So I'm starting first cycle, thought I had already started a few weeks ago, but turns out is was bunk.....quite the placebo
effect I had! Wasnt very knowledgeable about effects, what to expect, etc, until hitting the web for TONS of info, so got blood work
and boom, i was on fake shit. With that said, Im glad it happened (a lot of unecessary pinning tho) and Im now g2g with some
quality shit. On day 3 of Test prop 150mg eod and dbol 50mg ed. Anyway heres some natty pics to compare results in the
upcoming weeks of my first cycle. Don't know if I'm prone to gyno yet, but want to try and keep bloat down so using Aromatase inhibitor (AI) eod, i
have pct, and hcg. I basically bought one of everything as far as ancillaries. 23g x 1.5, switch draw and inj, glutes and ventro
glutes for now gonna add dif sites as needed, not having a problem with pip. BTW, 28, 5'10", 180.
Not very good pictures, didnt know what angles or what muscles, also i was trying to do it myself.
Any questions, constructive criticism advice? I appreciate any and all responses.
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