Test prop what the hell - quad is swollen. first cycle


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added Pics - Test prop what the hell - quad is swollen. first cycle

So I have been reading up on this stuff for awhile now on this site, so I thought I knew a lot about test prop and other steroids but didn't see this coming.

on test prop 1.25 EOD and Anavar 20mg x2 a day

I injected friday night into my quad it is now Sunday. 1.25CC. I hate flipping needles so first off these are the things I did wrong that I know.
1" needle I pushed it 7/8ths of the way in.
Didn't wait 30 seconds after injection and didn't pull out slow and didn't rub for long just jumped in the shower to cool off before I passed out. Again afraid of needles.
Leg started to hurt in 30 mins and had a limp. Next day my leg started to swell and I woke up with body aches.
I am thinking the body aches were from being dehydrated because the night of injection I went out and drank. The body aches went away after pounding water for 6 hours.
I would say the part swollen is the size of a small nerf football, it is hot and red.
Everywhere I read people who posts on this subject says don't worry prop hurts like hell and it will go away in a few days.
Well I messed up my injection. I have another injection today I was thinking of doing the glute on the same leg as long as there isn't something else going on.

But now I am also wondering will this continue to happen everywhere I pin? If so the pain and not being able to train is not worth it.

Thanks in advance for the help.
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So I have been reading up on this stuff for awhile now on this site, so I thought I knew a lot about test prop and other steroids but didn't see this coming.

on test prop 1.25 EOD and Anavar 20mg x2 a day

I injected friday night into my quad it is now Sunday. 1.25CC. I hate flipping needles so first off these are the things I did wrong that I know.
1" needle I pushed it 7/8ths of the way in.
Didn't wait 30 seconds after injection and didn't pull out slow and didn't rub for long just jumped in the shower to cool off before I passed out. Again afraid of needles.
Leg started to hurt in 30 mins and had a limp. Next day my leg started to swell and I woke up with body aches.
I am thinking the body aches were from being dehydrated because the night of injection I went out and drank. The body aches went away after pounding water for 6 hours.
I would say the part swollen is the size of a small nerf football, it is hot and red.
Everywhere I read people who posts on this subject says don't worry prop hurts like hell and it will go away in a few days.
Well I messed up my injection. I have another injection today I was thinking of doing the glute on the same leg as long as there isn't something else going on.

But now I am also wondering will this continue to happen everywhere I pin? If so the pain and not being able to train is not worth it.

Thanks in advance for the help.
Im thinking bad injection technique is causing the pain but I could be wrong,What lab are you using?
if your afraid of needles why are you running prop bro, go with cyp or E

Agreed. Should have done cyp or e. if us swollen that big something prob went wrong. Double check source. And watch a video on you tube called "how to inject testosterone."
yeah test prop HURTS, but shouldn't cause a fucking nerf sized football lump. red around the area as well? probably infection. did you sterilize the top of the vial with an alcohol pad, then sterilize the injection site with a DIFFERENT alcohol pad? did the needle or top of the vial touch anything after sterilization and before injecting? could be dirty gear. could be your fault. if it gets worse or doesn't get any better in the next 2 days you need to go to a doctor.
I sterlized everything as normal. Source is a homebrew. Everyone told me I would get over the fear of pinning after a few.
hmmmm the size of a nurf ball an red and swollen, damn bro, usually test prop if anything new to prop u wind up with " peg leg" like it hurts to walk on that leg but other then to be swollen like that there is something wrong bro with either dirty gear or not sterilizing the top of the vile or NOT rubbing an alcohol swab pad on the site of injection
Also did u use the same needle to draw and inject? u didnt mention anything of the sort u used 2 different needles or NOT!, 1 to draw and 1 to inject
If u only used 1 needle to draw and inject, your needle would be dull as fuck from going through the rubber stopper on the vile bro!
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I used two needles. I sterilized everything, with isoproply alcohol pads. The site, the top of the vial and my hands were washed.
Damn thats what I have been reading prop does. My guy that I got it from said take ibuprofen and bendryl, cause its stuck above the muscle. He thinks I need a bigger than a 1" shot because my legs are so big What muscle should I do the next shot on?
for the price of syringe and needle, it's just best to swap the needle out that u used to draw and replace with a fresh needle to pin
i dunno but here in canada they are dirt cheap like 20 cents with a 3cc syringe and needle
And like stated, if u are afraid of needle's why would u go with Test Prop Bro, pinning eod?
U should of went with Test C or E or even sustanon brotha!
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God damn, i would try to take a hot shower, and massage it afterwards. If it continues to hurt and swell up further, hot to the touch, flu like symptoms, i would go see a doc for some antibiotics.

I myself have experienced that with prop a few times, massages after massages work, and eventually go away.
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I get that with prop. You lean to deal with it after a while... it's my first cycle and I've pinned 7 times so far and each with the same result... PIP and slight swelling afterwards. the degree of which varies though
I've got the same kind of thing going on my first delt injectection with prop. Never had this issue with sust on my first cycle. Hopefully it gets easier with future injects :)
Heat it up in hot water before sucking it up in the pin do it in your ass top outer side towards the hip tense up to feel were the muscle is put it in at 90 degreae pull back to make sure theres no blood then slowly push in afterwards rub the area and you should be fine same with legs top outer sides