Test E / Tren A Cycle - post cycle therapy (pct) help wanted and opinions welcome!


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Test E / Tren A Cycle - PCT help wanted and opinions welcome!

So basically i'm 29yo and have been training on and off since i was 17 so for a good 12 years or so. I have done 3 previous Cycles (1 d-bol 2 sust250) but im not here to discuss those i just need opinions and help on my next planned cycle, so here it goes. i have planned the following;


Test E @ 150mg 3 times p/w - 10 weeks
Tren A @ 75mg EOD - Start of week 3 for 6 weeks

PCT is the weak point for me, i usually just used Clomid and nolva but Tren can shut you down hard so i hear HCG is a good idea, so i was wondering when i should start HCG and at what dosage and for how long? also here than nolva and tren is a bad idea together.


First time using Tren

Diet strict and clean, Height 5'11, Weight 194lb, BF 14%

Not looking to get any bigger just looking to get cut!

All help and opinions welcome. Cheers.
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Welcome to the board !!

I'd run HCG throughout the cycle at 200-300IU twice/week, stopping a week before you start PCT.

For PCT....Clomid @ 50mg/day for 4 weeks will suffice.
Thanks man, does my cycle look ok to you?? any advice?

I plan on starting my PCT 2 weeks after my last shot of Test.
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Thanks for the input, but i'm not looking to get any bigger just harder and more cut!! My overall goal for this cycle is to loose body fat, hopefully get down to around 9%. Would u still recommend adding more test for longer?? Much appriciated
My TrenA / TestE Cycle

So basically i'm 29yo and have been training on and off since i was 17 so for a good 12 years or so. I have done 3 previous Cycles (1 d-bol 2 sust250) but im not here to discuss those just my next planned cycle, so here it goes. i have planned the following;


Test E @ 150mg 3 times p/w - 10 weeks
Tren A @ 75mg EOD - Start of week 3 for 6 weeks
HCG @ 200iu twice weekly through out the cycle, finishing 1 week prior to PCT

PCT - 50mg Clomid ED, commensing 2 weeks after my last shot of test

First time using Tren

Diet strict and clean, Height 5'11, Weight 194lb, BF 14%

Not looking to get any bigger just looking to get cut! Main goal for this cycle is to get to around 9% BF and get a harder look.

Really looking forward to starting this cycle soon!! Will keep posting results and progress.

All help and opinions welcome. Cheers.
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i would play it by ear-if i was close to where i wanted to be in 10 weeks-then i would stop-if not i would go a lil longer. i would not frontload either way though. there is just no concrete evidence to support it.
well, as far as my experience goes, trend is not something you take and stay the same size. i put on the most size of all my cycles when i was on trend (20-30 lbs), and also had by far the worse side effects of em all as well. been 5 months since ive been off and i still have back acne from it.. i was you same stats.. 6'1, 200 when i started that
I agree with wheels. I also gained 30lbs on tren. But if your not trying to gain any size why are you using test e? You goi g to gain some water weight and size. You should drop the test e and go to prop.
Yea, bro you might actually get shut down, becuase Test E doesn't reach its max blood hormone levels till the 4th-5th week. If your going to run a short ester such as Trenbolone Acet, then Use a short ester testoserone also. You will gain, Tren A and Test Prop, will cut you up forsure, as long as your diet is clean, tren has the side to slow you down on cardio also, keep that in mind. Later bro and have fun.
i have all the makings for a beautiful Test E and Tren A cycle. I guess ima hafta go get some prop instead.
I just bought 2 10ml bottles of testE 300mg and 2 tren acetate 100mg myself. Ill throw in a 10ml wini the last 2wks. Steady 1cc 2x/wk testE and 1cc of tren eod. Done this way twice and each time gained 20lbs, took double time off and consistantly kept 15 per cycle using only gaspari novedex from local supervitamin shop and dick pills for my pct. Lots of variables tho, Last cycle I ended w/2 -300mgEq n 2-300mgtestE instead of wini and I weigh n look pretty much the same as I did on my last shot back in 8-'09.
Oh forgot to mention, ill start my testE 2wks b4 the trenA. Personally my body begins burnin fat in the first two wks, then as testE really kicks in i begin trenA which feels almost instant with muscle swelling pumps and veins for miles. Last 2wks left of testE Ima do 10ml wini. Thinkin about cardio cond way b4 I even start so no breathing issues if ya can run 3.3miles in ur sleep lol
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if u wanna some clean stuff i go to:
test prop: 300mg/week
tren a: 300-400 /week
oxandrolone: 50gr/day
proviron: 2 tabs a day!