What kinda threw me off is you say you've been doing a ton of research for 5+ years. Yet your ai was on hand, you didnt have hcg from the get and your doses are all over the place. I gotta call bullshit on all this...
Yea whats with the test dose being all over the place. Not the first time I have seen this. Can anyone shed some light on this? Is there a good reason?
Gents - fair questions. I know the doses look screwed up.
Not sure an explanation changes anything in terms whether or I know what I'm doing - for what it's worth this was my thought process:
HCG - I expected to have it at the start but it was delayed. I knew I had at least 3-4 weeks before atrophy would set-in. Over the course of 16 weeks seemed there was plenty of time to recover ground so started without.
Otherwise, I know the mantra is 500mg Test only first cycle (period). But you also see a lot of stuff about how everyone reacts differently to various compounds.
Add that I couldn't say with 100% certainty I had legit gear - figured I would ease into the cycle starting at 250mg weekly increasing to 500 from there. I thought I had Sust – so knew I'd start feeling the short esters in the first few days and would get a decent sense how I was reacting within a couple weeks couple weeks at 250 - didn't have much to lose.
Planned to run Sust only at 250mg for the first 2-3 weeks and increase from there to 500mg/week.
What I didn't count on was the pip associated with whatever I have - it was pretty uncomfortable 3-4 days post injection - skin is tight with edema and redness every time. Added Benadryl pre-injection which definitely helps.
Also had Cyp on hand from TRT and read about mixing it with Sust to dilute BA.
Week 2 -3, I cut Sust to .5ml and added 1ml Cyp 200mg. Increased the dose a bit as planned - definitely reduced pip day of injection but would still creep up over 2-3 days.
Week 4, thought maybe I was being a pussy so took Sust back to 250 cut with Cyp. at .75ml - probably over thinking increcemental dosage but again just being cautious.
By week5, I'm seeing almost no sides, except my dong is starting to get floppy and have below avg. libido - wasn't that obvious at the time. Was still gaining some strength and leaning out a bit - figured I was lucky to be tolerating well but surprised that with 325-400mg I wasn't seeing more strength.
Week6, increased to 700mg total (mostly to keep diluting the Sust and effects at that point just weren't that strong).
Also realized I definitely had ED so started Aromasin assuming it was E2. End of second day of Asin at 6.25, if I sat for more than 20 mins knees and ankles felt arthritic getting up. Thought I over did it and the E2 wasn't actually that high.
Was still waiting on labs drawn 3/27 so stopped Aromasin to wait for results. Really wasn't sure what was going on...
Got labs yesterday, wrote up this thread, TBone calls bullshit - here we are!
I really appreciate all the feedback - I know the cycle looks fucked up - would have been fine if gear was legit (famous last words).
Any thoughts on the DHT being 166? I know Proviron isn't DHT specifically but can it affect the test?