Test Prop powder

Does anyone have pics and info about what to expect from Test Prop powder.. ie handling, smell. Also, how about a perfect recipe for "close to painless" test prop using oil,powder,ba and bb only??

I think smells like bubblegum lol
People on here say its smells like pine wtf
Over here in Canada, powder smells YOU
Test Enanthate smells exactly like a piney fruity smell.
Test Prop however smells a bit like bubble gum. Not a very strong smell though, maybe like a peice of bubble gum that has been chewed for a while!!!

As for painless test prop. Bro if you want painless test prop at 100mg/ml or higher then get some cut powders or underdosed gear from some of our popular UGL's cuz REAL HIGH QUALITY test prop powders brewed at 100mg/ml or more is going to have slight pain to it!!!! Test prop is suppose to hurt a bit. I mean, not like HELL but a bit.
So......... make your prop at 60mg/ml like most UGL's do and put a label on it saying 100mg/ml so you will feel better about it and enjoy painless gear, lol.
Otherwise, use 18/2 ratios on your BB and BA, 10-20% of oil volume in EO and powder at whatever you want!!!
The benefits of prop outweigh the mild pain that accompanies the product.
I laugh when I hear people bragging in the gym about their "Painless" prop from some overseas UGL when I ask them "really??? so how many mg per week are you using?" and the reply is always "well I shoot 1 1/2 cc every other day of my prop 100 and I have gained 15 pounds in 1 month" lol, that equates to 500mg per week of their "painless product", I and two of my bros that use the prop I brew can go on a prop cycle after being off cycle for a bit and put on upwards of 20lb and even more in one case in a months time and we never use more than 350mg a week vs their 500mg a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At 100mg/cc and 1 cc eod that equates to 350mg a week. Hmmmmmmm seems like 150mg a week less in a months time would in no way compare to 500mg a week of prop but instead the lower but TRUE dose of 350 gives twice the gains!!!! LOL Ha ha, fucking underdosed shit!!! I can't beleive how much money I wasted on that underdosed shit over the years!!!
The shit that my friend has
When i smelled the powders, its like a strong bubblegum/grape/blueberry/fruit smell...almost burning my nose its that strong.. but its a nice smell
I also injected the prop, and i was sore for about a week...

If it was fake powder, what could mimic it? Benzyl Powder? Something that burns when you inject it and melts in fingers too...?
Im not dumb, Its just hard when you're in Can*** because you can't speak to anyone local or get help.
I need a pro like Jstarks
The shit that my friend has
When i smelled the powders, its like a strong bubblegum/grape/blueberry/fruit smell...almost burning my nose its that strong.. but its a nice smell
I also injected the prop, and i was sore for about a week...

If it was fake powder, what could mimic it? Benzyl Powder? Something that burns when you inject it and melts in fingers too...?
Im not dumb, Its just hard when you're in Can*** because you can't speak to anyone local or get help.
I need a pro like Jstarks[/COLOR]

Jstarks is a BEAST!! He should charge for his expertise :yesway::yesway:
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The shit that my friend has
When i smelled the powders, its like a strong bubblegum/grape/blueberry/fruit smell...almost burning my nose its that strong.. but its a nice smell
I also injected the prop, and i was sore for about a week...

If it was fake powder, what could mimic it? Benzyl Powder? Something that burns when you inject it and melts in fingers too...?
Im not dumb, Its just hard when you're in Can*** because you can't speak to anyone local or get help.
I need a pro like Jstarks

Well honestly, I'm no beast guys, and definately not the knowledge guru by no means. But I have dibbled into I dunno, I think about 30 or so orders now, and 5 different sources and 15 different products not including sildenafil and the post cycle therapy (pct) shit and I've had prop from 3 different legit sources and maybe it's just where my nose is not quiet as good as most peoples' (I don't smell things as well as others... Allergies) The smell of the bubble gum was not strong to me with any of the prop I've had. But seeing as when you described it as smelling like bubble gum I went directly to my prop powders and smelt them and I somewhat related it to a smell of gum like you said, I just agreed that there was a slight gum smell. Before you mentioned gum however, I really didn't have anything in mind as to the way it smelt. Funny how when people mention something only then can you associate the smell you couldn't place to what it smells like! lol....
Also, what I consider to be a mild smell, another might think it strong.
All I know is that I was on one of the bags of prop I got from my best source and now only source and I swear the truth here that I gained 23 OVERALL (not pure muscle) pounds in one freaking months time and I felt the biggining effects in less than a day!!!!!
It helps also that I have years of experience with the popular UGL's you see and hear of around this site with over 18 different products that they offer to compare my brew results to!!!! I put on more weight and get super pumps over what I felt on our famous UGL's gear dose for dose!!!!
Why do you think the prices of some of our favorite UGL's are SUUUUUUUUUPER LOW???? Well if I were putting only 175mg/ml in a vial labeled 250mg/ml and selling it for 20 bucks cheaper than the competition what would you buy.... If it said 250??? 175mg twice a week to a newbie and someone who doesnt have a clue will work enough to blow their mind and think its bomb shit!!!!! Then they're hooked not having a clue that there is much better and OVERALL cheaper dose for dose gear out there, especially when you dose it yourself!!!

Fucking Hilarious!!!
Also, to address the burn and pain you described.
I had pains like that in particular muscles back when I first started pinning. But it was because of virgin muscle.
As for the BB concentration, I don't beleive this would cause that as I test pinned BB strait. I pinned a 1/4 cc of pure BB once to try to see what was my bodys reaction caused by and there was no pain at all. It was the EO that was causing me inflammation. I also injected 1/4 cc of BA and I had pain but no burning!!!
Never had any burning with prop either. maybe it was a nerve, like nicked a small one or pushing in the liquid right on a nerve or something.
Prop is unmistakeable!!!!! Pumps will be amazing in at least 3 days or the shit is not great shit.
I never base gear on the amount of weight gained because most of us know that gear doesn't put weight on you.... It's the food and water things you eat and drink that put weight on you. So basing the quality of gear on weight gain is pointless. If a person is on the HIGHEST quality gear ever made and is eating like an etheopian then he will surely lose, not gain, weight!!!! And if a person just simply eats better, changes their diet, and eats a shitload more WITHOUT GEAR they will gain weight!!!!
I base gear strength and quality on the feeling in the gym, the explosive pump, the tingle, the vasodilation. Where my nose doesn't work so well, I make up for it with the "in-tune-ness" with my body. I am so in tune with my body that I can feel every slight change. LOL, like a traditional chinese Kung Fu master or Buddist Monks ability through meditation to control their heart rate and all that BS sorta!!! I can tell changes really well and gauge things pretty good!
As I said before, I don't have a nose like you guys obviously do.... Rasberries don't have a smell to me!!!! I dunno.... Guess I'm just weird!!!
Hmmm crystaly??? sounds more like Iso test the way you describe how crystally it is.... Did you do a melt point test?
I posted a whole thread on how I do melt points that works really well... This will let you know if you have prop. I don't rely on smell for much except a hand full of compounds that have LOUD smells...
As for the concentrations..... 2% and 18% will hold Prop fine without EO. But you need to know that your Prop is legit first!!!
As far as Painless prop, maybe without EO you can have painless 100mg/ml prop. I am sensitive to EO as is 25-35% of everyone else but I use it anyway and I've only ever pinned prop in the legs and thats a painful place for me anyway so I dunno.... Maybe it's the EO or maybe it's the legs.... But either way, I've never had Painless prop except when I was using prop that was WEAK AS HELL from UGL's.
some areas the powder is extremely fine and almost sparkles when the light reflects off it and in others not so powdery fine. It has no taste at all.

How about that melt point test???

Looks different than my prop but that could just simply be due to mine may be ground up more than yours!!! I mean I'm not sure the manufacturing process of this stuff but different techniques and equipment could result in a different consistency and probably even different smell from products that don't have a LOUD smell like TREN E and TEST E EQ ect... you cannot hide those smells!!!
Do a melt point test!!!
My Isocaproate look more like that!!!
no melt point test yet...will tonight then update. What would be a good everyday store that would have a decent thermometer? Walmart?

Hmmm idk about wally world for good thermos. I get mine from scientific places. Lab equip places... If you're going to be doing this brew stuff bro, you need to invest in some good thermos!!!
I got mine from RLS, its the digital one.

How about storage of powders? I had mine in a tupper ware, but found the smell would leak and stink up my cupboard. I switched to one with a rubber seal, will see what happens.
I keep mine in the cubbord too, room temp, and no melting of any kind.
I got mine from RLS, its the digital one.

How about storage of powders? I had mine in a tupper ware, but found the smell would leak and stink up my cupboard. I switched to one with a rubber seal, will see what happens.
I keep mine in the cubbord too, room temp, and no melting of any kind.

I always keep mine sealed up really well and in the fridge.
Lastnight I took some powder and placed it on a piece of aluminum and set the oven at 245F after letting it pre heat for a couple minutes and I had the oven light on with a brand new bulb and just when I thought I would never hear the oven ready elert signal go off or see the powder do anything, the signal went off and there went the powder!! I mean within 2 seconds! Once melted the liquid had the appearance of a super glue (very clear app.) I am going to double check once I go in to town and the a therm.
Oven 8 months old.. what's your thoughts Starks?

Well if that is exactly how it went as you describe... Then bro that is prop and you're good!!!
Just play around with it!