Test Prop, Dbol first timer w/PICS

[Did you ever confront the source on GEAR?

QUOTE=popeye50;3160160]So I'm starting first cycle, thought I had already started a few weeks ago, but turns out is was bunk.....quite the placebo

effect I had! Wasnt very knowledgeable about effects, what to expect, etc, until hitting the web for TONS of info, so got blood work

and boom, i was on fake shit. With that said, Im glad it happened (a lot of unecessary pinning tho) and Im now g2g with some

quality shit. On day 3 of Test prop 150mg eod and dbol 50mg ed. Anyway heres some natty pics to compare results in the

upcoming weeks of my first cycle. Don't know if I'm prone to gyno yet, but want to try and keep bloat down so using Aromatase inhibitor (AI) eod, i

have pct, and hcg. I basically bought one of everything as far as ancillaries. 23g x 1.5, switch draw and inj, glutes and ventro

glutes for now gonna add dif sites as needed, not having a problem with pip. BTW, 28, 5'10", 180.

Not very good pictures, didnt know what angles or what muscles, also i was trying to do it myself.

Any questions, constructive criticism advice? I appreciate any and all responses.
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up to 189 lbs just gt done chest/bis, great workout...was sick a couple days ago...didnt do shit....i needed a day off anyhow lol

I dont know why but havin trouble reachin around to my glutes lately, pinnned left glute yesterday and was all over the place, most pip Ive ever had. Im gonna have to add another site...glutes just aint gonna fly anymore....still lovin ventro glutes tho!...zero pip before during after, I wish I had more ventros then 2 lol

tired...more soon!
Well...just had my first side effect...that Ive noticed anyway...besides from being tired starting my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) too soon....right from the get go.

I'm in the middle of a shoulder routine right now and my nose started bleeding pretty bad. Nothing too serious I dont think, it stopped within a couple minutes......but still.

I took a break for a minute , checked my BP--130/90....HR--87 bpm.....so not too high ....but a little higher than my normal

I'm thinking its just the massive weight increase Im throwing up on shoulder presses, and incorrrect breathing.....or IDK...THE DBOL...lol...(not laughing at seriousness, just at my reasoning)

More soon....I'm gonna continue workout!!!
O ya....and my appetite seems to be decreasing lately...no signs of gyno, (I quit taking my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) because I was feeling run down), no atrophy, little to no change in acne and skin isnt too oily, YET...but I'm feeling like its all about to change, hopefully not. I may just be one of the lucky ones with little to no sides!!! Crossing fingers!!

My strength and size has increased however.

In week 3, Still going strong!!! HITTIN IT

Thinking about getting bloods again soon to see where Im at....
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Good stuff brotha, keep it pumping. I've had small amounts of blood in my snot lately, could be a busted blood vessel from bp. How much weight you up since day one now ?
Good stuff brotha, keep it pumping. I've had small amounts of blood in my snot lately, could be a busted blood vessel from bp. How much weight you up since day one now ?

Yeeaahh buddy....!!!

Im currently sittin at 192lbs, as we speak, but I tend to fluctuate a pound or two daily

Started at 180lbs on 9-27....17 days ago

I still don't really feel or look bloated, so I don't think its too much water weight, but I dont know for sure.

Still eatin' like a champ...every couple hours...VERY CLEAN diet with MINIMAL sodium intake, and LOTS of water!!! I do have my cheat days, however....

I have been pinning every other day almost EXACTLY the same time. The dbol..... not so scheduled. With the half-life being so short, it would be hard to stay on top of it. I have just been taking 25mg pre-workout and the other 25mg roughly 12 hours apart. Realistically I should be splitting dose up over 8 hour increments (actually about 6 hours), but not worried about it at the moment.

With that said....It's goin good!!!!
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How much weight you up since day one now ?

I'd say roughly 10% increase overall in weight per workout in the last few weeks....some exercises less, some more

I basically shoot to increase max weight by at least 5-10 pounds every week for all routines...Some more than others, but some, not so much
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So i got blatantly outed by a family member today....

They nonchalantly threw the phrase "it could be the steroids" into a conversation we were having that had nothing to do with what we were talking about!!!!! It was pretty awkward!!!

Turns out 12 pounds of muscle in three weeks makes it a little hard to 'fly under the radar'!!!

If no one notices, you ain't doin' it right!!! smh...lol
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Looking good bro! I'll b doing the same Cycle here in a few months. Just got it all in today can't wait to start pinning! Looking foreward to see how it works out for ya. Keep throwing up that iron bud!!
So on day 22, appetite's coming back a bit again. Lost it for a few days when I was sick but I'm back to near 4000 cals. Lots of tuna, peanut butter, fruit, greek yogurt, eggs, chicken, turkey, ham, salads, cheat foods--some tacos here and there and gotta throw in them mcnuggets every now and then..lol...also a couple protein shakes. Basically snack all day at work. Bring all kinds of shit with me!

Pinning every other day is getting old pretty quick...it won't be to be bad when I add some additional sites to my roto. I'm still only stabbin' glutes and ventro glutes...The glutes are becoming a real pain in the ass to do though...literally!! Not sure what other site I am going to add, but it needs to be soon!!

Wake up, EAT, Bust my ass at work, EAT, bust my ass at the gym, EAT, sleep, EAT, repeat, EAT!

It's going good, however, I did have to restart my Aromasin, not sure if my nip slightly hurts from gyno or what, so began low dose aromasin e/o/d, a couple days ago.

May post pics in a week or so.

More soon!!!
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10/20/12 - NEW PROGRESS PIC on FIRST PAGE on #9

D-bol kickin' full BLAST!

Will add some pre-cycle flexing positions soon!

Let me know what you think!!
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Man...it doesn't look like you have any bloat at all. If anything, it looks as if you've leaned out comparably to your progress pics in post #9 (3rd pic compared to the 1st) I just started this exact cycle...great results thus far man.