Test prop's PIP is a fucking whore and a half fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Test e no pip. Which that was the case for me. This strango test e has a little. I don't feel it the first couple days but by the third I can feel it. Nothing major just irritating. It's prolly my virgin muscles and technique but its bearable lol
Thades you sound like a smart individual. My reasoning for saying that is usually people run test suspension when they are more advanced and have a certain goal that is not a normal steroid users goal. Lol what was your reasoning behind running suspension MR.Thades lol.

I like suspension for two reasons. 1. If you are diligent about getting consistent bloodwork, know exactly how much of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to use, and are willing to inject 2-3x per day, nothing blows you up faster than suspension. If you have your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dialed in it will not be all water too, i actually can stay pretty dry on suspension at 25mg ed of aromasin.

2. Suspension is THE BEST preworkout boost available, in my opinion, 200mg two hours preworkout will make you a BEAST. Only thing that compares to Susp as a preworkout that i've experienced would be halo, maybe, and cheque drops(which i dont recommend to anyone)
It is Testosterone Acetate, Optimum Pharma gave that stuff to me to inject together with Trenbolone Acetate.
It have low oil solubility so it cannot be too high mg/ml
but injecting low dosage ED is very effective method
For example my stuff was 70 mg Test Ace + 60 mg Tren Ace in 1 ml
ED 1 ml was spectacular results. Also BEST bang for a buck
100 mg Test prop gives 83 mg test, 100 mg Test Ace gives 87 mg , also less pain than prop.
Steroids is scientific art ....
i get no pip whatsoever on my testolic test prop. im starting to think its the ugl's giving pip
It is Testosterone Acetate, Optimum Pharma gave that stuff to me to inject together with Trenbolone Acetate.
It have low oil solubility so it cannot be too high mg/ml
but injecting low dosage ED is very effective method
For example my stuff was 70 mg Test Ace + 60 mg Tren Ace in 1 ml
ED 1 ml was spectacular results. Also BEST bang for a buck
100 mg Test prop gives 83 mg test, 100 mg Test Ace gives 87 mg , also less pain than prop.
Steroids is scientific art ....

I gotta check this out..
Sounds delicious..
Any tren cough while pinning?
got wicked pip the first 2 weeks of using it. couldn't even get outta bed at first. sucked it up and now i barely get sore anymore from it. the frequent injections suck tho due to faster scar tissue buildup and just having to pin eod. also, get some bodyache the next day whenever i pin delts, duno why.. but ibuprofen makes it all good again.
it hurts but i've ran test e for 14 weeks, i've been on the phenylprop for almost 2 now, already had more gains on this than i did the e the whole time I ran it, it's a little uncomfortable but it's also 166mg unlike most that is 100mg. I love it. will never use long esthers again. I pinned my delt today, first time ever pinning there. it's a tad sore, i'll know how sore tomorrow i suppose. yea prop has some pip but given the results it gives you, i'll take it over e or c any fucking day!! that with a little tbol and i'm good to go. not saying anything is wrong with only using enanthate or cyp, prop don't hurt any worse than the sand between you guys bitching about it vagina. lol j/k
I agree that pain levels from test prop can be different depending on how the ugl makes it. It seems like test prop that is made with EO is less painful. But who knows, it is anyone's guess. I don't mind the pain either way since I always have other muscular pains and joint pains from working out anyway.
Then again, I almost never get PIP from using pharma-grade AAS. The only time I seem to get leveled with injections, even in larger muscles, is with UGLs. I'm not casting stones here, but I can't help but think the production quality has more than a little bit to do with it.
I'm planning on running an NPP/Test Prop cycle next. I'm running a Sustonon cycle now at 500mg a week to try and get used to the prop.
I heard from training partner that the pain from prop was BAD for the first 2 injections in each muscle- then it was REDUCED alot, like way way less. So, once you 'break in' the muscle it was fine for me. Also- quad hurt the most. Glute + delt hurt less.
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Yup, acetate is the fastest ester used for steroids. Here is the order from fastest to slowest: Acetate, undecanoate, propionate, isocaproate, phenyl propionate, enanthate, decanoate, and cypionate being the longest. I don't know of any others used.
Need a little advice..

This is my second time using WC brand prop 200. I'm shooting .75 EOD (comes out to 150) alternating glutes...im 3 weeks in and its getting tougher to poke... I'm assuming bc of scar tissue. *The pain is the same as last time I did it, but im starting to have to go every 3 days instead of EOD. I have lumps that I have to really rub out and they last right up until the next poke. *To limit the pain I heat it up the oil in a cup of hot water, *I use a heating pad at night, and I try to run or walk after the shot.*

Regardless I still get swelling and hard lumps. *Do you think the lumps are the prop? Or could it be scar tissue? *Could i have bad batch? WC seems to have a good reputation from everything i read..The lumps go down the more I rub them.*

Was thinking of trying a new injection spot, but I'm dreading it. I don't think I will be able to walk, or move my arms if I go to the thigh or shoulder.*

I actually don't mind the discomfort, my only concerns are should Keep trying poke through that scar tissue? Or do I bite the bullet and try a new spot..I'm using 1 1/2" 22 gauge, so if I switch to thigh or shoulder should I go to 1" and smaller gauge ?

Any advice is appreciated..I stuck with Prop bc I got nice lean gains the first time around and I'm already seeing results this time, so I really don't want to cut the cycle short.*