test p/tne/var/oral Tren cycle 16 weeks- 3rd cycle log

Hey fellas. I actually just joined and wanted to give you guys a glimpse into what im currently doing. i have started my cycle, actually just monday. my goal is to hit 16 weeks of a cutter/LBM gain cycle.

the outlook of cycle as follows

wk 1-16 - 62.5mg test prop / 50 tne. -anabolic nation.... I am talking dosage of each compound to equal out to 1ml. p.s TNE is not taken everday, i just use them both at the required time before workout EOD.
wk 1-10 - Anavar (var) 75-80 eod - 10mg gp pharm then going to 25mg anablolic nation Anavar (var)
wk 1-16 - adex .5 eod - anabolic nation
wk 4-6 - 25mg injectable anadrol-oil based
wk 4-16 20mg nolvadex - got itchy nips so had to use this.
wk 1-16 aegis liver protectant ED
wk 8-16 100mg tren ace?????? maybe

wk 16-20 nolva 50 50 25 25 - anabolic nation
wk 16-20 clomid 100 100 50 50 - anabolic nation

age: 32
height - 6ft1
weight - 205 / 12-13%

190-200 7-8% by end of the year.

current weight - 209.4 still at 12-13%

weight reduction - 7.2lb + 3lb (LBM gain)
current weight : 205.2
addition of muscle : 3lb

weight reduction - 2.2lb + 1.2lb (LBM gain)
current weight : 204

current weight - 205.5

current weight -200




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just a quick update. i never ran TNE, but my glue is feeling that shit. felt a libido spike out of nowhere . will update as much as possible. will post pics for progress.etc....
can anyone email me at joshvaldez22@yahoo.com and help explain to me about treneject. I have never taken anything and don't know if I need to take anything else with it? I just have some basic questions and if someone could help that be great. also how much do I take everyday and things like that. thanks guys. also what is the normal cost? cause I found it online and its like 75 for a vile. is that about right to much or what?
can anyone email me at joshvaldez22@yahoo.com and help explain to me about treneject. I have never taken anything and don't know if I need to take anything else with it? I just have some basic questions and if someone could help that be great. also how much do I take everyday and things like that. thanks guys. also what is the normal cost? cause I found it online and its like 75 for a vile. is that about right to much or what?

go get on another thread. i have no idea. dont hijack this thread.
can anyone email me at joshvaldez22@yahoo.com and help explain to me about treneject. I have never taken anything and don't know if I need to take anything else with it? I just have some basic questions and if someone could help that be great. also how much do I take everyday and things like that. thanks guys. also what is the normal cost? cause I found it online and its like 75 for a vile. is that about right to much or what?

go get on another thread. i have no idea. dont hijack this thread.

p.s. i will be running caber .5 twice a week once i start the oral tren.
Oral tren?? Why?

wanted to try it . i hear great things about it. why not? id rather try oral tren first before i get on to tren, maybe i dont like it and i stop using it. there's no definitive answer. i just want to. but i will have precautions in place. i doubt i am susseptible to gyno, as i have never been a fat kid. i just got fat in the past because i didn't do shit, but thats anotehr story.
wanted to try it . i hear great things about it. why not? id rather try oral tren first before i get on to tren, maybe i dont like it and i stop using it. there's no definitive answer. i just want to. but i will have precautions in place. i doubt i am susseptible to gyno, as i have never been a fat kid. i just got fat in the past because i didn't do shit, but thats anotehr story.

What were your other 2 cycles?
since this is only day 3 , i only inject around 5-6pm something like that. the pip with tne is somewhat uncomfortable but then again, it was the glute that received the pin. might take a little time to get used to. will try left deltoid tonight.
today is day 3 so far and just pinned in my right deltoid. i tend to have more success with deltoids as they don't hurt as bad, sometimes no pip at all, if im lucky. maybe i hit the sweet spot, because it was just straight fucking muscle i was going into and as soon as i pulled out, blood flew out a little. i aspirated and no blood, but any ways, this will be my first time the delts get a taste of TNE. hopefully it wont be bad, because i know for a fact i will feel it tomorrow when i wake up. like theres an 8 hour window or something and then pip comes out of nowhere. fucking sucks i know. LOL. last time it was about an hour afterwards i went to the gym, and maybe noticed something from the TNE. today i actually wont take a pre workout and see what happens.
day 4 update. ran the test prop / tne combo in my left deltoid. should have known that it is almost pip free. not sure why my right glute felt the most pip, but i will try to have a 4 site rotation. so i will give time to let my glute heal before i hit the left glute sunday. right deltoid will be tomorrow. i dont know but maybe i did feel something from the tne, or maybe 50mg of tne isnt' enough to feel anything yet? everything going safe and sound so far. nothing really to report yet. just an fyi i also started taking tbol a few weeks ago as a kickstarter. that could be why i gained a couple /few pounds since then, which is muscle. my dieting is very strict.
just got a prescription from the doc for Doxycycline . to help get rid of some chest acne. need to have it for 10 days, 200mg. anyways, a report on the deltoid from last night . actually very mild discomfort. about a 2. i can move my arm around just fine so i know i hit the sweet spot. not really in any pain really. had an injured elbow from monday night and it made some kind of bubble filled with liquid that i had removed today as well. lucky me , right. ok , nature. run your shit and move on, pick some next fucking sap to screw with. tomorrow will be the right delt. should be the same.
in case you guys want to know what i look like so far. plus this is being posted for update. i used to have an even fatter pic that i had, but its gone for good now, so we will just use this as our base.


this should be good enough. ill take a pic of my arms as well if need be.
everything is going according to plan so far. looks like ive been seeing steady gains from tbol after taking it for a few weeks. went from 204 to 209.2 in week 3 of tbol so far. i have about 3 days after today left of tbol. maybe i make a couple more lbs of lbm. i also went ahead and started to take OTren. i am going to keep it at 500mcg per day for 4 weeks. ill post all relevant information and not bore you with crap you dont' want to know about. i will post new pictures toward the end of august , as a gauge to see how im progressing along.
so this concludes the end of week 1. this time i went ahead and kept the test prop dosage at half .5ml but went with 1ml of tne. so 1.5ml test prop 62.5mg/tne 100mg in my left glute. i went ahead and made sure to heat the barrel becaues i think thats why my right glute started to knot up. rookie mistake lol. anyways, after pinning and finally taking my 2nd tab of oral tren, i don't know what to expect from oral tren in the coming days. doubt i would feel its effects the first day. the tne though had me pushing extra hard. i think 100mg of tne is a good spot, since i didnt "feel" , whatever the hell it was that i was feeling, using only 50mg of tne. so yeah, 100 is where its at. 1 week down, 15 weeks to go. see you guys on the flip side. i hope people start coming out of their caves to follow me through this crazy epic cycle. weighed myself tonight and im pretty much the same weight , 209.3/4? kind of hard to make a judgement call from a old school weight scale. im also using this calorie counter so i can just get an idea of my caloric usage. should be able to go down a couple pounds of fat by next week. lets see!
I'm following :D first I've heard of tne and I just researched it. People claim its a beast of a pre workout. Keep pushing hard and eating clean
I'm following :D first I've heard of tne and I just researched it. People claim its a beast of a pre workout. Keep pushing hard and eating clean

i def felt something going to 100mg of TNE. i think ill only keep it to 1ml for delts but ill go a little higher on the glutes. i clearly remember, going off on an old man driving a corvette. poor sap didn't know what the hell he was doing. parallel parking on an entrance to an parking lot. yeah, i know , retarded shit. so i was like "what the fuck old man" LOL. then when i got to the gym, i had more focus. i wouldn't say i felt like superman, but i did notice something. maybe constant use will increase the advantages and help me gain more strength, plus whatever strength i get from test p and oral tren. if this doesn't turn me into superman, i don't know what will. had a 125lb dumbbell.... YES, ONE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE LB dumbbell. i was working the chest with it. where you hold the dumbbell with both hands and just push up and down. works the chest like a fucking boss! well, usually i toss the weight to my left when im done, but this time i decided to toss right. damn weight, scraped my right nipple area. hahah, was like, oh shit i hurt something, but im all good. ive had worse incidents. doing the donkey kick machine and having 100lbs smash into my right calf. needless to say, i got the leg out enough to where the edge of the leg thing coming back was the only thing that smashed into the meat. weirdest thing really, because after it hit me, i stood there for about 30 seconds. i was waiting for something to happen, maybe a tear, or a rip, snap, whatever, and i just finished up my sets and continued with my workout. yeah it bruised up like a motherfucker a few days later, but the initial blunt trauma caused me no pain what so ever. hmm.