Test Prop from Synovex-H


New member
Would it be cheaper/better to get premade bottles of test prop or would it be cheaper/better to make my own test prop from Synovex-H?

If I was to make my own using Synovex-H it would cost me around $225 for 10g. Is it worth it? And is the conversion process the total opposite of tren, is it hard?
It involves more steps than tren, and you have to do something about that pesky estradiol in the synovex. Either save some cash and make up some tne, or use an "estrogen solubilizer" that'l cost you 40 or more bucks. I say buy the premade bottles or buy powder. $23 bucks a gram for prop is outa this world.
Yea well there are no places that sell powder online. And I don't want to look for a powder source anywhere.

Whats tne? And the price of $225 includes a kit with an estrogen solubilizer.
For your investment of $225 you should be able to get a kit to convert 10 carts. That is 20 grams.

If you don't have a good source for pre-made, or a powder source, then converting syno is the next cheapest way. I used to do it a lot, before all the powder sources started popping up.
gymphreak said:
tne = two injections a day every day.....


ooh -- I see what you're saying... I thought you saying that TNE was an abbrivation for two injections every day *lol* But you're saying that you've got to inject tne twice a day every day...

IIIIIIIII get what you're saying now
Ok so I would need 5 carts of Synovex-H along with a 5c kit(Dazed) to make roughly 100ml @ 100mg/ml...correct?
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Also when the instructions say risne it out with water, after filtering the test prop out of the methanol solution, how much water is used? And when it says let it dry, do they completely dry of all water? Should heat be used to help the drying process?

And baking it for 1 hour at 275 would be a good idea after your all done, right?
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Cleared my first question up for myself. 5 carts along with a 5c kit would give me 50ml @100mg/ml. Anyone know about my question right above this post?
Ok the first question you answered yourself is wrong. It is not 50ml's, but 100ml's.
5 carts along with Dazed's 5 cart kit will yeild 100ml's at 100mg/ml.
5carts=10 grams of test.

On the rinsing step....i would rinse at least a gallon of water through it. The rinsing is what removes the estradiol, so the more you rinse it, the better. If you don't rinse it enough, you are leaving some estradiol in there.

On the drying step.....you must have it completely dry before adding it to the oil/solvent......otherwise it turns out cloudy because of the moisture.
A lot of guys will put it in the oven at a low temp to speed up drying...........I advise against this. I have read at least 20 posts, where the guy puts it in the oven, and his oven is hotter than he thinks, and his powder melts all over, and is lost. Just be patient, and let it air dry.....it only takes a couple days. Break up the clumps, as it dries.

Just take your time, and don't rush anything, and you will end up with a good final product.
100ml? Even better. :)

I am pressed for time so I might have to use my oven for drying. I will be using it at a temp of 165 F for 2 hours. Ive read about many people doing it this way and no problems.

I hope Dazed sends my kit very fast. It seems he takes breaks sometimes and you either wait a few weeks for your package or its there the same week. A lot of mixed reviews. Kit looks great though.
I got my kit in five days. I haven't converted yet and I don't know if I actually will now. My hair keeps looking shittier and shittier after my last test cycle. It really thinned my hair out even on Avodart and spiro.
Has anyone very recently ordered from dazed? I don't really want to wait too long as I need my prop pronto. My source charges way too much so Id rather buy a more expensive kit on universalkits and have it here after a couple days. My source sells prop $20/ml, I dunno wat brand as when I heard this price I hung up on him. What an asshole. I could get soo much prop by making it myself with that much money. In fact that's what im gonna do. :D
i bought a desk lamp to dry my powder, works like a charm in a few hours! and as far as TNE goes, you dont have to take 2shots a day. it may be better , but not necessary. the oil slows down the absorbtion but you must inject daily. not eod like prop.
jynx said:
Has anyone very recently ordered from dazed? I don't really want to wait too long as I need my prop pronto. My source charges way too much so Id rather buy a more expensive kit on universalkits and have it here after a couple days. My source sells prop $20/ml, I dunno wat brand as when I heard this price I hung up on him. What an asshole. I could get soo much prop by making it myself with that much money. In fact that's what im gonna do. :D

20 bucks per ml? damn i need to be sellin roids for a living.