doesn't look like you have any bloat at all. If anything, it looks as if you've leaned out comparably to your progress pics in post #9 (3rd pic compared to the 1st) I just started this exact cycle...great results thus far man.
Ya, thanks's going good...strength is WAY up....Good luck and enjoy the ride!
UPDATE: Going into week 5 my appetite is just GONE, now I know what they mean about orals decreasing appetite! I will be out of the Dbols soon enough though. I'm gonna miss 'em for sure!!!
Nips have been getting sore the last few days...upped my Aromasin to 12.5 ed instead of eod, hope that will be enough....still not much bloat that I can notice....skins not to oily, no acne and no atrophy (maybe slightly). I was expecting some kind of sides. I certainly don't want them, but it just seems odd to me that I don't. IDK..
I am still up 15 lbs going on a little over 30 days, I'm feeling pretty its not just water weight. I feel like I've even lost some fat in the process!!!
Still hittin' hard...same old small new pics besides my avatar....I'm just gonna wait til there is a big difference...rather than post pics every 2 weeks, ( I'm kinda hatin all the pics I've posted!!.. i don't know why)....
Anyways....thanks for the support fellas

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