mcgs twice a week).
Dbol 30 mgs (10mg*3 times a day) for stable blood levels.

CAN YOU GUYS PLEASE PLOT A CYCLE/ PCT FOR ME...I have Nolva (850mgs in total), Clomid (1500mgs in total) and Aromasin (still waiting to be delivered).
Please dont suggest HCG (cant get it).
LIV-52 And Milk Thistle.

ALSO I NEED SUGGESTIONS ON...Test dosage ( 300 per week vs 500) and DBOL (pre w/o stacking vs all day).

Thanks in anticipation.
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Standard Test-E dosage is 500 per week, split into 2 injections.

Also, if you are not that motivated, I would wait a bit to make sure you have the discipline necessary to make good use of your AAS. Most suggestions are at least 1 year of regular lifting.
Hey thanks for the prompt reply bud. I have been lifting regular for last 5 yrs, and when I said not motivated I meant I am not that focused with my regime and diet (thats where 19% bf came from) lol.

The only solution I thought of is to start a cycle to get my mind back into it, you know what I mean bro, and yeah 500 split in two is the suggested dosage for Test E but shouldn't it based on your stats like age and all (just a thought) also I am stacking Dbol on top of it.

Just read on another thread that Dbol should be used to kick start the Test-E cycle and I was thinking to cont. it from start to end. I need more advises ppl.
I think I'd do the test 500mg/wk for 12 weeks
Dbol 30-40 mg for 4-5 weeks tops at begginning
Aromasin: 12.5mg ED and adjust from there

PCT: Clomid 50/50/50/50
Novla 40/40/20/20..........should have enought to run them both for 4 weeks at this dose
cheers mate, how abt..

week 1-12 - 250 mcgs of test-e e4d. (3 days gap b/w every shot).
week 1-6 - 30 mg dbol
week 1-12 - aromasin 10 mg ed.
week 1-12 - milk thistle and liv 52.

Do you guys think throwing hawthorn berries would be beneficial for liver as I am going 6 weeks?

Also am confused about PCT and its duration, as I want to use both Nolva and Clomid to cover it all. Also needs suggestions abt ZMA and Animal Stack etc. to influence natural production.

C'mon guys help a brother out
id say
1-12 test e 500mg per week (250mg mon 250mg thurs)
1-6 dbol 50mg
1-14 aromasin 12.5 every other day
14-18 pct nolva 40/40/20/20/ clomid 50/50/50/50
all of these cycle plans are fairly similar and work , just stick to a pct where doses are roughly like nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 50/50/50/50 . thats 4 weeks of those doses or as close to them as u can get with your supply . also pct starts 2 weeks after your last test e injection , aromasin can be taken every other day at 12.5 mg or dose can be split in half daily if you wish . dbol should just be used as a kickstart while waitinf for test to kick in , and you dont even need to take it split throughout the day , id use it all at once before going to the gym for a higher spike in the blood stream and better pumps , put what its good for to use , its half-life is only 3-4 hours , so spike the dose all at once for a boost in energy , splitting doses thorughtout the day wont give you a uniform benefit throughout the day imo
Thanks fancyhuh, I agree with the half life to dbol and taking as a pre work out, my only concern is the liver stress if stacked all at once.
Do you guys think its allright to go ahead with 19% BF if aromasin is incorporated during the cycle?
SO if your not motivated put it off till you motivated. Cycling is not easy the hardest thing is eating enough. It not easy to eat to grow. TO be honest I'd work on your diet and drop 7% of your bodyfat before cycling. Test e and dbol are going to make you blow up like a water balloon. You will need to run letro of something as strong. I
'd be willing to bet running letro for a few month would help you loose that weight.

It's really like this. It's 80% diet. Until you have been able to to diet and train threw a plan don't bother with the cycle. It will be a waste and it's best to save you health. Steroids can kill you if you don't know what your doing. At 19% body fat you could be 3 weeks ing to a cycle that is going to give you a heart attach from high blood pressure.