test p/tne/var/oral Tren cycle 16 weeks- 3rd cycle log

p.s. i also started incorporating helios as well. been using it for a couple days now. i have about 6 more or so 10ml bottles of some geneza pharm helios. currently im only injecting love handles and thats it. see what happens :)
edit. will stop using helios as it is not needed and i hate the stupid injection mark they leave behind, . probably sell them on ebay lol. nothing to report so far. i started out my dosages for oral tren at 500mcg . so 250mcg x 2 per day. today is day 3 and i haven't really noticed any "effect". i did notice that i was extremely tired this morning on why way to work. could be a side of oral tren that i was experiencing. will go until sunday of next week before i say it's fake, but i think its too early to throw in the towel. for next week of oral tren usage i will bump up my dosage to 750mcg to see. i want to see the scale swing one way or the other, and i want to feel some sides that i know would be from tren. everything else is going according to plan. the thing i notice the most is that even though im in week 2 of my cycle, im noticing extremely fast recovery. i could literally do my shoulders/back all over again today, and i worked out my shoulders/back last night. so thats good. not really seeing any over the top raging boners. tne i think is doing its magic i think so. lets move forward and do this shit!
so far, nothing to report on the validity of oral tren. if its the real deal, i should def feel it by end of next week. if not, im tossing that shit out. i have 3 vials of tren ace, i can easily go to if this shit is bunk. the tren ace is also anabolic nation.
I say go with the ace :D I'm in week 5 of mine and workouts are getting insane and the pumps are unreal! You're getting closer to that goal. Keep pushing bud
just burned off 2 more lbs. now im 202.2

scratch that. just gained .08lbs of lbm . i now weight 203 . i have also decided to just ditch the oral tren all together. i think ill be fine on testp/tne/var for a while. i didnt feel shit and i have been running OT for like 4 days. so not really going to go and fuck some potentially bad juju shit up. so yeah, im going to do that. plus i dont got caber, so probably best to quit while ahead and no sides,prolactin,etc.... that comes with it. but i am a little uppity though. just barely . not sure . pinned 62.5mg of test p and 100mg tne, 1.5ml in right deltoid lol. went to the gym and just pounded out a solid 40 min of chest. bamn, got my shake and left. then got home and got high. LOL. and had 7 oz of skirt steak and 2 eggs. what now . eating clean eating mean. burning off that fat!
just gained .6lbs of additional lbm

p.s. will post a pic at end of august. i am already starting to see results, and i cant wait. god bless the calorie counter. HAHA.
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just gained .6lbs of additional lbm

p.s. will post a pic at end of august. i am already starting to see results, and i cant wait. god bless the calorie counter. HAHA.

forgot to update main page. current weight yesterday was 204.2 when i gained .6 to go from 203.6 to 204.2. today i weighed in as usual , (daily basis) , i have went to 205.2. another gain of +1lb LBM! . im using a online calculator so i know how many cals i have per day to lose so many lbs in a week. but i cant believe im just taking off, being that week 2 and it being so early that im producing gains like its nobodys buisness , unless the anavar has something to do with it?
i will take a rest day only on a sunday that i dont pin, so every 2 weeks. so for week 2, it was a very good week, with fat loss and muscle gain. lets see if we can do even more in week 3
was bored during my off day , that i decided to shoot straight TNE 250mg = 2.5ml in the left glute. i did 200 yesterday and felt pretty good, but now after going up to 250, i started sweatin, during injection, and almost like , i was standing there and just dropped my jaw , and spaced out for a few seconds. even now, i feel more like, this pent up energy , just typing. almost on another level. ill do a rest day another time, . im going to go into the gym and tear something up, i just know it. got nothing but triceps today. hit them shits, nice and hard. oh yeah, ive noticed my voice get even deeper.
yeah. another 1lb of fat bites the dust. that's how it was last week, had a few days of fat loss , and a few days of LBM gains. lets see if we can reproduce that again this week. if i can keep over 200lbs this will be fucking epic. anyways, turns out, that i know why i am a completely sweaty animal when im done with my workout. its the TNE! , im just going balistic in the gym. i keep my routine to about 45min each night. you don't need anymore and i don't need cardio, because im losing fat as is just by watching my calorie intake. if i knew it was this fucken easy, i would have never bulked in the first place and just kept lean, to build lbm only! . anyways, thats' the past but the future will be even better. fuckin a!
now i have pinpointed the sweats. at 100mg which i have dubbed the "sweet spot", is good enough. im sweating like a marathon runner after finishing my 3rd set of the first exercise. So tonight it looks like it will be shoulders. Not really keeping tabs on what muscle group to hit, but i do try to keep the body guessing. as usual, im updating on a daily basis. 25 more days, before i post some more pics. i should be in week 5 or 6 for those pics. so i think ill probably, stay away from tren ace, BUT............. when the TNE runs out, i might have to try it out. I hear that the tren-ace that i have is supposed to be some top quality shit, and make no mistake, that the tne and test p and anavar from the same lab is def g2g. each morning im noticing a smaller pooch on the stomach. the love handles are pretty much gone, but they will be gone forever by the time i hit end of month. ill go as best as i can and if i can go more i will. i dont give a fuck, i want to be a complete head turner when im done.
so i lost another 1lb of fat, because my top 4 abs at least are coming into play very nicely. im safe to say that im probably under 12% now. i almost had an accident so luckily i only pulled , maybe not even , maybe over strained the right side on the back upper right. by the right shoulder. so ill just skip shoulders and back next tuesday and give it 2 full weeks just to make sure. so ill concentrate more on the chest and arms and core for those 2 weeks. ok wednesday, give me those FUCKING GAINS NOW!
apparently , i have decided that im not going to continuously weigh myself , because my body i guess has entered its "i dont wanna" , bitch period. so my weight isn't really getting anything worth while , because of this. ill weigh myself, sunday. after that i wont weight myself till the following sundays from there on. so no update today,. just went to the gym and did some biceps, shoulders, chest, shrugs. so an all around type of workout. something to throw a wrench in my routine, to keep my muscles guessing