whats wrong with marketing myself and my knowledge? i aint forcing anybody to buy anything and i get pm's from people who need help and i help themn, nothing wrong with that
EVERY opinion is a marketing of that person, not just mine so dont give me that partil nonsense. every post by every member here or coach or seller or whatever is marketing for them, building of their image. We ALL do it, every day in our lives. nothing wrong with that
and my fucking opinion IS fucking legit, 110% and i can ABCK it all up, unlike most here who just ramble on and dont even have pics or never coached and most look like fat fucks. i WALK the walk, not just copy paste the talk.
I know you feel like you're being attacked on all fronts, but there are two main reasons for it.
The first is this incessant demand for pictures of guys to validate their opinions/scientific fact. Have you ever thought about the fact that we're discussing the use of ILLEGAL substances here? I know several guys here that CANNOT post images as we work in areas or have family that do - which would be compromised if anyone with any sort of internet skills could link us to. That's a real world consequence that we're simply not willing to take the risk on.
Believe me, I REALLY have been wanting to share my progress on this board for YEARS, but I have to remain faceless or I could be in serious hot water. Hell, even posting my stats is a risk as there simply aren't many guys my size at 6'7". I'm sure Zilla is in a very similar situation (as if it mattered to me what he looks like - he DOES know his shit), which is why your line of defensive reasoning can never be justified.
The second is that you state opinion as fact. Look, we all make mistakes, sometimes with the best of intentions - but they're a mistake nonetheless. When I first started posting here, I had been convinced that boldenone converted to testosterone in the body and was completely embarrassed when folks showing the facts corrected me. I took it on the chin, accepted I was wrong, LEARNED something - and continue to learn. The problem is that there's such a huge diversity in human physiology, that we can make assumptions based on our experiences. That doesn't always make it true.
For instance, I'm a type II diabetic (caused by a decade of low testosterone - yes, it made me fat too) and I have had to experiment a great deal to not only figure out how to get that God-awful fat off my body, but also how to rebuild my muscle mass to how it was in my 20's. I PERSONALLY do agree with a lot of what you say regarding ketogenic dieting and insulin control as it happens to coincide with my experiences. Problem being that I just happen to fit that because I have a damaged pancreas and am also very insulin resistant. Does this mean that everyone would benefit from going into ketosis? No, just those that are responsive to such a diet.
I really hope that this makes sense to you; I'm doing my best not to let the hormones take over what I type in order to be rational - and represent just how cool-headed and calm AAS users can be. We have a bad enough reputation outside the confines of these places, I'd hate to perpetuate any more stereotypes.
My .02c