Test Only First Cycle - Issue with Prolactin?

Hey all - I've been actively reading posts on Ology for almost 5 years now (for privacy needed to create a new profile today).

I've spend hundreds of hours researching here to learn as much as possible before starting a first cycle.
Just want to thank everyone who has shared their hard earned knowledge to help others gain insight, avoid mistakes and cycle safely.

I'm realizing now how long I've be reading and getting a ton info from some familiar names for awhile.
There are bunch of major contributors and power users here - but just want to pass along my thanks to following who's profiles come to mind - StoneCold, JuicedPorkChop, DET-OAK, JohnnyB, Lawnsaver, Megatron, BiggieSwolls - thanks a bunch

I'm 7 weeks into my first Test only cycle and in general things are going well but having issues with ED/Libido.
Got labs today says Prolactin is 31.5 and E2 is 62.4. E2 as expected but surprised by the Prolactin.

Prami and Caber on the way.
AIs/SERMs/HCG on hand.

Started 12.5 Aromsin today - will run it E3D or E5D and might drop to 6.25 depending on joints.
Took 6.25 for two days after first lab draw assuming E2 needed to come down - 3rd day my ankles felt like
broken glass so dropped it until today - probably won't need much.

Waiting on HCG until I can sort Prolactin.

I have a couple questions and appreciate any feedback across the board.

Is the elevated prolactin on test only normal?

Pretty sure I have legit Organon Sust (exp dates rub off, uniform glass, manufactured by Pharmatec for OBS Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.etc.) But maybe not...

Is it possible there's some Deca in the mix?

Planning to take the cycle to 16 weeks at 600/week - sides have been almost nothing except for ED
Any feedback on labs overall would be much appreciated!

Lipids and Liver seem better than expected.
Maybe I just want to lower prolactin and leave E2 alone?

Feels like I'm tolerating Test well - any objection to adding 6 weeks of Dbol at 30mg ED?
Or EQ at 300-400/wk for the next 9 weeks?

Here's my info, cycle to date and labs:

40 yrs old
Lifting for over 20 years.
D1 college football etc.

On TRT for 2014 (4/pumps daily Androgel ), decided to a begin blast and cruise protocol starting Feb'15.

Here's cycle to date:

Sust 250 Cyp 200 Total
Wk1 250mg 250mg
Wk2 125mg 200mg 325mg
Wk3 125mg 200mg 325mg
Wk4 250mg 150mg 400mg
Wk5 250mg 150mg 400mg
Wk6 500mg 100mg 600mg
Wk7 500mg 200mg 700mg

Added Cyp to dilute Sust on account of PIP.
Also taking 50mgs Proviron daily - nothing noticeable about it (not sure it's legit).

Labs Weeks 1-6:

Value//Ref Range
Total Test: 1516 // 348-1197
Free Test: >50 // 6.8-21.5
DHT: 166 // 30-85 high
Total Chol: 187 // 100-199
Triglycerides: 68 // 0-149
HDL: 44 // >39
LDL: 129 // 0-99
AST (SGOT): 91 // 0-40 high
ALT (SGPT): 37 // 0-44 elevated
PSA: 0.8 // .0-4.0
Preg: 36 // <151
Prolactin: 31.5 // 4-15.2 high
E2, Sensitive: 62.4 // 8.1-35 high
SHBG: 25.3 // 16.5-55.9

Thanks in advance!!!

if columns above fall apart after posting will update.
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You should not have prolactin issues from test only. You need to talk to a doctor. Also, aromasin works best when run every day. Run 6.25 ed and you can adjust from there. Your estraidol is not too high. Stick to one dose for the test and stick with it. I don't think your prolactin should be high unless one of your steroids is actually DECA instead of test
You should not have prolactin issues from test only. You need to talk to a doctor. Also, aromasin works best when run every day. Run 6.25 ed and you can adjust from there. Your estraidol is not too high. Stick to one dose for the test and stick with it. I don't think your prolactin should be high unless one of your steroids is actually DECA instead of test

Thanks,Tury - I appreciate the insight.

You're saying E2 is elevated but not likely causing a problem? So still run Asin 6.25 ED...?

Cyp is on prescription from legit compounding pharmacy - Sust could be the issue.

If Sust was all Test - would you expect e2 be higher?

In theory E2 would be lower with Deca, right?
Your DHT and liver values are high also. Not sure why the DHT is high I'm sure someone will chime in, but it is recommended to use NAC while on cycle to keep liver in check. Were you drinking alcohol the night before the blood draw? On any other OCT meds that are hepatoxic?
You need an AI but your e2 is not that high. I would aim to cut it in half at most. 6.25mg of aromasin is enough I believe. Your test is not that high for what you are taking. You got DECA or maybe tren. I am sure of this as your test is not high enough. You need to contact your source. Run the asin get prami and find out what the fuck your source sold you.
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His test cyp is DECA I believe. Ast and ALT are high because of training. Do you got billirubin and albuminum tests?
Your DHT and liver values are high also. Not sure why the DHT is high I'm sure someone will chime in, but it is recommended to use NAC while on cycle to keep liver in check. Were you drinking alcohol the night before the blood draw? On any other OCT meds that are hepatoxic?

Hiram - thanks for chiming in.

Been taking 50mgs Proviron daily - it's not DHT specifically but could it affect values?

Daily I'm taking NAC, Magnesium, Liv52, 2400mg Omega3s, 2000mg C, Beta Alanine, Asprin, Astaxanthin (Anti-Oxident).
Been keeping alcohol low key - 1-2 glasses of beer or wine no more than twice a week.
Definitely wasn't hammered night before the test.

Only other OTC has been advil on two occasions and Benadryl 2x/week before injections - I seem to react poorly
to BA in Sust. Get pretty puffy edema for 3-4 days after especially in quads.
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You need an AI but your e2 is not that high. I would aim to cut it in half at most. 6.25mg of aromasin is enough I believe. Your test is not that high for what you are taking. You got DECA or maybe tren. I am sure of this as your test is not high enough. You need to contact your source. Run the asin get prami and find out what the fuck your source sold you.

Roger that, Tury. Thanks!
I really hope others chime in as another member called us out for not helping people once they provide bloods after they are told to get them. I said that was not true so lets not prove him right.
Albumin is a bit high but still looks good to go bud. Good luck and hopefully Megatron or Halfwit give you a second opinion.

Right on man - I really appreciate the feedback.

Will keep the thread posted on what source has to say, I'm hoping
it's a know issue and he knows what it is.

Definitely appreciate any second opinions (Halfwit/Megatron?) - I know everyone is different but curious what TT should be ballpark if it's Test or Deca and what's up with DHT?

Thanks again.
I would expect total test to be from 3200 to 4500 on that dosage. Maybe the sust is DECA and the cyp is g2g. If it turns out to be DECA still not the worst cycle you could have done, but you weren't prepared to fight prolactin because you didn't know you were on a 19-nor
I would expect total test to be from 3200 to 4500 on that dosage. Maybe the sust is DECA and the cyp is g2g. If it turns out to be DECA still not the worst cycle you could have done, but you weren't prepared to fight prolactin because you didn't know you were on a 19-nor

Those numbers would be nice.
Was pretty confident I had my shit together with all ancillaries I could need on hand...not quite.
Thinking more about it - whatever I've got is probably underdosed as well.

I've been at 200mg/wk Cyp for last 3 weeks - 150mg two weeks before that (I made a typo on the original, tried go back edit but couldn't). Basically TT is coming in ~300-400 above high end of normal - couldn't that be Cyp alone? I know it's 100% legit. In that case whatever I'm getting from the mystery meat isn't much...I should drop it (the pip is brutal anyway).
So your only on 200mg/week of test not 600? If this is the case your test levels seem pretty accurate. As far as what the other compound is you should definitely contact your source and figure what you do have.
I am confused with how much testosterone you are taking weekly. Your last post contradicts your very post. Can you tell me how much test in milligrams you took each week? And what is your injection frequency? Tables don't always come through well in text format so try to make it simple to read please. And are you still using your gel?

I agree that you need to get on a low AI dosage as recommended.

What was your prolactin at pre-cycle? I am guessing you know this from when you did pre-TRT blood work.

Are you on any other medications?

How much NAC are you taking daily?

What brand of Test Cyp are you using? By the way, do you know how much of your weekly injections is conprised of Sust vs. Cyp?
I am confused with how much testosterone you are taking weekly. Your last post contradicts your very post. Can you tell me how much test in milligrams you took each week? And what is your injection frequency? Tables don't always come through well in text format so try to make it simple to read please. And are you still using your gel?

I agree that you need to get on a low AI dosage as recommended.

What was your prolactin at pre-cycle? I am guessing you know this from when you did pre-TRT blood work.

Are you on any other medications?

How much NAC are you taking daily?

What brand of Test Cyp are you using? By the way, do you know how much of your weekly injections is conprised of Sust vs. Cyp?

Sorry for the confusion missed an error in my spreadsheet and couldn't go back and re-edit the post.

Total Mg per week (Sust+Cyp) below, Cyp broken out separately.

Wk 1 - 250 (Cyp - 0mg)
Wk2 - 325 (Cyp 200mg)
Wk3 - 325 (Cyp. 200mg)
Wk4 - 400 (Cyp. 150mg)
Wk5 - 400 (Cyp. 150mg)
Wk6 - 700 (Cyp. 200mg)
Wk7 - 700 (Cyp. 200mg)

Injection Frequency - 2x per week - Tues and Friday.
No gel

Prolactin was 6.7 pre-TRT.

Other meds are Vyvanse 50mg daily
NAC - 1200mg 1x daily
Cyp is generic 200mg/ml - compounding pharmacy referral from TRT Doc.

Thinking with TT at 1513, could be the Cyp on it's own.

Thanks for your help!
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I think you nailed it. Your Sust is probably fake. Organon is fairly infamous for being fake. 200mg weekly of Cyp would put your TT right around 1500ng/dl in all likelihood give or take depending on how big you are.

I would recommend that you stop taking the Sustanon and follow up to check your prolactin again after about 4 weeks.

Maybe double the NAC for a few weeks? Perhaps try taking 1200mg in the morning and again in the evening.

I would recommend going back on TRT now and get your self back to normal. Regroup and plan a blast again for the future. Try to order from a more reputable source or stockpile the Test Cyp you have access to.
I think you nailed it. Your Sust is probably fake. Organon is fairly infamous for being fake. 200mg weekly of Cyp would put your TT right around 1500ng/dl in all likelihood give or take depending on how big you are.

I would recommend that you stop taking the Sustanon and follow up to check your prolactin again after about 4 weeks.

Maybe double the NAC for a few weeks? Perhaps try taking 1200mg in the morning and again in the evening.

I would recommend going back on TRT now and get your self back to normal. Regroup and plan a blast again for the future. Try to order from a more reputable source or stockpile the Test Cyp you have access to.

Roger that thanks for confirming - sounds like a plan. Really appreciate the feedback.
Just clarify - there would likely have to be some type of 19-Nor in the "Sust" to raise Prolactin?