Test enanthate high concentration.

pullinbig said:
some guys are more sensitive the higher mg gear than others. but it normally passes after a couple/few weeks.

Yep, i guess i fall into that category, which sucks. This wasnt the type of pain i could tolerate dealing with for a few weeks. It lasted 5 days, and 3 of those days i had a severely bad limp, and i couldnt use my leg after sitting for a while. I would have to stand in place for a minute till the pain subsided. I will try and dilute it down to around 300mg/ml and see how that works, or maybe ill try 350 first, but this pain was serious.
WALLY said:
1% BA isnt very sterile use at least 3% to maintain some level of sterility

wtf does "use 3% to maintain some level of sterility" mean? its either sterile or its not. i guess next you gonna tell us that ba sterilizes a solution.
LOL lets get real mad about it!
i swear there like 25 posts about PB getting mad at people who think BA sterilizes stuff... :D
its all good though
take care
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panteracfh said:
LOL lets get real mad about it!
i swear there like 25 posts about PB getting mad at people who think BA sterilizes stuff... :D
its all good though
take care
Hey bud, how ya been? Sounds solid. YGPM.
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panteracfh said:
LOL lets get real mad about it!
i swear there like 25 posts about PB getting mad at people who think BA sterilizes stuff... :D
its all good though
take care

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pullinbig said:

yeah, no shit panter... we share the love around here.... lol

PB, if you need the name on that guy who can get the heroin-laced peanut-butter, just give me a hollar!!
Is that heroin methylated Ryan? If so Ill just make mine injectable to avoid the famous "first pass", wouldnt want to ruin a squeaky clean lipid profile.
I diluted it down today to 350mg/ml with BB only hoping to thin it out a bit too. Took one cc, we'll see how i feel tomorrow, usually takes a day to bite.
At 350 i still have pretty bad pain, not as bad as 400 was. I have to see if it will get worse.
Just to add, Test Enan holds at a ridiculously high consentration... If I remember rightly mine was at 5%BA and 900mg/ml!! (I think it was even higher than that)

It was a bitch to filter and to inject unless very hot.. but it holds no problem... As PB said I cut it back to 525mg/ml and no pain on injects..
DougoeFre5h said:
I have some 1250mg/ml test sitting in my collection. Figure that one out, what will you give me to shoot 1cc?

as long as its 35c or better itll hold. thats the raw concentration of t enan. hell send it down ill do one for ya. it cant crystalize in my ass cause my body temp is over 35c. yours too dougybritches.
pullinbig said:
as long as its 35c or better itll hold. thats the raw concentration of t enan. hell send it down ill do one for ya. it cant crystalize in my ass cause my body temp is over 35c. yours too dougybritches.

I'm still puzzled??

1ml of Test Enan is 1000mg right? So how can you get higher than that??
Nope. Specific volume my friend. mass/volume=specific volume. In test enanthates case, its around 0.8. Some powders are lighter and fluffier than others, thier specific volume will be lower than more dense compunds. Who ever said 1g of anything had to be 1cc? H20 is by definition, but thats where that one ends.
Understood... :)

Assuming your serious about

1250mg/ml how much BA/BB did you use to suspend it?
Hope it doesnt sound like I dont belive you, just very curious..


lol, i was joking around....I DO in fact have that concentration but as PB said, its raw test enan. Since its liquid above 35C technically I have 1250mg/ml test. No solvents, no oil....just test.
for home brewing and figuring concentrations the rule of thumb is 1/1. its close enough for rough estimates. obviously if you making larger batches 100ml or so it will be off by more but for smaller batches its close. i normally add a couple extra ml of oil to make up for waste.