Test/EQ mix - 250/400 per ml - possible?



I don't know much about homebrewing, but if I did this is what I would want to make. Would this hold?

I'm not really worried about pain. I mean less pain is better, of course, but I can deal with it.
sure it will hold if its test enan. but at 650mg/ml it may have a bite to it. at those ratios that would be a good combo. test and eq go together very well.
I told Beans that it will probably hold, but it will hurt.

I couldn't imagine 650mg/ml gear.

Beans make your first shot a bi injection. Do it for the team!!!!
Easto said:
I told Beans that it will probably hold, but it will hurt.

I couldn't imagine 650mg/ml gear.

Beans make your first shot a bi injection. Do it for the team!!!!

LOL, if/when I ever make this, I will do a bi injection as the first shot just for you. Maybe I'm naive but I think I can handle it. I inject 3ccs at a time into my calves right now and it hurts, but it's not unbearable. I imagine this being similar. It will probably kill me though.
string_bean00 said:
I inject 3ccs at a time into my calves right now and it hurts, but it's not unbearable. I imagine this being similar. It will probably kill me though.
wow brother, how was the very first injection? Torture?
DougoeFre5h said:
wow brother, how was the very first injection? Torture?

The first time...about 48 hours afterwards I got up to pee in the middle of the night, and put the foot out of bed first that I injected into, and I fell right on my face.

But once I got it stretched out it was fine.
I shot 1CC of homebrew Prop into my bi once. Holy Shit, I was fucked!!!! I arm turned all red from the top of my bi to my mid-forearm. It was also swollen like crazy.

Basically I spent 3 days walking with my arm bent at 90 degrees.
Yep ive done a few bi injects...never ever ever again. Mine was swollen and hurt up for a week. Red, nasty looking. So yea, SB just keep us posted on that bi injection.
Easto said:
I want to see a pic. Before injection/During Injection/After/1 Day after/2 Days after :D

Someone make this gear, send it to me, and I'll have the pics up ASAP, lol. But seriously, I have not homebrewed anything before and probably won't do another cycle for another year or something, so this will have to wait.

But, I put the majority of my first cycle in my biceps so they are battle ready for when the time comes.
I bet you will get a hematoba from that much gear injected into one spot. I have had a bad experience using high concentration blends like that.
Didn't MiniMe say he had made some 900mg/ml Enant or something last year?

I just made some Cyp/Prop mix at 400mg/ml cause my 400mg/ml Cyp kept crashing (which i eventually cut to 300mg/ml). Anyway, the new mix is holding fine at 300mgCyp/100mgProp.

I love Cyp but man is it a pain in the ass!!
DougoeFre5h said:
I have some 1250mg/ml test enan sitting pretty. Its holding too.

shit thats raw hormone. as long as its at 96°f or better it will hold. :D

seriously is there any room for oil at that concentration. i thought raw enan was right at 1250. eq is about 1250 raw.
RJH8541 said:
Didn't MiniMe say he had made some 900mg/ml Enant or something last year?

I just made some Cyp/Prop mix at 400mg/ml cause my 400mg/ml Cyp kept crashing (which i eventually cut to 300mg/ml). Anyway, the new mix is holding fine at 300mgCyp/100mgProp.

I love Cyp but man is it a pain in the ass!!

yeah 900 but it was too thick to shoot so he cut it back to 600 and it was smooth as silk he said. i know 500 works very well with enan. i made some at that concentration with no solvents and it held for months and months. and yes, no BA either.
pullinbig said:
shit thats raw hormone. as long as its at 96°f or better it will hold. :D

seriously is there any room for oil at that concentration. i thought raw enan was right at 1250. eq is about 1250 raw.

That is basically raw hormone with a drop or two of oil. I bet that shit would literally cripple me, hell at 450-500mg/ml enan im limping with a nice size lump.
My 400mg Enan is leaving me with a bit of a lump (I don't think it is the 200mg Tren Enan)

Here is a question for you guys:

Do you find that your body gets used to "painful" gear? For example, if you inject something enough times does it stop hurting?

My Enan doesn't hurt, but I can notice where I injected it yesterday.
well i find that i get used to painful stuff...especially the damn 600mg/ml deca i whipped up a bit ago