test e results


I'm on 30mg ed of dbol and 500mg a week test e. At what week should I start to see dramatic results? I have already gained 5 pounds in my first week of cycle. Mainly dbol gains I'm sure.
You need to give it a chance bro, your diet, training and sleep all need tobe in check. It will take about 4-5 weeks for the test to really kick in, but you should be feeling it already. I remember telling you to do research before you started.
Did you get your post cycle therapy (pct) lined up?
yeah dude, I have been doing research for years on this shit, but still like the advice of someone that is experienced in the use and effect. My diet a training are very well tuned. I'm not a novice to diet and training.
crazygymgrit said:
yeah dude, I have been doing research for years on this shit, but still like the advice of someone that is experienced in the use and effect. My diet a training are very well tuned. I'm not a novice to diet and training.

Nothing personal but if you have been doing years of research, you would understand the effect of test esters. It's not experience, it's steroids 101.
crazygymgrit said:
How do I find out who is on the juice at my local gym, and what's the best way to get in good with them so that they might let me buy so gear from them or their supplier?
I'm just trying to help you bro, it was your 1st post that raised the red flag for me. So what about your pct?
I understand where you are coming from. I know you are just trying to help, and that first post was just me being me. BLUNT as a motherfucker. I just seem to have diarhea of the mouth at times. I have my nolva for pct. If I was going to start having any signs of gyno, at what point would they most likely show themselves in a 12 week cycle of test e?