Test enanthate high concentration.


I want to make some test enan at 400mg/ml with 1% BA. I was wondering if this will be painful? What concentrations have you guys made and how was the pain with the higher concentrations? Thanks

Might as well kill 2 birds with one stone. I want to make tren enan also. What concentrations have you guys made, solvent ratios, pain? Any info i appreciated.

tren @ 250mg/ml, 2%ba, 9%bb, no pain. (this stuff is harder to get into solution that test, even with the same enan ester)
test @ 350mg/ml, 2%ba, mild mild pain. more like a dull feeling thats more than livable.

because of this I wouldnt venture up too much higher myself on the test. I know PB has used 500mg/ml with a slight bite. I have some 450mg/ml EQ thats is smooth as silk. 300mg/ml deca also has a very very mild pain with it. I suppose 400mg/ml test enan with 1% ba would be pretty pain free, but id suspect youd know you shot it.

Hell, make up some at 400mg/ml and let us know how it feels.
Thanks bro. How much tren e did you run per week and how did you like it? I was hoping to make the test at 400mg/ml with 1% ba, i can always make it, try it and dilute if needed.

Thanks bro. How much tren e did you run per week and how did you like it? I will make the test at 400mg/ml with 1% ba, i will try it and dilute if needed.

Well i only test shot it upon PB's convincing. Im running it after this test/deca/dbol bulker. Cant fuckin wait either man, ill be runnning 500mg/w.
Yea i cant wait to give it a run also. Im thinking about a test enan/tren enan/masteron enan stack. Havent decided on the doses yet.

well heres an update on the tren E 300. 4 weeks in and its just starting to kick. 1g/w. appeteite gone, sleep patterns changed, dream city thru out what sleep i get. it feels juts like tren a to me. urine darkened up for a couple of days then cleared up. some night sweats not bad though. feel agressive, strong and losing weight. so instead of 150mg/ed i am doing 500mg 2/w. much better.

i made mine 2% ba and 15% bb. 300mg/ml pain free till the second day then a bit of soreness but this has stopped now after the first couple of weeks.
NYCEE said:
Yea i cant wait to give it a run also. Im thinking about a test enan/tren enan/masteron enan stack. Havent decided on the doses yet.


hadnt seen the dros(masteron) enan yet. when did that come out?
pullinbig said:
hadnt seen the dros(masteron) enan yet. when did that come out?

It's new, coming out real soon. One source is going to be carrying it as far as i know, and they are private now, once public. Shoot me a PM if you want more info PB.

pullinbig said:
well heres an update on the tren E 300. 4 weeks in and its just starting to kick. 1g/w. appeteite gone, sleep patterns changed, dream city thru out what sleep i get. it feels juts like tren a to me. urine darkened up for a couple of days then cleared up. some night sweats not bad though. feel agressive, strong and losing weight. so instead of 150mg/ed i am doing 500mg 2/w. much better.

i made mine 2% ba and 15% bb. 300mg/ml pain free till the second day then a bit of soreness but this has stopped now after the first couple of weeks.

Thanks for the info bro, i think i will make it at 250mg/ml, maybe try 1%BA and 15%bb. Any experience with pain with higher concentration test e?

I made the test at 400mg/ml using some of dazed's solution that i had laying around. This stuff has some serious bite. I shot 1 cc last night ventro gluts and im limping today a bit, not unbearable, but pretty bad. I hope it doensnt get worse.
Also, what a big mess that enanthate makes. I think next time i may liquify the whole bag by heating it, then pour it into a vial on the scale. I was squeezing that crap out and it got everywhere.
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NYCEE said:
It's new, coming out real soon. One source is going to be carrying it as far as i know, and they are private now, once public. Shoot me a PM if you want more info PB.

domestic or intl?
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He is domestic. He recently went real private with all the problems associated with the boards. His products are top notch, i just placed an order for some dros enan, figure id give it a shot. I havent seen any powder sources carrying it yet, this source says he is the only one that has it.
On a side note, that enanthate at 400 is some seriously painful stuff, i was limping all day yesterday, at some points i couldnt put much weight on that leg. I need to dilute it, i think i am sensitive to the enanthate esther.
put the enan in the fridge for a while. makes it easy to handle. thats why i use cyp now.

i have made test e at 500 with no solvents. it had a little bite the first couple of weeks but after that no more discomfort. mini me made it 900 then cut it back to 600 cause it was too thick. he said his was painless.
Might be me who is sensitive to enanthate then. the 400 i have been crippled the last 3 days bad. Limping like i got hit by a car. Its really bad there is no way i can do another cc of this without diluting it

some guys are more sensitive the higher mg gear than others. but it normally passes after a couple/few weeks.
WALLY said:
1% BA isnt very sterile use at least 3% to maintain some level of sterility
as far as maintaining sterility, Ive seen 1% to be sufficient on a few data sheets, most bac water is 1%, also (correct me if Im wrong) I believe upjohn uses just 1% in thier cyp. I throw 2% in mine anyways, while guys like PB have 2 year old brews with no BA at all...no infections there.
WALLY said:
1% BA isnt very sterile use at least 3% to maintain some level of sterility

Like Doug said, i think 1% is fine. I have also used no solvent before with EQ and enanthate.