Test Levels Rapidly increasing.. too rapidly


New member
Though I am familiar with a couple of you guys Let me give you a little history.

50 years old. Started testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) about a year and a half ago when test got down to the 300 level. Stayed on test CYP 210 mg a week for about 12 weeks and got my test levels up to arund 800 started having all kinds of problems, high BP, headaches, insomina etc... just horrible. So the doc suggested I stop the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to see if we could figure out what was causing the problems. Six months later, everything smoothed out and I started again.. this time with a slightly higher test level of around 500. Went on a very conservative protocaol... 100mg of test cyp, some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Anti-E... 6 weeks later, my test levels were over 2000 !!!!! I felt fine, none of the previous problems came back.. but... my PSA went through the roof and I had a case of BPH (inflamed prostate).

So stopped testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) again and of course my test levels crashed. Now the weird thing is that when the levels crashed, I really didn't feel that bad. Took some months off, got my PSA back to normal.

So just stareted back on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), with 200mg every 5 days, 500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2x and some anti-E..... just test levels last week and my test levels jumped all the way up to 1400 !!! My PSA jumped some but not in the high range and my estrogen level doubled to 92.

So....is my body just dealing with the test levels differently, cause I read this Board a lot and I don't see other people having this issue. So just curious why my body would react so aggressivley to a moderate does of test.

Now some vets I respect tell me that some people just go to those high levels to get to a stable feeling place where others might do it at 1200 levels of test.

I respect testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and what it is for, I am not interested in a cycle or anything like that, so it worries me that can get to those extreme levels of test so quickly.

In other words I can't get to a good sustainable level of 1000-1200... I blow right past that.

In some research I have done, extremely high levels of test can in fact cause some issues with the prostate so that explains why I had the BPH last time around.

Anyway, I will feel good... sleep is good, not headaches... body feels good... so I may stretch the days between injections from 5 to 7 days and see if that will lower the levels a bit.

Welcome any thoughts, comments or suggestions from you guys.
It seems that each time you start you do so at about the same dosages. Why don't you start with smaller dosages? Either 100mg a week, 50-75 every 3 days, etc.?
200mg e5d is too much for almost everyone long term. I started out at 200 e5d, 500hcg a week and 1mg Aromatase inhibitor (AI) e5d and my first test was over 1500 ( thats as high as they test) with E2 at 68. But like you I wanted something more stable and didnt want to be taking more meds than I needed.

I went to a shot every 3 days for more stable hormone levels. Started out at 40mg e3d.
First test was 598 with E2 at 27... and thats without any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or HCG!

I dropped HCG. I dont want anymore kids.. had a Vasectomy anyway...Yes your nuts will shrink some but its better than having to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for the rest of your life.
Im now taking 75mg e3d and will test in 4weeks but im pretty sure this will have me dialed in.

Im not sure why you went back to 200mg e5d after seeing you test results from 200mg the first time then seeing them high again 100mg. But I would drop HCG, this will lower your E2 greatly ! Lower your test dose with more fequent shots and the combo could even get you off your AI.
id drop the Hcg, unless you're trying to have kids. I dropped it and felt worlds better and went with e3.5d and been doing great. The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) adds difficulty in getting regulated and causes e problems, at least it did for me. It's much easier to get dialed in if you take only test and an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) only if you need it.

If you must have big nuts stay on Hcg. If not drop it. Besides smaller they get the bigger my package looks.
200mg e5d is too much for almost everyone long term. I started out at 200 e5d, 500hcg a week and 1mg Aromatase inhibitor (AI) e5d and my first test was over 1500 ( thats as high as they test) with E2 at 68. But like you I wanted something more stable and didnt want to be taking more meds than I needed.

I went to a shot every 3 days for more stable hormone levels. Started out at 40mg e3d.
First test was 598 with E2 at 27... and thats without any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or HCG!

I dropped HCG. I dont want anymore kids.. had a Vasectomy anyway...Yes your nuts will shrink some but its better than having to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for the rest of your life.
Im now taking 75mg e3d and will test in 4weeks but im pretty sure this will have me dialed in.

Im not sure why you went back to 200mg e5d after seeing you test results from 200mg the first time then seeing them high again 100mg. But I would drop HCG, this will lower your E2 greatly ! Lower your test dose with more fequent shots and the combo could even get you off your AI.

So does the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) really not help much on a protocol along with test e 210 1ml/wk and 1mg nastyzol?
So does the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) really not help much on a protocol along with test e 210 1ml/wk and 1mg nastyzol?

I'm interested in this question as well. My first Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) protocol (2 years ago; Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) clinic in FL) incorporated Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) the day prior to weekly injection of 180 mg of cypionate (used .5 mg of arimidex day following injection). My quality of life improved dramatically. I went from being unable to function to enjoying life again. However, I had to quite the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) protocol after 6 months due to cost considerations.

I just restarted Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) protocol (this time 200 mg of cypionate weekly with self-adjusted arimidex dosage of .25 mg EOD), through my GP (insurance is covering the cost this time around). Problem is my current GP will not prescribe HCG. I hope I get the same improvement in quality of life this time around...I don't think the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) was the main reason I had improvement last time.

Sorry if I hijaced your thread...but I wanted to let you know I had the same concern.
