test question!! Please help!!

From what my steroid source said is that it is a test dose containing Test Cypionate and test Enanthate and test Propionate alltogether....

Apparently there is also a test 700 available but is quite a thick oil, very concentrated.

but that is as far as I know....
sounds good. ive seen that mix before! just make sure its eo based or it gets painful!
it will burn a little the higher the mg the more it will burn...its known as ultra test...pretty good stuff
dude i remember the 1st time i did gear like 06 the beggining...i got ultra test.. it was 350mg so i did 2 ccs in one shot lol BURNED LIKE A BITCH and man... i did 1 week in one shot...anywho ...i couldnt walk or sit down YUP THE IDIOT THAT I WAS DID 700 MG OF TEST IN ONE SITTING...THE HORROR...
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Just remeber ...its strong and then say 'oh shit dont do it like sean usmc..right.."
Thanks for your input guys!!!!!

Another question though.....

Can Masteron and Winstrol be used together as a cutting cycle and if so, how much doses of each and for how long???