Test Enanthate and Anavar Cycle suggestions


New member
Running a cutting cycle, 3rd overall. First 2 cycles were bulkers a few years back although was ignorant and ate dirty through this phase. Been eating right finally for the first time ever, since March weight has went down from 200 lbs to 165 lbs (short guy).

Test E- 500 mg/wk (250mg twice/wk)
Arimidex- .5mg eod

I also will have Anavar soon, 100 tabs of 10mg per tab. I've seen so many varying answers online and can't quite narrow down how much exactly i need, ive heard everything from 20mg-100mg/day. Im already assuming ill need more Var.

Also I have enough test for 10 weeks, should I extend it to 12 weeks?

28 yrs old
5'4-5'5", 165 lbs, 15% bf (cut down naturally from 200 lbs in March)

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Don't see why you're running a cutting cycle you've already proved you can do it naturaly bro, but anyway anavar I've never experienced it but I thinnk most people run it at 50mg ED for 8 weeks (I may be wrong) it's up to you whether you want to extend the test or not, you're cutting so it wouldn't really make a difference, if 10 weeks worth is what you got, so be it.
Don't wanna keep shrinking, all my clothes are super big now. Want to lean out and preserve as much muscle as possible, tryin out Anavar (var) to see if i can even get stronger.
Well it sounds like you want to bulk rather than cut, why not drop another 3-5% bf naturaly then run your cycle for some lean bulks and eat clean, you'll become vascular, your muscles will look more fuller and defined if you were to do that at 10% bf with your cycle.
If you can get more test, I would go 12 weeks test and blast the Anavar (var) .
Like this:

Wk 1-4 test & Anavar (var)
Wk 5-8 test only
Wk 9-12 test & Anavar (var)

I've run verations of this cycle with great succsess.

I would start the Anavar (var) at 50mg Ed and go up to 100mg Ed, if you dont have any sides or other issues. Most guys suggest breaking up the dose in equal amount every 8 hours. Personally, I Have tried it every possible way and can't tell much difrrance. I workout 1.5 hours after I wake up, so I take 75mg at waking, and 50mg 12 hours later...this works for me.

The cycle I'm running right now is test/ Anavar (var) /Proviron/HGH I've been getting amazing results. If you can get real Anavar (var) your going to love it. Very low sides, freak show vasularity, great pumps, hardens and cuts the muscles. Your not going to swell up using Anavar (var) but you will keep more of your gains. Just make sure your diet is on point to get the full benifits.
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If you can get more test, I would go 12 weeks test and blast the Anavar (var) .
Like this:

Wk 1-4 test & Anavar (var)
Wk 5-8 test only
Wk 9-12 test & Anavar (var)

I've run verations of this cycle with great succsess.

I would start the Anavar (var) at 50mg Ed and go up to 100mg Ed, if you dont have any sides or other issues. Most guys suggest breaking up the dose in equal amount every 8 hours. Personally, I Have tried it every possible way and can't tell much difrrance. I workout 1.5 hours after I wake up, so I take 75mg at waking, and 50mg 12 hours later...this works for me.

The cycle I'm running right now is test/ Anavar (var) /Proviron/HGH I've been getting amazing results. If you can get real Anavar (var) your going to love it. Very low sides, freak show vasularity, great pumps, hardens and cuts the muscles. Your not going to swell up using Anavar (var) but you will keep more of your gains. Just make sure your diet is on point to get the full benifits.

Just curious because I'll probally be adding in Anavar (var) for my next cycle, is there any difference between seperating the Anavar (var) like you have vs running it for straight 7-8 weeks?
That method allows your liver to relax in an off oral period before getting hit again. Not needed as much for Anavar, but for dbol or anadrol you would definitely want it this way.

I would run the test for 12 weeks as said. I would run the anavar for the last 8 weeks at 60 mg (20 e8q or 30 e12q). Anavar is often underdosed or faked, so be sure it is a good quality. The best open spots seem to be pea and Pinnacle. If you have underdosed you may have to run 100mg ed to equal 60 of the good raws product. (If you get much stronger and bloated it could be dbol in your caps)
Ok so now from what i gather its looking like this

Test E 500 mg/week, 12 weeks
Lixus Ana Anavar (var) 50 mg ed (potential dose increase dependent on effectiveness/sides) 8 weeks
Arimidex .5mg eod

Ill go ahead and get another 100 tabs of the Anavar (var) , wont be getting the Anavar (var) however until about 2 weeks. However, already started the test, 1 week thus far, thought process behind this was i was under the impression that i had no Anavar (var) source. Would have preferred to start the cycle w/everything on hand, but as i said only afterwards did i find out i could get Anavar (var) until already after 1st pin...So im thinking potentially 8 week run on Anavar (var) at least 50mg/ed?

Goal is to hopefully get to 12% (would LOVE to be at 10% but trying to be objective) at end of cycle, looking to potentially have abs for the 1st time ever. Been wanting to try Ana Anavar (var) for awhile as opposed to Winstrol (winny) (afraid of the potential sides). Plan afterwards would be post cycle therapy (pct)+time off and then potentially run Test cyp/ent only for a CLEAN bulk, we'll see when i cross that bridge......

Thanks again for the responses and feel free to help me tweak anything, from what ive read this forum seems more helpful than idiots at the gym that run shit forever and can't tell you what post cycle therapy (pct) means.
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Another thing I wanted to ask from you guys would be milk thistle, should i just take this before bed? Don't want it to mess with absorption of the Var...

Also for post cycle therapy (pct) I hear alot of ppl saying to use Clomid, would Nolva be fine in this case?
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I can't emphasize enough how important/strict your diet needs to be for this cycle to work. The easy shit is pinning gear and popping a pill. The hard shit comes in the kitchen with alot of discipline. Overcoming the urge to eat the simple garbage carbs/fats is tricky to overcome.
I ran Anavar (var) for 12 weeks with 500mg test e and had great results. By the end of cycle my Anavar (var) had really got rid of my bloat and gave my arms a nice hard look!
my diet has been really clean since beginning of the year, hence how i've lost about 30lbs natty. Ive always had a thicker, powerlifter type build, would really like to have a more lean bodybuilder look, just now first time ever seeing just a smidge of abs.
Cut your sodium in 1/2. Lower your intake to 150-200g of complex carbs. Rid yourself of all processed sugars. First thing I do when I start my 14 week competition diet. Your skin gets really tight and thin fast doing this...Which in turn gives you a harder lean look quickly. Then just keep adjusting accordingly.
Cut your sodium in 1/2. Lower your intake to 150-200g of complex carbs. Rid yourself of all processed sugars. First thing I do when I start my 14 week competition diet. Your skin gets really tight and thin fast doing this...Which in turn gives you a harder lean look quickly. Then just keep adjusting accordingly.

Thanks for the advice bro, can't wait till i start the Var.
Any updates on how this cycle has been going for you? I've been considering a very similar cycle and would like to hear more about how the Anavar was working out.